in a hurry

  • na.匆忙;〈口〉容易地;急于要;〔口语〕愿意地
  • 网络匆忙地;立即;匆匆忙忙

in a hurryin a hurry

in a hurry


大学英语四级常用词组 ... How about? … 如何?…怎么样? in a hurry 匆忙;立即,很快地 break the ice 打破沉默 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... on one's honor 以名誉担保 in a hurry 匆忙地,立即 for instance 例如,举例说 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... how about ... 怎么样 in a hurry 匆忙,急于 in case of 假如,防备 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... on one's honor 以名誉担保 in a hurry 匆忙地,立即 for instance 例如,举例说 ...


初三英语知识点_中考网 ... 名胜 places of interest 匆匆忙忙 in a hurry 非常 not a little ...


新概念第三册全套课文讲解及笔记 - 豆丁网 ... in bed 在床 上 / in a hurry 匆忙的 in debt 负债 / ...


初中英语介词有哪些_爱问知识人 ... with a smile 带着微笑
in a hurry 匆忙,急忙
in a minute 一会儿


新概... ... for a short time: 不久,表示动作延续一段时间 in a hurry: 匆忙的指的是动作 That's why: 那就是为什么,前者是原因 ...

As you learn the associated principles and perform the drills , remember that speed is not the same as being in a hurry. 在你学习这些系统的理论、做这些训练的时候,请记住,速度与急急忙忙是不同的。
I can see that you're not in a hurry. Call me when you're ready to talk. 我可以看得出来你并不着急。等你准备好,可以谈了,再通知我吧。
That's true. We're not in a hurry, but it's too hot to be standing here all day. 也是,反正不赶时间,可是整天站在这里太热了。
She did not leave in a hurry until she had kissed the baker's hand to express her thanks. 她并没有急于离去,她向面包师表示了感谢,并亲吻了面包师的手之后才向家走去。
Squatted in a hurry as nervous as stealing, he ladled the rainwater-mixed residual soup from the bottom of dish basin to his bowl. 他很快蹲下来,慌得如同偷窃一般,用勺子把盆底上混合着雨水的剩菜汤往自己的碗里舀。
But when he approached the vehicle, he found out why the guy and his wife were in a hurry. 但当他来到车前时,他发现了这对夫妇着急的原因了,这名妇女即将生产。
If the hybrid rocket needs to be shut down in a hurry all you need do is turn off the pump delivering the oxidiser. 如果混合火箭发动机需要立即关掉,那么你需要做的全部事情就是关掉传送氧化剂的泵。
It had very little room for food, and if I ate more than it could hold, I can promise you, my stomach would let me know in a hurry. 只为食物留下了很小的空间,如果食量超过它的容积,我可以向你保证,胃立刻就会通知我。
Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. 罗宾逊先生因为出差时间紧迫,他选择了乘坐飞机。
I'm very sorry to tell you that Mr Wang got to do something in a hurry. He had to leave Beijing for Shanghai. 非常抱歉,王先生突然有事,他不得不离开北京去上海。
So is concern about the quality of properties for sale: a lot of factories were put up in a hurry and have been maintained poorly if at all. 要出手财产的质量也是备受关注的:大量的工厂筹建时就很匆忙,就算有维护也是很有限。
After he took his bath, he dressed in a hurry, ran to catch the bus, and got to his appointment before it was too late. 他洗完澡,匆忙穿好衣服,一路小跑赶上公共汽车,到了约会地点的时候总算还不太晚。
How much is the book? 4. She went to the telegraph office in a hurry. 这本书多少钱?她匆匆忙忙向电报局去了。
Buddhist monk rush, down seat come it in a hurry, fire hall of him let, ask him work under the kitchen immediately. 僧徒急忙将其赶下座来,随即罢免了他的堂任,叫他厨下干活。
I passed by your house yesterday evening, and might have dropped in if had not been in a hurry. 昨天晚上我从你家门前经过,安环是急急忙忙,本来可能进去者看你的。
Oh, good, thank you. I'd like a cheeseburger, with French fries and a pickle. And I'd like it right away, please, I'm in a hurry. 哦,太好了,谢谢你。我想要一个汉堡,薯条和一碗泡菜。请快一点,我快饿死了。
He told me that, "I keep a goal of increasing a couple of pounds on my bench press every month, I'm not in a hurry to get quick results. " 他告诉我说,“每月在卧推上增加几磅,我一直保持这个目标。我不急于获得立竿见影的效果。”
It's hard to make a healthy choice when you're out and in a hurry, but cooking yourself you know exactly what you're using for ingredients. 当你在外面比较匆忙的时候,你会很难作出一个对自己身体健康有利的选择,但是如果你在家自己做饭,那么你就能够清楚的知道你所用的各种食材。
The child, in a hurry, asked softly, "Oh God, if I am about to leave now please tell me my angel's name! " 小孩急促而温和地说:“哦,上帝,我要出发了,请您告诉我,我的天使叫什么名字。”
Along the way, the stranger's in a hurry to see, or pledge down the sidewalk, or drive fast ran to the destination. 一路上,看到的路人行色匆匆,或疾步走在人行道上,或开车飞快的奔向目的地。
Once I was in a hurry trying to catch the train to Shanghai. I packed up and put all the things I would need into a suitcase and locked it. 有一次,我忙着赶去上海的火车,收拾好行李,把所需要的东西放进箱子,上了锁。
"Another brandy, " he said, pointing to his glass. The waiter who was in a hurry came over. “再来杯白兰地,”他指著杯子说。那个著急的侍者跑了过去。
Can't you see that I'm in a hurry, and I haven't got time to saunter along and chatter about the buttercups? 你没有看见我很忙,没时间闲逛或是喋喋不休地跟你谈论什么毛茛属植物吗?
Mr Liu denied that the company was in a hurry to list. "We have enough cash until 2015, " he said. 刘强东否认京东正急于上市。他说:“我们的现金足够用到2015年。”
In london, the traffic never seems to stop, and people always seem to be in a hurry. 在伦敦,交通似乎永不停止,人们似乎总是来去匆匆。
At the moment, China and many other world governments, are in a hurry to be adjusted to adapt to this new reality. (AuthorJiefudaier)此刻,中国乃至许多世界其他国家的政府,都在匆忙地进行调整,以适应这一新的现实。
But if the peacekeepers were to leave in a hurry, Congo could descend again into mayhem. 但是,如果维和人员离开匆忙,刚果可能再次面临混乱局势。
I think to myself, but as I am in a hurry to make an appointment, I forget to look the word up in my haste to leave the apartment. 我想了一下,不过由于当时正要见人,我匆忙离开的时候忘了查字典。
I heard about this house the owner had to sell in a hurry, so I got it at a very cheap price. 我听说房主急于要出售这栋房子,所以我以很便宜的价格买进了。一个星期后,我把它卖掉,从中赚了两万美元。
Western business visitors seemed to be in a hurry compared with their Chinese counterparts, who were in anything but a hurry. 西方的商务客人看上去很着急,相比之下,他们的中国同行则根本不着急。