single out

  • v.挑选出;精选出
  • 网络挑出;是选出,挑出的意思;脱颖而出

第三人称单数:singles out 现在分词:singling out 过去式:singled out

single outsingle out

single out


考研英语常用短语盘点(五)-搜学网 ... side with 支持,站在…的一边 single out 选出,挑出 sink in 渗进去,被理解 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... long since 很久以前 single out 挑选出,选拔,找出 sit on 为…的成员;压制 ...


学个词 ... activist。 An activist, 活动人士。 " Single out。 Single out, 是选出,挑出的意思。 " ...


美国《国家地理》眼中的中国中产阶层... ... stray: 偏离,背离。 single out选出,脱颖而出。 academic officer: 学习委员 …


飞镖术语_I-Darts飞镖网 ... single out 本分结束,指501比赛中不以击中双倍区结束比赛。 three in bed 三连冠,指三镖击中同 …

Single out a few people you know well, have worked with before, and who would be excited about this project. 选出几个你熟知的、曾经共过事、并可能对此项目感兴趣的几个人。
In this sample at least, Americans did not single out blame but spread it far and wide. 至少在此示例中,美国人并没有挑出责任应由谁来承担,而只是将它一概而论。
But limited places provoked riots, and the hospital could not, as it had intended, single out the children of mothers who were not harlots. 不过医院有限的空间引发了骚乱,医院不能够如原来所愿挑选出非妓女母亲的孩子。
I want merely to single out at this point the word "birth" and to play on words: it was the fact of living that assured his innocence. 这里,我仅仅想挑出“出生”一词,并借题发挥一下:正是活着这一事实证明了他的无辜。
We single out a few typical case to make cost plan from which, the reader that should buying home appliance for everybody is referenced. 我们从中选出几个典型案例做造价方案,供各位正要购买家电的读者参考。
He would not, however, single out countries where such transactions were particularly badly controlled. 不过,他没有指明哪些国家这样的交易严重失控。
How many times after old beam to last ZhuKeLing under the old sheet, but he was pushed into a moment of old single out his hand a note. 几番拉锯之后,老梁对老单下了逐客令,但他却在推老单出门的一刹那往他手里塞了张纸条。
Trying to single out financiers from entrepreneurs is a fool's errand: you will end up hurting both. 试图从企业家中挑选出金融家不愚蠢的:最终会两败俱伤。
(They answered, diplomatically, that the speech was not intended to single out China and that China should not take offense to criticism). 后者以外交辞令回答说,希拉里的讲话并非针对中国,中国不应当为批评意见而觉得恼火。
There are a number of such climate cowards, but let me single out one in particular: Senator John McCain. 这样的气候派胆小鬼有很多,但就让我来特别点明其中的一位,他就是参议员乔麦凯恩。
Like many other IT project participants, project managers often think of RUP as a single, out-of-the box process. 像许多其他的IT项目参与者一样,项目经理经常把RUP认为是单个现成的过程。
This selector is used to single out a particular element; IDs should be unique within a document. 这个选择符用于选择出特定的单一元素;ID在一个文档中应该是惟一的。
So for me to single out an episode of love amongst this collective would be impossible. 所以,对我来说,要从这集体中单独选取一个爱的片断出来是不可能的。
Rich Nelson, director or research at brokerage Allendale Inc, said 'It's rare for government officials to single out a single commodity. ' 经纪公司AllendaleInc.研究主管纳尔逊(RichNelson)说,政府官员很少特别提到单一一种大宗商品。
He seems to combine the gifts of many men, and it is difficult to single out any individual Western manager who combines these qualities. 他好象集许多人的天资于一身,很难找出一个兼备这些素质的西方经理。
If you want to save the state money. . . cut Medicaid across the board, but don't single out overweight people and smokers. 如果你想保存国家的钱…一刀切削减医疗,但没有出超重的人,吸烟者的单。
The president's decision to single out a bank took even his critics by surprise. 奥巴马决定拎出一家银行作靶子的做法,甚至连他的批评者们都感到意外。
You could single out many things but we have to swallow the defeat and accept it because we cannot change the result now. 你可以找出无数的原因来解释,但是我们必须咽下这场失利并接受它,因为现在我们已经不可能改变比赛的结果了。
Although China led the criticism, it isn't pushing to have the Seoul communique single out the Fed, a Chinese official said. 虽然中国的批评声音最大,但一位中国官员说,它并没有力促首尔公报点名批评美联储。
Tempting as it is to single out Wall Street and to narrow a tax loophole widely employed on Wall Street, it is not justified. 尽管这种做法在区别对待华尔街和缩小华尔街广泛采用的税收漏洞方面颇具吸引力,但这并不公正。
There were no striking objects that the eye might single out, but in all there was a charm of beauty. 景色越走越美,虽然没有特别吸引眼球的东西,但加在一起却显出一种迷人的美丽。
The letter did not single out any particular countries or banks. 该信函未具体指明针对哪些国家或银行。
Solstice is the first framework to integrate Flex and OSGi in a single out-of-the-box package. Solstice是第一个把Flex和OSGi集成在一个单独的非常方便使用的包中的框架。
They may single out the State of Law alliance led by Mr Maliki, who claims the credit for Iraq's improved security. 反动势力可能会针对由马利基领导的法律联盟委员会,他们声称将会改善伊拉克的安全状况。
But in a recent comment, Zuckerberg seemed to single out Microsoft and Nintendo's respective game consoles as old hat. 不过在最近的一次评论中,扎克伯格把微软和任天堂出品的游戏机单独拎了出来,称其为过时的东西。
Raman LIDAR exploits inelastic scattering to single out the gas of interest from all other atmospheric constituents. 拉曼激光雷达利用非弹性散射出兴趣气单从所有其他大气成分。
Although the Senators single out China, they said "tomorrow it could be another economy's currency, with even more devastating effects" . 尽管这4位参议员针对的是中国,但他们表示,“明天可能出现另一个经济体的汇率问题,所产生的后果甚至更为严重”。
These are some general tips that where either important enough to single out or just didn't seem to fit into any of the other sections. 这是一些一般性的建议,是一些重要但是不足以单独成题或者无法放入合适的分类的建议。
adam lambert When is the first single out boo? I thought you said end of summer? Can we expect it soon? I CANT WAIT. 首单什么时候出来,亲爱的?我想你说过是夏末的?我能期待它很快就要出了吗?我等不及了。
Even in team settings like sports, we single out the All-Stars and the MVP (Most Valuable Player) of each game. 即使是像在体育运动这样的团队活动中,我们也会选出每项运动的全能明星和最优秀选手。