step down

  • na.走下;退出;【电】下降;辞退
  • 网络辞职;下台;让位

step downstep down

step down


Emotional Beckham quits as captain ... penalty shootout: 点球大战 step down: 辞职,下台 friendly: 友谊赛 ...


赌场发牌员用英语怎么说?_百度知道 ... 庄家 dealer 下台 step down 洗牌 shuffle ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(S10) ... step down 逐步减低降低电压 step down 走下;变低 step duration 步进时间 ...


题目生难词_百度文库 ... perception 理解,感知 step down 让位 revitalization 复兴,新生 ...


降压step down)DC-DC 控制器,并具有内置LDO


功夫熊猫单词表 - joyce的日志 - 网易博客 ... Gingko: 银杏 step down退休,辞职 trust in: 相信,信任 ...


Chris Patten ... chancellor: 名誉校长 step down: 卸任 plunged into: 投入 ...


《职称英语考试大纲C级》共4488词 ... step by step 逐步地 step down 走下(车等);降低;辞职 step up 逐步增加 ...

Whether Mr Persson wins or not, most pundits expect him to step down within a year or two. 无论佩尔松输赢,多数学者预期他在一两年内辞职。
David Wu of Oregon said he would step down following the resolution of the debt limit crisis in Washington. 俄勒冈选区的吴振伟宣布他将在美国国会债务危机解决后正式辞职。
A growing number of followers would like to see him step down in favour of the younger interior minister, Roberto Maroni. 越来越多的追随者希望他引退,为年轻些的内政部长罗伯托•马罗尼让位。
That may be a step down for someone so renowned in his youth but it would constitute a renaissance after four years of decline at Newcastle. 对一个年轻时那么大名鼎鼎的人来说,可能这是在倒退,但在纽卡斯尔走了四年下坡路之后,这么做也许会帮助他东山再起。
Contrary to western media speculation, Kim Jong Il did not step down nor did he hand over any of his powers to his son. 与西方媒体的猜测不同的是,金正日并没有卸任,也没有把权力交给儿子。
Before getting into English the word came from Old French and in moving to English it seems to taken a step down in the world. 这个词来源于古法语,但在成为英语单词后,它的价值不断降低。
However allies of Pervez Musharraf say he won't step down and is ready to fight the charges. 不过穆沙拉夫的同盟者说他不会后退并准备好与指控斗争。
To stop the division and the long-existing feud between senior Somali politicians, I decided to step down from my position. 为了停止索马里高级政客之间的分歧和长期的争执,我决定辞去我的职务。
The army chief behind Thailand's coup said yesterday he would step down in two weeks and promised elections next year. 泰国发动政变的陆军总司令颂提•汶耶拉卡林(SonthiBoonyaratkalin)昨日表示,他将在两周内下台,并承诺于明年举行大选。
Gregg broke ranks with some of his fellow Republicans and said he did not think Geithner should step down from his Cabinet post. 格雷格和一些共和党同僚还清界限说,他不认为盖特纳应该辞去内阁职务。
Indeed, taking a step down in pay is so common that the best question is no longer "when is it okay to take a salary cut? " 薪酬缩水在时下相当普遍,这已是不争的事实。目前,人们最关注的问题已不再是“什么时候应该接受减薪?”
She has just a "slight" step down to the muzzle (stop) and I think this beautiful head would be enhanced by more here. 她仅有一个轻微的停顿点--口(她的嘴),我想如果这里有更多的停顿点这美丽的头将更美丽。
Michael Geoghegan is to step down as chief executive of HSBC at the end of the year, according to two people close to the bank's board. 据两位接近汇丰董事会的人士透漏,现行政总裁纪勤(MichaelGeoghegan)将于今年年底卸任。
She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street. 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材,迈着端庄的女人的步子。
The demonstrators believe he lacks legitimacy and want him to call fresh elections, but Mr Abhisit has refused to step down. 抗议者认为,阿披实担任总理缺乏合法性,希望他重新举行选举,但阿披实拒绝下台。
He said he would step down, but at the beginning of next year. 他说,他会下台,但是是在明年年初。
The red-shirts are trying to force Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to step down and call an election. 红衫军试图逼迫总理AbhisitVejjajiva下台并要求重新选举。
Less than a year into his presidency, he is facing calls from within his own party to step down after just one term. 上任不到一年的他,现在已经受到来自己方政党的压力,要他在第一个任期结束后便下台。
All colors, all of downtown, all the best, in the dark lantern, the actor with the call to step down at the moment. 所有的颜色,所有的繁华,所有的精彩,在彩灯暗下,演员谢幕的那一刻一起退下。
The chairman of Lloyds Banking Group said he would step down within a year, heading off a shareholder revolt. LloydsBankingGroup主席称他将在一年内辞职,以此免于股东的反感。
And while the president is 74 and scheduled to step down in less than three years, he has indicated that he might stay on beyond that. 然而主席已经74岁,其离卸任还有不到3年的时间,他已经暗示他要做的更好。
Asked to run for public office, Cronkite reportedly said he could not step down from his anchor post. 当他被要求去竞选官职时,他一遍遍地表示自己不能从自己的主播台上走下来。
Mr Daniels is one of several bank bosses, including Barclays' John Varley and HSBC's Stephen Green, to step down in recent weeks. 丹尼尔斯是最近几周内引退的几个银行老板之一,其他还有巴克莱的约翰.瓦雷和汇丰的史蒂芬.格林。
Mr. Chen insists he is innocent of any wrongdoing connected to the cases, but has said he would step down if his wife is found guilty. 陈水扁总统坚持说,他没有涉及这些案子中的任何不法行为,是清白的。但他同时表示,如果他的妻子被判有罪,他就会辞职。
Some want to impeach him or expect him to step down. Even some Democratic congressmen want to make a clean break with him. 有人提出要弹颏他,有人要他自动下台,甚至还是一些民主党的国会议员呢跟他划分界线。
As the step-down transformer has no load when the SCR is turned off, the system is stable during switching. 这种补偿方案由于在晶闸管关断时降压变压器相当于空载,不存在暂态过程的不稳定问题;
Olmert said he was informing his cabinet about his decision to step down from his post as Prime Minister of Israel. 奥尔默特说,他已经通知内阁,决定辞去以色列总理的职务。
His second option is to persuade Mr Putin to step down, or to sack him. This would amount to a palace coup. 梅的第二个选择是说服普京下台,或者解雇他,这将等于宫廷政变。
The next day he said he would step down at the end of year but the opposition immediately rejected that offer. 第二天,他表示将在今年底下台,但反对人士立即拒绝。
He said his relationship with controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens was not a major issue in his move to step down. 他说,他的争议性与接收机Terrell女士欧文斯并不是一个大问题,他提出下台。