in no way

  • na.决不
  • 网络一点也不;绝不;无论如何不

in no wayin no way

in no way


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in no time 立即,马上 in no way 决不 in order 按顺序,按次序 ...


英语短语词组(2145个) ... in no time 立即,立刻;马上 in no way 决不,一点也不 in one's honour 向…表示敬意 ...


none和nobody有什么区别?_百度知道 ... Not at all: 根本不: In no way: 无法,绝不: No person;not anyone: 没有人;不是任 …


WAY_百度百科 ... in every way 在各方面,完全 in no way 决不,无论如何不 in one's own way 自行其事,随心所欲 ...


英语中有哪些in开头的短语_百度知道 ... in the view of 按…的意思 in no way 无论怎样也不… in the way 对…方式 ...


许杨《Toefl听力习语必备》--MP3 -... ... in no time 很快,马上 in no way 决不能 in one's shoes 处于……的位置 ...

Going to work for a small start-up in no way guarantees that you will be working in an Agile environment. 为一个小小的刚刚起步的公司工作,无法保证你将在一个敏捷的环境中工作。
In the company, we allow the embezzlement in no way, did not allow has the clique or the small dot production in the company. 在公司内部,我们决不容许贪污,不容许在公司内有派系或小圈圈产生。
Tanner is in no way only heard this suggestion, he started with a view to the original at the last minute to save his drama class. 无路可走的丹拿也就只有听取了这个建议,开始着手他的原创以期能够在最后时刻挽救他的戏剧课。
A bit of inconvenience and discomfort can be a very effective teacher, however, and is in no way abusive if you use common sense. 适当的一点点的麻烦和不适可以成为一个非常有效的老师。然而如果你有常识的话这是不会被滥用的。
Should such changes occur they will in no way affect your earnings accumulated up to the time of these changes. 如果如此的变化发生,他们在没有方法情绪直到这些变化的时候被累积的你的所得中决意。
The defences of the buyer arising out of the sale contract do not concern the bank and in no way affect its liability. 买方对买卖合同的抗辩与银行无关,并不能影响银行在信用证项下的责任。
The whole story was a pretext. He wanted me to leave the deck - so much was plain; but with what purpose I could in no way imagine. 这一切无非是借口,他想让我离开甲板——这是再明显不过的,但我怎么也想象不出他的意图所在。
It did not strike me as strange that this job should be turned over to a casual visitor in no way connected with the school. 找一位陌生的临时来访者来揍我,毫不牵扯到学校,这确是一件不新鲜的主意。
I thought oneself is makes the matter careless water, casually settles in no way, the person, and has the perfect principle point of view. 我觉得自己是的做事情决不马虎水、随便了事、的人,并且拥有完美主义者心态。
"I in no way anticipated the dramatic fall in energy prices that occurred in the last half of the year, " he said. “我无法预测去年下半年能源价格发生的戏剧性的下跌,”他说。
But only shortly after meeting her, it seemed in no way out of place to think of her in such terms. 但是与她相识不久,我就似乎找到了爱的归宿。
However, this article is in no way intended to list them all (or it would have to be an extremely long list). 然而,本文决定不是为了把这些演员列出来,(那将是很长的一份名单)。
One, considerably older than the other two, with a well-kept beard, was the spokesman, though the others were in no way subservient to him. 其中一个比另外两个人年长得多,胡子修理得很好,他是发言人,尽管另外两个人绝不从属于他。
He also suggests that this in no way means that the team should start panicking, they should identify what is working well and what is not. 他也提到这丝毫不意味着团队应该为此惶恐不安,他们应该确定哪些实践可以很好的发挥作用,哪些不能。
I am aware people may disagree, and I am in no way trying to counter dict anyone else's thoughts on the movie. 我知道人们可能不同意,我一点都不尽力遏制别人的思想链表中存储去看电影了。
In his first big foreign-policy speech, he argued that "progress on European defence is in no way part of a competition with NATO. " 在首次发表对外政策的重要讲话时,他坚称,欧洲防务与北约并不矛盾(注2)。
The beginning of a new year in no way dispelled the desperate situation of the year past. 新的一年的开始并没有驱除去岁令人绝望的局势。
just as long, that is, as the addition of new members to the club in no way dilutes their own authority. 但前提是,俱乐部增加新成员不会削弱他们的权威。
Thus, teenagers as the pillars of our society should in no way bet on account of their immaturity. 青少年为栋梁绝投注到他们的不成熟。
Certainly, compared with the research goal, is in no way thought wants the simple transplant overseas not to sue the system. 当然,比较研究的目的,决不是认为要简单的移植国外的不起诉制度。
I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult. 我要强调,这部影片绝不认可相信神秘世界的事物。
For Roddick, there was an element of frustration because he had played well the whole tournament and in no way played badly Sunday. 对于罗迪克,也有点运气不佳,因为整个赛事,他的表现相当出色,绝不能就会在这个星期日,把自个弄得灰头土脸。
But it became obvious that Kenny was the right man to lead the club, and in no way did we feel pressured into appointing him [permanently]. 但后来通过肯尼带队的成绩来看,谁都会说,达格利什是球队主教练一职的最佳人选。我对于任命他作为俱乐部主教练一事,毫无压力可言。
Capitalism. It is in no way honored by spending billions of dollars of tax monies to put a piece of painted metal on the moon. 而花了纳税人数以百亿计的钱来把一堆废铁弄上了月球,无论如何都不是一件光荣的事。
This list is in no way comprehensive, just what was top of my mind as we were corresponding. 以下列举的清单可能并不全面,这只是些我脑袋中最深刻的想法。
We said that this in no way lessens the grief, but it does perhaps help us prepare for the event. 我们说这决没有减轻痛苦,但是可能确实帮助我们为这一事件做好了准备。
To be sure, they were in no way responsible for events that led to the split in AF of L and the formation of CIO in 1935. 的确,他们对于导致劳联分裂和产联形成的,1935年那些事件是无论如何没有责任的。
This to show you also that it is in no way masochistic to put oneself in the line through which the search for the sadistic object passes. 这个也是要跟你们显示,将自己放置在寻求虐待狂的客体经过的途中,根本不是什麽受虐狂。
This agreement in no way relieves the employee of any fiduciary obligations the employee owes to (Company). 无论如何,本协议不能免除员工对公司负有的诚信义务。
For Americans these questions are worthy of public policy debate, a debate that in no way indicates that people do not value these rights. 对于美国人来说,这些问题是值得展开公共政策辩论的。辩论绝不意味人们不珍重这些权利。