
美 [aɪ]英 [aɪ]
  • pron.
  • n.英语字母表的第9个字母;(罗马数字)1
  • abbr.岛,群岛
  • 网络五;d日;m月d日



1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 9 个字母the 9th letter of the English alphabet

喜欢中医相信中医的进来... ... jTN | i' 、大黄甘草汤方(实证,在胃,吃嘛吐嘛)吴茱萸汤(虚证,食谷欲吐) > }b*58|tA 五 …


PHP时间格式化函数文章发布了多久效果。 |... ... 月d日 H:i',$timestamp 年m月d日 H:i',$timestamp ...


PHP时间格式化函数文章发布了多久效果。 |... ... 月d日 H:i',$timestamp 年m月d日 H:i',$timestamp ...

You can just like this: I could take you to Dong Zhimen, and I can ask the other. . . 你可以这样,我可以带你去东直门,而且我可以问问别的…
I really never could think well of any body who proposed such a thing to any body else. 谁要是捣鼓别人去做这种事,我决不会看得起他!
There will be some surprises and I am very excited for you to see my show. 会让你们有意外的惊喜,我很期待大家来观看我的表演。
Show me a genuIne case of platonIc frIendshIp and I shall show you two old or homely faces. 给我看看柏拉图式友爱的实例好了,那我就会给你看看两个老头老太太的脸或是两张大丑脸。
At one point, I was able to hear my own voice due to the thin surface of one of my tables vibrating the speaker stand. 在某一个时期,我能听到自己的声音由于薄的我的一个桌子表面振动扬声器站立得住。
'I said I'll pay $35. 05, and you can say you got the last nickel out of me, ' Mr. Buffett said. 巴菲特说,我说我将付35.05美元,而你可以说你把我最后一枚硬币给榨干了。
I'll be curious to see how the Spurs respond tomorrow night against the Heat. 明晚对热火,不知道他们会打成怎样。
I found a great new bar and I can't wait to introduce you to it. 我发现了一个新的非常好的酒吧,我迫不及待得像介绍你去。
It was not until you told me that I knew What he had said at the meeting. 直到你告诉我,直到你告诉我,我才知道他在会上讲了什么。什么。
I applaud them, and I've gone out of my way personally to let every manager of every Starbucks I pass know that. 我为它们喝彩,我本人也会竭尽全力,路上经过时,我会把这个消息告诉所有星巴克的经理。
she said, "and he is much younger than I expected. " 她说“他比我期待中的更年轻。”
Smiling, I nodded and said that I almost received little education so that I would not be able to use that high-tech thing. 我笑着摇摇头,说,我根本就没什么文化,用不起来那高科技的玩意儿。
You know, it's very random, and I think for me the bottom line is trying to get to know a little bit about the person. 你知道,这是非常随机的,我想对我来说底线就是尝试去了解一下对方。
I don't promise to ask you to stop, But I can run with you . 我不能保证叫你停留…但是我能陪你一起跑。
I'm sorry I was late. To make up for it, let me treat you to a meal. 非常抱歉我迟到了,为了弥补过失,让我请你吃顿饭吧。
And I reached down and picked him up, and immediately became fascinated and impressed by its speed and its strength and agility. 我于是潜到海底捉住了它,刹那间我就被它的速度,力量以及敏捷性所迷住了。
But well, although the movie wasn't really good but i think that an average movie is at least better than a bad movie. 虽然这部电影不是很好看,但是总的来说比其他烂电影好一点。
I brought her some of her favourite snacks and flowers and most importantly, I wanna update her with my life! 我给她买了她最爱的小吃,还有鲜花。最重要的是,我想让她知道我生活的进展!
There may be mistakes in here but using a system like this and lots of experience I was able to cruise through micro stakes. 但是使用这样的系统和大量的经验,让我在微额桌游刃有余。
repeated the Pigeon, but in a more subdued tone, and added with a kind of sob, 'I've tried every way, and nothing seems to suit them! ' 鸽子重复着,可是已经是用很低的声音在说话了,然后还呜咽地加了一句:“我各种方法都试过了,但是没有一样能叫它们满意!”
The FBI found a note in his home about his "assassination" , saying "I planned ahead" . 美国联邦调查局在他家里搜到一张关于他的“刺杀”的字条,上面说道“我事先计划好了”。
"There was no way I could walk around with two kidneys and he had none, " she said. "It was the right thing to do. " 她说:“我不可能眼看着他死,而自己却留着两个肾。这么做是正确的决定。”
I did not know whether tomorrow will have to rain, if will rain, I will treat at home. 5我不知道明天是否要下雨,如果下雨,我就待在家里。
'I wanted to live my life and not go die, ' he said. 'So I got up, and I found some ski tracks, and I followed those. “我想活命,不想死……所以我起身,按照节目中介绍的另一条求生技巧,找到一些滑雪道,沿着它们下山,”他说。
I'd really like to see the details of the economics of this spelled out and may try to winnow it out of the info on Sen. Obama's web site. 我真的想要知道这些建议背后的经济学原理,有可能的话我会去奥巴马的网站上去查阅相关的信息来搞明白。
Maybe I is a heretical person, so I didn't even take the trouble to make a detour through the back gate, and I chose to over the wall. 如果绕回到后门太麻烦,像我这样喜欢走旁门左道的人,当然选择了翻墙。
As I was eating, one of my wife's colleagues came up and nudged me. You know that your wife is in the White House, he asked. 我正吃着的时候,我夫人的一个同事走了过来,用胳膊捅了捅我,问:“你知道你夫人在白宫吗?”
That's why I propose you. And it had nothing to do with your looks. 那才是我向你求婚的原因,和你的外表无关。
I would be remiss if I did not specifically acknowledge the patience that each of you has shown with my inability to speak Mandarin. 另外,还有一点我必须要提,那就是感谢大家对于我不会中文而给予我的包容。
Rachel: Ooh, I was so nervous about that letter. But the way you owned up to everything, it just showed me how much you've grown. You know? 瑞秋:嗯,对那封信我真得非常紧张。但是你承担了所有责任,这表明你已变得多麽成熟,你知道吗?。