
美 [əˈplaɪ]英 [ə'plaɪ]
  • v.应用;使用;涂;敷
  • 网络申请;适用;套用

第三人称单数:applies 现在分词:applying 过去式:applied

apply policy,apply knowledge,apply method,means apply,apply technology
carefully apply,gently apply



求职;办手续for job/course

1.[i][t](通常以书面形式)申请,请求to make a formal request, usually in writing, for sth such as a job, a place at college, university, etc.


2.[t]使用;应用to use sth or make sth work in a particular situation


3.[t]~ sth (to sth)涂;敷;施to put or spread sth such as paint, cream, etc. onto a surface

有关be relevant

4.[i][t]有关;涉及to concern or relate to sb/sth

勤奋work hard

5.[t]勤奋工作;努力学习to work at sth or study sth very hard

用力压press hard

6.[t]手压;脚踩to press on sth hard with your hand, foot, etc. to make sth work or have an effect on sth


应用(Apply)按钮.在布线完成后,使用Autoroute - Clean运行4遍clean,然后在布线完成后保存已经布的线为布线或过程文件.注 …


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... plywood n 胶合板 apply v 申请,应用 comply v 同意,答应 ...


全新版大学英语第二版综合教程一单词_百度知道 ... continual 不断的,一再重复的 apply 适用;申请 calligrapher 书法家 ...


记得最后要套用(Apply),电脑可能会重开(也可能不重开),当他在调整的时候,切勿使用电脑或者关闭电脑唷!!否则严重的话资 …


运字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 运营〖 run〗 运用〖 utilize;wield;apply;puttouse〗 运载〖 delivery〗 ...


高考英语常见单词_百度文库 ... appearance n. 出现,来到,外观 apply vt. 应用,实施,使用 appointment n. 任命,约定,约会 ...


高考英语常见单词_百度文库 ... appearance n. 出现,来到,外观 apply vt. 应用,实施,使用 appointment n. 任命,约定,约会 ...

2013考研英语核心词汇_百度文库 ... applaud 鼓掌,喝彩,叫好 apply ,敷 appoint 任命,委派 ...

More than 40 countries now apply some sort of barrier on the web, compared with a handful less than a decade ago, according to the ONI. ONI的资料显示,目前共有40多个国家在网络上设置了某种壁垒,而不到十年前,这样做的国家寥寥无几。
its easy to apply - just complete the tax loan application form and mail it to us , or you may fax it to. 申请手续简便,你只需填妥优悠税悦税务贷款申请表格并寄回本行;或传真至。
Many have been suggested, like the subjective conditions, the body who apply for and the implement conditions. 然后分别对安乐死的主观条件、申请主体、执行条件都提出了如何规定的建议。
Consequently we have to interpret the principles laid down in the Word of God as they apply to us. 因此,我们必须解释圣经所定下的原则,了解它们该怎样应用在自己身上。
When using sponges or a cloth apply the glaze mixture with a circular motion - as if you were actually washing the walls. 用海绵或布的时候,需要打圆圈上釉,就好像真的在刷墙样。
It also allows you to apply schemes either to a single page or to the entire document. 它还允许您将方案应用于单一页或整个文档。
For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications do not apply. 对于过期的条款,后来的修正和更改都不再适用。
D. Able to understand and apply Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) at intermediate to expert level preferred. 能理解并应用几何定尺寸定容差(GD&T)有中高级水平者优先。
Usage: take appropriate amount of it in the center of the palm, apply on your forehead, nose, cheek and chin, then gently massage evenly. 使用方法:取适量本品于掌心,乙醇分前额、鼻、颊、下额数区,轻抹均匀即可。
Less frequently we apply the load directly to the surface by means of hydraulic jacks and distribution plates. 用液压千斤顶与分布板直接施加荷载于表面的方法较不常用。
You can apply the current formatting rules to a selected section or to the document as a whole. 您可以将当前格式设置规则应用于所选内容或整个文档。
Over the last two years, the use of ABC to start a new diesel engine start method has been gradually began to apply the design of DEF. 近两年,采用ABC启动柴油机的新型启动方式已经逐步在DEF的设计中开始应用。
Just as with the variable terrain costs described above, you could create an additional point system and apply it to paths for AI purposes. 如同上面描述的多代价地形一样,你可以创建一个附加的点系统,并引用到AI的路径中。
To be most effective, QE teams must be able to apply appropriate testing tools as they focus on system-level quality issues. 为了最有效地测试,QE团队必须在他们关注系统级质量问题时,能够应用合适的测试工具。
Apply at the beginning or end of the day. Pat gently around eyes and other areas prone to stress lines and dryness . 早晚两次,轻轻地在眼周以及面部需要部位按摩,着重强调在皱纹以及干燥部位使用。
The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to the limitation of liability for maritime claims. 第二百七十五条海事赔偿责任限制,适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。
Our students do not have to take TOEFL or any other language test to apply to Canadian universities. The Dogwood Certificate is enough. 我们的学生在申请加拿大大学时不需要参加像托福之类的语言测试。有毕业证书就可以了。
After describing the context in which we apply data federation, we discuss the problem that this pattern addresses, as well as the solution. 描述了应用数据联合的上下文后,我们将讨论此模式所针对的问题及其解决方案。
You can find information about how and when to apply, how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is available. 你可以找到关于如何申请,申请时间,所需费用以及是否提供助学金的相关信息。
Remember there is a limit to how much baggage. You may carry on a plane, and the same rule should apply to life. 记住,搭乘飞机所携带行李的重量是有限制的,运用到生活中,道理也一样。
The formatting options that you have worked with up to this point apply to all elements in the page. 到现在所使用的格式设置选项都应用于页中的所有元素。
The same metaphor, it seems to me, might apply to the G. O. P. pursuit of the White House next year. 在我看来,同样的比喻可以用在共和党人明年对白宫的追逐。
Believe that the company pay a systematic system of your company for me to apply for jobs, there will be a standard or scope. 相信公司有系统的薪酬体系,贵公司对于我申请的职位,一定有一个标准或范围。
Slightly tip his head toward you and apply light pressure to his side. 稍微把他的头拉向你,然后在他的一侧使用一些压力。
That allowed her, a few months later, to apply for a Discover card on her own. 这让她能够在几个月后申请到一张她自己的Discover信用卡。
ConditionalAttribute either will be ignored or will produce a compiler warning or error message if you apply it to any other type. 如果将ConditionalAttribute应用于任何其他类型,它将被忽略或产生编译器警告或错误消息。
It was only a question of time before one of the three firms tried to apply these emerging-market lessons in the West. 这三家公司中有人开始尝试将其在新兴市场学到的经验应用到西方世界仅仅是个时间问题。
The methodology to apply is just one of these characteristics and should be identified and supported by the architecture analysis. 要应用的方法只是其中的一个特征,应该由体系结构分析进行标识和提供支持。
Sue decided to apply for a place in the state university. 休决定在这所州立大学申请一个名额。
Banks still have to face the question of the balance sheet, and you want to apply for a loan companies to seriously review. 银行仍然要面对资产负债表的问题,并且要对申请贷款的企业进行认真审核。