in advance

  • na.预先;在先头
  • 网络事先;提前;事前

in advancein advance

in advance


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in addition 另外,加之 in advance 预先,事先 in all 总共,合计 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in addition 另外,加之 in advance 预先,事先 in all 总共,合计 ...


跟旅行相关的英文单词_百度知道 ... guided tours 有导游的游览 in advance 提前 notice board 公告栏 ...


英语介词用法 - 豆丁网 ... in all 总计 in advance 事前 in the meantime 与此同时 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be on the advance (物价)在上涨中 in advance 在前面;预先 in advance of 在…的前面;超过 ...


新概念英语第一册(MP3版)美音版 - 豆丁网 ... in addition to 除...之外(还) 79、 in advance 预先,事先 80、 in all 总共,合计 81 …

Would you please let me know when it will be convenient with you in the mainland factory? Then I can be there in advance, thank you a lot. 不知你何时有空会在大陆工厂,能让我知道几点会更好以便我能准时到达,谢谢。
You must nourish me; you give all that in advance, which I do not understand to ask for. 你必须给我以滋润,你必须事先给予那些我没有理解没有向你要求的一切。
Could you tell me in advance how much the dinner will cost? 你可以事先告訴我晚餐要花多少錢嗎
It recently rejected an application to protect the name D. melanogaster, which had been made in advance of a proposed revision of the genus. 这个委员会近期拒绝了一份申请来保护D.melanogaster这个原先的命名,这份申请是在果蝇属类修正案之前提出的。
This means that Southern Company has a good idea, in advance, of how much money it will earn from generating electricity. 这就是说,与其他公司相比,南方公司在如何通过发电赚钱的问题上先想出一个好主意。
The next time you visit us, please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for your with our directors. 下次到方前,烦请赐知,以能安排与本公司董事会共进午餐。
How much interoperability is enough, or too much, is impossible to know in advance. 要多少互操作性才算够(或太多),这无法预先知道。
Please notice me in advance if you want me to make a speech at the party . so that I can get prepared for it . 如果你想要我在聚会上演讲请预先通知我好让我有准备。
Not even a few seconds of your 15 minutes must be wasted starting to read. Set that book out in advance. 这15分钟当中哪怕只有几秒钟用来准备读书都是浪费,事先做好阅读的准备。
That further feminine step in advance which combines paint and petticoats together had not found a votary in Miss Thorne. 女性采取的把脂粉和裙子结合起来的更为前进的一步,并没有得到索思小姐的支持。
Its technical indexes and economic norms are in advance of or approximate to that of natural anthracite block and coke. 其技术经济指标优于或接近天然无烟块煤或焦炭。
For it is hard in most cases to know in advance how much a student borrower will eventually earn. 这是因为在大多数案例中提前知晓有多少学生贷款人最终会还钱十分困难。
At present, the drug delivery device up to the release of two drugs, and the release of time must be set in advance. 目前已有的药物递送装置最多只能释放两种药物,而且释放时间必须提前设定。
Because administrators do not know when unplanned downtime could occur, users are not notified of outages in advance. 因为管理员不知道将何时出现非计划的停机时间,所以无法将中断提前通知用户。
Schedule internal deadlines at least a week in advance of the scheduled post date. 附表内部期限至少一周后在规定的日期提前。
Beijing environment officials have vowed to publish air quality forecasts up to a week in advance during the games. 奥运会期间,北京环保部门将提前一周发布空气质量预报。
Senders can schedule the gift card to appear on the recipient's Facebook Wall up to a year in advance. 发送者还可以预先设定让礼品卡出现在接受者的Facebook墙上的日期,时间限定在1年之内。
Knowing what he is going to ask in advance should make it easier, I thought, except that the opposite psychology Was used. 我想,在他提问以前先知道他要问什么,可能会好办些。却没有想到他们利用了相反的心理作用。
I try to make it a point to look at the schedule in advance (usually the day before) to see what's coming up. 我想应该把提前看一下日程表(通常在前一天),看看将要发生什么单独列成一项。
You should feel them out in advance, and never be in the position of guessing what you think they want to see. 你应该事先就揣摩出投资者的想法,而不是让凭自己的臆想瞎猜。
I'd start making a packing list weeks in advance, and select the contents as thoughtfully as if I were curating an art exhibition. 我会提前几周制作一个装箱整理清单,仔细考虑装箱的内容,就好像我是在规划一个艺术展览。
The topic of the speech is announced a week in advance, but the name of the speaker is not. 演讲的主题已经提前一个星期宣布了,但主讲人的名字却没有宣布。
For example, do you know in advance how much of your available capital you are willing to lose when trading futures? 例如,你是否提前知道自己在期货交易中愿意损失多少可用资产?
Instead of making plows to order, as was customary at the time, he made them in advance and then rode around the countryside peddling them. 他没有按当时的习惯根据定货制做犁杖,而是提前做好,然后骑着马在乡村叫卖。
Beijing and New Delhi have already begun to rehearse their arguments in advance of any new global negotiations for a post-Kyoto accord. 中国和印度已经开始排练它们的借口,以备各国就新的议定书展开新的全球谈判。
It's impolite of you to visit someone without telling him in advance. 不提前告诉别人就去拜访是不礼貌的。
However, he had to leave Privet Drive number in advance, never leave the house he had lived for nearly 15 years of local. 然而,他不得不提前离开女贞路号,永远离开这个他曾经生活了将近十五年的地方。
You know what the topics are going to be, so prepares what you would like to say in advance. 你知道话题会是什么,就提前准备你想说的。
Well, I can't believe your uncle and aunt came to stay with us for a week, and they did not even call us in advance. 嗯,我真不敢相信你的叔叔和姑妈和我们住了一个星期,甚至他们都没有提前打个招呼。
In this type of situation, it's impossible to calculate the outcome in advance, no matter how much time and effort you put into it. 在这种情况下,无论你花多少时间多少精力,预先计算出结果是不可能的。