hold back

  • na.阻止;踌躇;隐瞒;抑制
  • 网络退缩;控制;退缩不前

第三人称单数:holds back 现在分词:holding back 过去式:held back

hold backhold back

hold back


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold...against 记恨 hold back 踌躇,退缩不前,阻止 hold down 压制;抑制(热情等) ...


四级英语短语大全_百度文库 ... head for 走向 hold back 踌躇;阻挡;隐瞒 hold on 握住不放;等一会 ...


考研英语常考固定词组(word下载版) - 豆丁网 ... get hold of 抓住,掌握 hold back 踌躇,退缩,阻止,抑制 hold on 继续, …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold...against 记恨 hold back 踌躇,退缩不前,阻止 hold down 压制;抑制(热情等) ...


高三英语单词(附mp3听力)unit16_恒星英语 ... modest adj. 谦虚的;质朴的 hold back 退缩;踌躇 paperwork n. 文书工作 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... have on 穿着,戴着 hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制 hold on 继续,握住不放 ...


大一英语考试单元的词汇与翻译归纳_百度文库 ... What’s more 而且,此外 而且, Hold back 控制 Avoid 避免 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold...against 记恨 hold back 踌躇,退缩不前,阻止 hold down 压制;抑制(热情等) ...

What you doing' to me, girl, I can't hold back. Some hot stuff is all that I need. So why we waiting'? (Let's dance). . . 你对我做了什么,女孩,让我不能自制。我所需要的就是一些火热尤物。那为什么我们还在等待?(来跳舞吧))…
I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears if I tried to talk, and I didn't want to be a crybaby . 我担心自己只要一张口说话就会哭起来,而我又是多么不想去当一个好哭娃呀!
Sometimes, when one is not ready to open up his or her heart to someone, they often hold back there feelings and emotions. 有时候,当你准备好向一个人敞开心的时候,他们会将自己的感觉和想法藏起来。
The more you try to hold back, the harder it is to write, because you're trying to be someone you're not. 你越是犹豫,就越难写好文章。因为你一直努力成为别人,却忘了自己。
Opponents of post-meltdown reforms to corporate governance are trying to hold back change by focusing on Washington. 反对在危机过后改革公司治理的人士,正把精力集中在华盛顿方面,企图阻止变革。
The British have been a people trying desperately to hold back a booming rendition of God Save the Queen. 英国是一个竭力想让自己的国歌《天佑女王》听起来不那么高亢的民族。
"It was constructed to hold back the Illinois River so that this ground would not become a flood plain, " he said. “建造它的目的是阻挡伊利诺斯河,以免这片土地不会成为泛滥的平原,”他说道。
There was no reason to lie, no reason to hold back. I wanted him to judge me. 没有理由说谎,也没有理由遮遮掩掩,我希望他能对我作出评判。
Last month was a bit messy because Mercury was retrograde, so I had asked you to hold back on home-related purchases and projects. 上个月由于水星逆行,生活有点乱乱的。所以我当时让你在一些家庭事务和购买或者大规划方面不要轻举妄动。
We have nothing to hide or hold back from you, and indeed we dearly wish to share this grand adventure with you all. 我们没有任何事情需要对你们隐瞒,而我们真正的希望是与你们所有人分享这次伟大的冒险经历。
I asked our cashier to hold back every month a part of my salary as I shall want a lot of money around Christmas for my journey, etc. 我请我们的出纳员每月从我的工资里拿出一些攒起来,以便我圣诞节回家用。
The time came for me to leave, and though we tried to hold back, we all shed a tear. 我该走了,虽然我们都竭力忍住,但还是落泪了。
I looked at Edward for a translation, but Edward had his lips pressed tightly together, like he was trying to hold back laughter himself. 我看向爱德华想要个说法,可爱德华抿紧了嘴,好像他正在努力按捺住爆出笑声的冲动。
(Let's dance) What you're doing' to me, girl, I can't hold back. Some hot stuff is all that I need. So why we waiting'? (来跳舞吧)你对我做了什么,女孩,让我不能自制。我所需要的就是一些火热尤物。那为什么我们还在等待?
Leaning back in her chair, she closed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears. 她靠在椅子上,闭上眼睛,试图抑制住眼中的泪水。
It is not easy to discern when to hold back and when to get involved in a potentially sticky situation. 要辨别何时该忍住,何时又该介入一个可能棘手的情况并不容易。
Time magazine has begun to hold back some stories from its website, on the ground that it is now providing a decent digital alternative. 《时代周刊》已开始留出一些报道不在网站上发布,其实它现在却有很象样的电子版本在出售。
People close to me get cancer and die too soon; my prayers do not take away the pain or hold back the tolling of the bells. 我身边的人得了癌症,很快便去世了,我的祷告不能消除他们的痛苦或延缓丧钟敲响。
I tried to stop wearing diaper, but I am not able to hold back the eagerness of putting it on. 我曾经尝试不再穿纸尿片,但我不能抗拒把纸尿片穿上的渴望。
To determine if the early magnetic field was enough to hold back the rain of radiation, the team needed to know what the sun was doing. 为了确定这种早期磁场是否足够抵御辐射雨(rainofradiation),这个研究团队必须知晓那个时期太阳的情况。
He should not hold back from stimulus packages to help America out of recession. But he has huge promises to keep as well. 他不应阻止可以拯救美国走出经济萧条的刺激政策,但他也有非常重要的诺言需要遵守。
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. 要扩张你帐幕之地,张大你居所的幔子,不要限止,要放长你的绳子,坚固你的橛子。
In addition, if these habitual exporters were to become serious importers, it would be politically easier to hold back protectionism. 此外,如果这些常规出口国变成重要的进口国,那么抵制保护主义的政治难度就会下降。
On hearing their words ----you will be missed more than you know, she could no longer hold back her tears. 你不知道我们会有多想你,她的眼泪夺眶而出。
Its older brother Mendeley Desktop v0. 9. 2 beta was available for a week but we decided to add one more fix and hold back this blog post. Mendeley桌面v0.9.2测试版一个星期前已经完成,但我们决定将其发布推迟以增加更多修正。
"There were 15 of them, all of them are gone, " said the father as he strained to hold back tears. 这位竭力抑制眼泪的父亲说:“他们一行十五人全都遇难了。”
Only Lant Pritchett, one of her former professors at Harvard and a longtime friend, doesn't hold back. 只有她的长期朋友、以前在哈佛的教授之一兰特·普里奇特(LantPritchett)不做保守估计。
"Workers should not hold back from trying to improve their office environment, " Mr Sallabank said. 萨拉班克先生说,“员工不应在试图改善办公环境这个问题上畏首畏尾。”
You probably won't be able to hold back your feelings - doing so will be very difficult. 你很有可能不能控制住的情况-这样做会非常困难。
As she got up from the floor mat, a sharp pain shot through her left foot, but she fought to hold back tears. 当她从垫子上站起来时,左脚感到一阵刺骨的疼痛。她强忍住了泪水。