
美 [plaɪ]英 [plaɪ]
  • n.
  • v.定时往来;定期行驶;(娴熟地)使用
  • 网络厚度;层数;帘布层

第三人称单数:plies 现在分词:plying 过去式:plied



v. n.

1.[i][t]定时往来;定期行驶to travel regularly along a particular route or between two particular places

2.[t]~ sth(娴熟地)使用to use a tool, especially in a skilful way


ply your trade

从事工作;做事to do your work or business

ply for hire/trade/business

招徕顾客;等生意to look for customers, passengers, etc. in order to do business

建筑词汇英语翻译(O-T) ... plunger pump 滑阀泵 ply plywood 胶合板 ...


英语单语词根、前缀、后缀总表 ... complete 完全的 ply 厚度 plute 富豪 ...


银河地球E1 E-1 省队特供乒乓底板 - 优个网 ... 控制/ Contral:9 层数/ Ply:5 亚萨卡 Yasaka ...


汽车英语速查手册(转载)_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... plus thread 正螺纹,右旋螺纹 ply (轮胎)帘布层 plyer 钳子,老虎钳,手钳 ...

英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... complicity n 同谋关系 ply n (绳子等) plywood n 胶合板 ...


合字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 合股〖 jointstock〗 合股ply〗 合乎〖 conformwith;correspondto〗 ...


词根,我整理的词根.doc - 豆丁网 ... (=pain 痛)// (=ply 折叠)// (=fold 倍,重,叠); ...

Python Lex-Yacc

PLY (Python Lex-Yacc)基于Python的LEX和YACC 2009-04-07 18:09:56| 分类: Python | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 用Python玩 …

The last whale hunters in the United States, native Alaskans ply slushy waters off the state's coast in a walrus-skin boat. 美国最后的猎鲸人,阿拉斯加原住民身着海象皮大衣,沿海岸线泥泞的水域,弓腰,候鲸。
The company will continue to offer managers 'the best opportunity in the world to ply their craft, ' he said. 他说,公司会继续为经理人提供全世界最好的机会让他们施展才华。
Instead, marine biologists ply the area, studying the atoll's slow comeback and trying to help it along. 海洋生物学家会巡逻此区,研究环礁的缓慢复育过程,帮助生态回复。
And unlike the public Trans-Siberian trains, there will not be a sozzled Russian soldier trying to ply you with vodka in sight. 而且这列火车不像普通的西伯利亚列车,没有醉醺醺的俄国大兵来向你强卖伏特加。
The thing that propels many already committed people to ply the art of woo, however, is often not doubt. 推动已拥有承诺关系的人们调情的却不是“怀疑”,而是好奇心。
Just as alternative therapists can ply their trade outside the medical profession, you could have unaccredited managers. 就像另类医疗师可以在医疗行业之外从事自己的工作一样,没有资格证书的管理者也可以从业。
Just as an archer needs bow and arrow, or a draughtsman pen and paper, so Charsi needs the Horadric Malus with which to ply her trade. 就像弓箭手需要弓和箭、或是西洋棋子要走在方格中,恰西需要赫拉迪克.马勒斯,才能开始做生意。
A society more advance than ours should be able to ply the spaces between the stars conveniently if not effortlessly. 一个比我们先进的社会,如果不是毫不费力的话,也应该能很方便地来往于星际之间。
Next the master covers the door with small electric saw lower part curiums go a few, put apart is compound the ply of the floor. 然后师傅用小电锯把门套下方锯去一些,留出复合地板的厚度。
handle, manipulate, wield, ply These verbs mean to use or operate with or as if with the hands. 这些动词的意思是用或好象用手操作。
Application Tips : To avoid getting powder in your eye, separate a double-ply tissue, place one ply over closed eyes and powder. Minimize申请要诀:要避免粉末在您的眼睛,单独的双层组织,地方之一,铺设超过封闭的眼睛和粉末。
The average length of warp float of six-ply exchangeable weave should be as same as possible, the junction point is not applied. 六层任意换层组织的经纱平均浮长应尽可能一致,一般不设置接结点。
How you care for your Tri-ply copper cookware depends on which look you love. 你如何维护你的三铜器皿就看你对它的喜欢程度。
They argue that this is no coincidence: a basic level of law and order may be necessary for pirates to ply their dangerous trade. 他们指出这并不是巧合:海盗从事这项危险的贸易还是可能需要一定的律法和秩序的。
Nearby, on the steps of a vacant building, a fat prostitute had come out to ply her trade. 不远处,在那栋空房子的台阶上,一个肥胖的妓女正出来招揽生意。
Even so, the first ply or two of carbon could be wrapped loosely with tape to hold it in place until cure. 即便如此,第一、二层碳可以用胶带缠得松散些以保持住位置,直到固化。
Local ferries and small commuter planes ply frequently between the islands, and getting around by public bus or rental car is no challenge . 当地通勤飞机和小型渡轮航行频繁的岛屿而规避了公共汽车或出租轿车没有挑战。
I had never. seen anyone so beautiful before in my life. I was sim. ply hooke. d on her the first time I saw her. 在我生命中从没有碰到过任何人如此美丽,我第一次看到她就被她吸引住了。
Brush bottom oil. Brush alcoholic acid varnish equably go up in metope, ply moderate. 刷底油。将醇酸清漆均匀刷在墙面上,厚度适中。
Continuous filament and ply yarns are inherently strong enough and usually do not require boosting of their strength. 连续长丝纱和股线具有较高的强度,通常不必进一步增加强度。
Knitting yarns have less twist than weaving yarns. Thread, used for sewing, is a tightly twisted ply yarn. 缝纫用线是具有圆截面的紧密加捻的合股线。
A steel pinion snapped and its attached marine ply then broke, half of it to float away. 船舵上的一块钢质前翼折断了,与它连接的舵板裂开了,有一半随海水漂走了。
The pair of sidewalls comprises part of the carcass ply structure. 一对侧壁包括部分胎体帘布层结构。
The Gulf - one of the world's busiest waterways. Tankers ply up and down here. . . 海湾–世界最繁忙的水路之一。油轮在这里进进出出…
They always wanted to ply me with cigarettes and pat me on the back to learn how I got my tai tai to work while I stayed home. 他们总想给我递烟,想拍拍我的后背问问我是如何让太太出去工作而自己却可以待在家里的。
In contrast to PLY or Spark, DParser itself is written in C, and is thus likely to be considerably faster than pure-Python parsers. 与PLY或Spark相反,DParser本身是用C编写的,因而可能会比纯粹的Python解析器快得多。
In spite of arrests and the destruction of musical instruments, Afghan musicians have continued to ply their trade into the present. 然而即便会遭拘捕、乐器会被毁坏,阿富汗的音乐人还是不断地从事这项事业,直到现在。
"Because you found none of your social level to ply your wiles on? " he laughed harshly. “因为你没有找到和你的社会地位相同的人来实施你的诡计?”他粗俗笑道。
On the east coast and in the English Channel small vessels continued to ply under an ever-increasing attack by air, by E-boat and by mines. 在东海岸和英吉利海峡,小船在敌人越来越多的飞机,快速鱼雷艇和水雷的袭击下,继续往来。
Another large difference is added box " " ply bamboo as a products'packing of an important package included in the specification. 另一个较大的不同是增加了“竹胶合板箱”作为产品包装的一种重要的包装形式列入标准中。