soviet union

  • n.苏联
  • 网络前苏联;苏维埃联盟;苏维埃联邦

soviet unionsoviet union

soviet union


苏联SOVIET UNION) 发表你的评价 你的评价 马上按赞 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知识+ 粉丝团 相关问答 知识问题 | 俄国国旗的由 …


到了20世纪90年代,剧变后国力衰弱的前苏联(Soviet Union)和东欧(Eastern Europe)也会被称为“欧洲病夫”。更有甚者,2005 …


苏维埃联盟Soviet Union)崩塌的一部分原因就是由于信任和伦理基础的缺失。而尽管是和平分离,捷克(Czechs)与斯洛 …


1. 苏联,苏维埃联邦 (Soviet Union) 1922.12.30 - 1991.12.262. 蒙古人民共和国 (Mongolian People's Republic) 1924.11.24 - 199…


谁知道各... ... SR Suriname 苏利南莫河 ST St. Tome and Principe SU Soviet Union 前苏联首都 SV El Salvador 萨尔瓦多 ...


东西文化差异对国际行销的影响 - Yahoo... ... Norwegian 挪威 Soviet Union 前苏联共和国 American 美国 ...


California Coast Travel... ... Cold War 冷战宣告结束,2年后共产极权的 Soviet Union 苏联解体。 Reagan Museum 展览如白宫 ...


越南战争 - 台语百科 ... 巴特寮( Pathet Lao) 苏维埃联合( Soviet Union) 高棉共和国( Khmer) ...

both of China's past and present and of foreign countries, including the Soviet Union, I knew he was a man with a receptive mind. 从他注意研究中国历史情况和当前社会情况方面,又从他注意研究包括苏联在内的外国情况方面,知道他是很虚心的。
Even so, Iran is nothing like the totalitarian, mass-murdering regimes of the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. 尽管如此,伊朗完全不像那些苏联或纳粹德国等种族屠杀的极权国家。
Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, which will fundamentally change the war situation. 斯大林格勒战役是苏联卫国战争的转折点,从根本上改变了战局。
That this son should have been educated in the Soviet Union seems like a caricature of a poor novel. 而偏偏这个儿子又曾经在苏联留过学,也是一个极大的讽刺。
His second regret, he said, is that he did not start to reform the Soviet Union and give more power to its 15 republics at an earlier stage. 第二件令他后悔的事就是没有对苏联进行改造,并且应该更早赋予15个加盟共和国更多的权力。
It was a sellout that might be compared to this hypothetical situation: Suppose the United States was at war with the Soviet Union. 那是一个可以与这一假设情况相比的出卖:设想美国与苏联交战。
After living in Britain for two years, Peters returned to the Soviet Union in 1984 to be reunited with the two children she had left behind. 在英国居住了两年后,彼得斯于1984年回到过苏联,与她留在那里的两个孩子团聚。
Unlike the Soviet Union, it appears to have found a way to lift millions out of poverty while still locking up its dissidents. 与苏联不同,中国似乎已找到一条道路,能够在继续关押持不同政见者的同时,让数百万人摆脱贫困。
The rouble area did not long outlive the Soviet Union; the monetary union of the Czech Republic and Slovakia lasted only a matter of weeks. 卢布区不会比苏联持续多长;捷克共和国和斯洛伐克的货币联盟也仅能持续大约几周。
He said that at the time of the Soviet Union's invasion of Hungary in 1956 or Czechoslovakia in 1968, there was no Russian stock market. 他表示,苏联1956年入侵匈牙利或1968年入侵捷克斯洛伐克时,俄罗斯还没有股市。
Among former Warsaw Pact countries, the majority of Russians and Ukrainians said the break up of the Soviet Union was a bad thing. 多数俄罗斯人和乌克兰人称,前苏联瓦解是件坏事。
America itself, as well as the former Soviet Union, are the only other countries to have tested anti-satellite weapons. 美国,还有前苏联,是进行过反人造卫星武器试验仅有的两个国家。
The post-Communist travails of the former Soviet Union have been valuable as what the party used to call "teaching by negative example" . 前苏联后共产主义时期的痛苦一直都是宝贵的教训,中国共产党过去常常称之为“负面教材”。
The point was to come up with a new figure that did not make the Soviet Union an unequal partner of the United States. 因此,关键是要伪造出一个新的数字,让苏联和美国看起来在军费开支上旗鼓相当。
This was a standoff between the West, the US, versus the international communist world, centered around the Soviet Union. 那是西方列强与美国一同与以苏联为中心的国际共产主义世界对峙的格局。
In the Soviet Union research was as vigorous as in the United States and showed a similar mix of empirical and basic theoretical approaches. 在前苏联的研究与美国的研究一样如火如荼,并且展示了类似的经验和基本理论相结合的方法。
At a stroke, a rocky transition - only the second since the collapse of the Soviet Union - seems to have been solved. 普京似乎一举解决了棘手的权力交接问题——这才是苏联解体以来的第二次权力交接。
Wang Jiyu was born in the year of disintegration of the Soviet Union and grew up in an era of great changes in entertainment. 王基宇是在苏联解体的那年出生,成长在一个大转变的娱乐时代里。
The Soviet Union needed no growth in its military capabilities to attack it even if it was not yet strong enough to take on the west. 苏联无需等到自己的军事力量进一步增长,它现在就有能力进攻它,虽说它还没有强大到足以与西方较量的程度。
For a while, U. S. power was checked by the Soviet Union, but since the end of the Cold War, America has been the sole superpower. 有一段时间,美国的力量曾遭到苏联的制衡,但自从冷战结束之后,美国已经成为单极世界的唯一超级大国。
Mr Putin has said the collapse of the Soviet Union was the great geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. 普京曾说过,苏联解体是20世纪地缘政治的大灾难。
S. adhere to its promises made to the Soviet Union in Yalta as a condition of the Soviet Union's entry into the war with Japan. 苏联激烈反对[9],要求美国信守作为苏军对日宣战条件所作的承诺。
This was one of several models of buttonhole cameras widely used in the Soviet Union, Europe and North America. 图片里这个是曾在前苏联、欧洲以及北美地区被广泛使用的几款纽扣相机中的一种。
But in Russia, where the notion of a tsar survived the Soviet Union, divided power is usually problematic. 但是在俄国,沙皇的概念在苏联之后仍然存在,分开的权力通常是有问题的。
It also led to his falling-out with Sartre, who at the time was still defending the Soviet Union and refusing to condemn the gulags. 此举引发了他和萨特的争执,当时萨特依然一直捍卫苏联,拒绝谴责古拉格集中营。
"The system is all from the Soviet Union but the CCP has taken it to an extreme, " says Yuan Weishi, of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong. “制度完全从苏联照搬过来,但中共将其发挥到了极致,”广州中山大学的袁伟时表示。
My view is completely in accord with that of the Allies, Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union. 我的这个意见,和英美苏各同盟国的意见是完全一致的。
If the Soviet Union did not collapse, Afghanistan would be a communist right now. 如果,苏联没有解体,阿富汗现在就是红色政权。
In this and other ways, the last years of the Soviet Union saw its military- industrial complex gradually pushed out into the light of day. 从这个方面看来,苏联解体前的最后几年,其军工企业确实是逐渐曝光了。
Upon his return to the U. S. S. R. , Abel was hailed as a hero and awarded the Order of Lenin, the Soviet Union's highest honor. 当回到苏联,他被看作是英雄,并被授予列宁勋章这一苏联最高荣誉。