in return for

  • na.作…的报酬[回礼]
  • 网络作为…的报答;作为对…的回报;作为…的交换

in return forin return for

in return for


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... in preparation for 为……作准备 in return for 作为……的报答 in reward for 作为……的 …


词组_百度文库 ... at the mercy of 任凭…的摆布,完全受…的支配 in return for 作为对…的回报 stop short of 差一点就… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in return 作为回报,作为报答 in return for 作为…的交换 revolve around 旋转;绕转 ...


专四高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... in return 作为报答/回报/交换 in return for 作为对……报答 in short 简言之,总之 ...


新概念英语第二册第6课 ... knock off 停止, 压低价格 in return for 作为报答 lie on back 仰卧 ...


自考《基础英语》英汉互译前十分白拿 - 自考365 ... 保险费 insurance premium 作为对…的报答 in return for 防御 protect again…

He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. 他求我施舍一顿饭和一杯啤酒,作为回报,他倒立唱了支歌。
If my paying for you can be got in return for some days of your life, I will be glad for it, Do you know your friends blessing for you! 如果我的付出,我为你担保的那些钱能够换得你的生命的一段时间,我也会为你而高兴,为你祝福。
He took me out in return FOR all of the things I have done FOR him. 他带我出去以回报我所为他做的一切。
Under this system, the company paid the miners, then the miners paid the money back to the company in return for goods and rent. 根据这种制度,煤矿公司向煤矿工人支付工资,而煤矿工人又将所得工资交还给煤矿公司以支付房租和购买所需的商品。
In a worldwide radio broadcast Khrushchev said he would remove "offensive" weapons from Cuba in return for a U. S. pledge not to invade. 无线电广播在世界范围内赫鲁晓夫说他将可以移除“攻势”武器从古巴作为回报,而美国的承诺不是侵袭。
He took it to mean it was in return for helping facilitate approval for the project. 奈利认为,这意味着他要帮助促成该项目获得批准。
Street children soon picked these up and ran around the streets singing them in return for a few coins. 街头小儿很快学会了这些歌曲,在街巷间奔走传唱,以此博取几文赏钱。
In return for 40 years of contributions, it has agreed among other things to increase pay grades on which pension benefits are calculated. 作为对40年工作年限的回报,它已经同意提高工资水平,养老金就是以此工资水平为基础计算的。
She helped me with my homework in return for that I had helped her before. 因为我之前有帮助过她,所以她在作业方面帮我作为报答。
He took me out for a nice dinner in return for all of the help I gave him. 他带我出去吃一顿可口的晚餐以回报我所给予他的帮助。
Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, "I'll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel. " 雅各爱拉结,就说:“我愿为你小女儿拉结服事你七年。”
They struck a bargain with the landlord that they would look after the garden in return for being allowed to use it. 他们与房东达成协议,允许他们使用花园,但须负责照管。
In return for a fee of $79 a year, the company provides members of the programme with unlimited express shipping on most goods. 交79美元年费,公司就会给会员提供大多数商品一年无限制的快递服务。
He gave her some roses in return for her kindness. 为报答她的好意,他送了她几朵玫瑰花。
There was a time when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for "protection" . 以前曾有一个时期。芝加哥的商店主人和企业老板都得向当地的歹徒缴纳一大笔钱以取得保护。
Asking nothing in return for her pay, since the negative is not out of regret. 为她付出的不求回报,既然负出了就不后悔…
In a CDS, one party agrees to insure the other in the event of a bond default, in return for a fee (the equivalent of an insurance premium). 在CDS中,一方向另一方提供债券违约保险,代价是收取一笔费用(相当于保费)。
The monkeys also exchanged little tokens (in return for a bit of marshmallow) more often with the imitator than with the nonimitator. 猴子对模仿者的回应也比非模仿者多一些。
That law makes it a crime for Americans and companies traded on United States markets to pay bribes in return for business. 该法将美国企业及在美国市场从事商业贸易的企业以换取业务为目的而进行贿赂的行为定为一项罪行。
In return for the potion, I shall tell you the story of what I did last night to put me in such dire need of said. 为了报答你送我魔药(的好意),我会跟你说说我昨晚做了些什么让我此刻非得对你倾吐不可的事儿。
As they sailed the world, Ariadne was certain she had won the heart of the hero in return for her brilliance, her loyalty, and her love. 当他们的船四处航行时,阿里阿德涅坚信她已经赢得了英雄的心,他会回报她的才智、她的忠诚以及她的爱情。
The soil in return for her service keeps the tree tied to her, the sky asks nothing and leaves it free. 土地把树儿束缚在她身上作为她服务的报酬,天空却一点也不要,就让它自由。
"I thank you from the bottom of my heart, " said the lord, "What can I give you, in return for your brave act? " “我从心底里感谢你,”君主说,“我能给你什么作为你勇敢作为的奖赏呢?”
Japan should think about giving up Antarctic "research" , he said, in return for a limited resumption of commercial coastal whaling. 他表示,日本不应该再在南极地区进行研究性捕鲸,而应该有限制地恢复沿海商业捕鲸。
I helped him for a little over a month in return for money I used to pay bills and buy groceries. 我在那个月里帮了他一点儿小忙,用他给我的钱去付账单和买日用品。
Then the shoemaker said to him, "I will give you a bit of bread today, but in return for it, I will put out your right eye. " 这时鞋匠跟他说:“今天我给你一块面包,但是不能白给,你得用你的右眼换。”
Each zoo pays $1 million a year to China to help giant panda conservation efforts in return for the loan of a breeding pair to exhibit. 每个动物园每年向中国支付一百万美元作为租借一对有繁殖能力的熊猫供展出的费用,这笔钱被用于促进熊猫保护的努力。
What sort of commitments, if any, will the various less developed countries make in return for some of that money? 反过来,那些发展较次的国家怎样保证如何使用这笔资金呢?
In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. 这个乞丐倒立着唱了几支歌作为报答。我给了他一餐饭。
His wife had behaved kindly to him in return for his unkindness. 他的妻子委曲求全来报答他的无情无义。