in fear

  • 网络害怕地;在恐惧中;惊恐地

in fearin fear

in fear


2010辽宁高考英语完型吴军金牌冲刺教案一_当知网 ... take a new look 呈现新面貌 in fear 害怕地 concentrate on 专心... ...


惊悚电影:最新惊悚片、经典惊悚片大全 - PPTV电影 ... 负重前行 Cargo 在恐惧中 In Fear 东方 The East ...


8A Unit6 The Taiwan... ... 5、Show pictures, 排列图片的顺序 In fear 惊恐地 Run in all directions 四处奔跑 ...


译林版牛津英语8A(1) - 豆丁网 ... 跌倒,绊倒 fall over 18. 惊恐地,处于恐惧之中 in fear 25. 镇定下来,平静下来 calm dow…


《精编高考英语词汇表》 - 豆丁网 ... lose touch with 和、同失去联系 in fear 害怕地;恐惧地 for fear that (因为)恐惧、害怕 ...

the face of her playmates. Children twice her age would fly in fear from her . 她的脸玩孩子们在她这个年龄会飞的两倍,从她的恐惧。
Shock set in and I found a cab for her, making sure she got home okay as the trains were temporarily suspended in fear of a London attack. 由于伦敦唯恐袭击再次发生而暂时停止运营,在惊恐中我为她找了一辆出租车,确保送她平安到家。
In the midst of all these changes you may be tempted to fall into fear as those about you who do not know of these messages react in fear. 在这所有变化之中,当那些你身边并不了解这些信息的人表现出恐惧时,你们可能会被诱导而跌入恐惧之中。
Yang flower little time for participation in the summer camp, had not careful to be in a forest, helpless weep, lost in fear unceasingly. 杨朵小时分曾因参与夏令营,不当心在一座森林里迷路,无助哭泣,惧怕不已。
To him, his religion was a warmth and a consolation; but to the rest of his family it was something rooted in fear. 对他来说,宗教是一种温暖和安慰,但对他家的其他人来说,则是一种根深蒂固的恐惧。
You don't want your children, or you, for that matter, to live in fear or to feel anxious, and that's where preparedness comes in. 你不希望孩子或者自己因为灾害而生活在恐惧之中,或焦虑不安,这就是事先准备的用途。
Bessler destroys all documents, drawings and models that describe and prove his secret, in fear of it being stolen upon his arrest. 老婆销毁所有文件,图纸和模型描述,并证明了他的秘密,害怕它被盗后,他被捕。
Took so long to get me here. But I won't live in fear, of you trying' to steal my shine. 我花了很久才到今天这一步。但是我不会在畏惧中生存,(不会)害怕你试图抢我的风头。
The market's response was different because it had been in fear mode for so long that it was ready to interpret such action positively. 市场的回应不同是因为人们在恐惧的心理里太久而想去积极地打断这个行为。
She did not take us to an adoption agency, in fear of being locked up in a mental hospital for her severe depression. 她并没有送我们到领养机构,因为害怕人们因为她严重的抑郁症而将她关进精神病院。
4Cornelius stared at him in fear. "What is it, Lord? " he asked. 哥尼流定睛看他,惊怕说,主阿,什么事呢。天使。
She stared at him, and he stared in fear, is found from its own has not really understand him. 她瞪着他,恐惧地瞪着他,这才发现,自己从没有真正认识过他。
For this cause men go in fear of him; he has no respect for any who are wise in heart. 所以,人敬畏他。凡自以为心中有智慧的人,他都不顾念。
He never truly had a home as a child, constantly darting around the country in fear for his life. 在童年的时候,他甚至没有一个真正的家,对生命的恐惧的阴影一直环绕在他心头。
It may take years and years for her to decide you're really okay, and in the meantime, you have to stop living your life in fear of her. 也许多年以后,这个孩子会觉得你是个好人,不过在这之前,你不得不告诉自己别怕她。
Esu, I just wanted to tell you: I remember you, and what happened. I'm a bit in fear to tap into all this again. 伊苏,我只是想告诉你:我牢记着你,以及发生的事情。我有点害怕再次谈及这一切。
In fear of losing his way, the little boy was looking back from time to time as he walked in the woods. 担心迷路,小男孩在树林里一边走,一边不时地回头看。
"Are you OK? " I moved prudently . I was in fear of her action resulted from the anger in her eyes. She was silent and go on staring at me. “你……没事吧?”我谨慎地移动着,我哪知道她眼神里的那股杀气什么时候会转化为实际行动。她不说话依旧盯着我看。
The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. 因为恐惧,颜色们蹲下身子,互相靠拢以求安慰。
Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. 所有的颜色都因为害怕而蜷缩一团,互相依偎着寻求慰藉。
It is amazing how much time we spend in fear instead of focusing on the foundation of God, on the foundation of our household. 我很讶异,我们花很多时间停留在恐惧里,而没有专注于神,祂就是我们家庭的根基。
himself behind the door in fear of being found by his mother. 这孩子躲在门后,怕被妈妈找到。
Do not allow illusion to fool you into the emotion of FEAR for in TRUTH there is nothing to be in fear of. 不要让虚假误导欺骗你跌入恐慌的情绪,事实上没有任何值得恐惧的事物。
She had been trained for an emergency. Yet had she known the truth, she may well have frozen in fear. 她受过应急训练。不过,如果她了解真相,很可能会惊恐地动弹不得。
She lived in fear of her parents' judgment, and learned to shame herself in the same way that she had been shamed. 她总是担忧父母对她的评价,并且学会使用像她曾被羞辱的方式来羞辱自己。
China walks in Fear, and it's that Fear that has caused them to oppress him for all this time. 中国走在恐惧之中。这种恐惧使他们次次压迫他。
Overpowered by curiosity, yet in fear and trembling, I ventured to the spot to take a peep at him. 我害怕得直颤抖,却不能克制住自己的好奇心,鼓起勇气去现场瞧了他一眼。
Those of you that have guns, keep them handy, and although you must help out, do not shut yourselves totally behind closed doors in fear. 有枪的人把枪放在手边,你必须帮忙,不要陷入恐惧,把自己关在紧闭的门后。
The little boy clung to his mother's skirt in fear. 那小男孩害怕地紧紧抓住他妈妈的裙子。
Love a woman is to love her, love her, holding hands in fear of a run, with the fear of the mouth. 爱一个女人,就是要宠她,爱她,捧在手心怕跑了,含在嘴里怕化了。