go about

  • na.走来走去;着手(工作);(谣言等)流传;【航】掉转船头
  • 网络从事;着手做;忙于

第三人称单数:goes about 现在分词:going about 过去式:went about 过去分词:gone about

go aboutgo about

go about


初中英语总复习_百度知道 ... go a long way 有用 go about 从事 go ahead 说吧 ...


英语四级重要短语_百度知道 ... go after 追求/赶; 设法得到 go about 着手做,处理,忙于 go up 上升,增加,建起;(物价等)上 …


英语四级重要短语_百度知道 ... go after 追求/赶; 设法得到 go about 着手做,处理,忙于 go up 上升,增加,建起;(物价等)上 …


英语四级重要短语_百度知道 ... go after 追求/赶; 设法得到 go about 着手做,处理,忙于 go up 上升,增加,建起;(物价等)上 …


go构成的短语的辨异_百度知道 ... be going strong 有力的进行 go about 走来走去 go after sb. 设法追求某人 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... far 经用,持久,成功 go about 走动,流传 go back 回去,追溯 ...

Unfortunately, there seems to be little restraint on accompanying guidance as we go about this. 不幸的是,当这样的事情发生时,都没有人跟我们说应当有所克制。
Still, most people persevere and go about their lives, battered and shaken though they may be, because there seems to be no real choice. 尽管如此,大多数人仍然坚持并从事他们的日常生活,尽管它们可能是破旧的和摇摇欲坠的,因为看起来似乎没有真正的选择。
Holter monitor. This portable ECG device can be worn for a day or more to record your heart's activity as you go about your routine. 动态心电图这是一种可随身携带的心电图,可以在你正常生活时连续记录下几天内心脏的电活动。
If you were going to accept multiparty democracy after 10 years of war, why go about this in a roundabout way? 如果在10年的战争之后,你们打算接受多党民主,为什么要通过如此曲折的道路来实现这一点呢?
the best way to go about it professionally is to ask that they refrain from interrupting the presentation until a more appropriate time. 最好又显专业的解决方法是请他们不要再继续干扰你的演讲,与他们提出稍后会有更为适合的场合提问。
You have a few choices for how to go about this, and the best choice depends on how much you know about the artifact that interests you. 对于怎样去操作您有一些选择,最佳的选择取决于您对感兴趣的工件了解多少。
If your friend comes here with any more criticism about how we bring the children up, I'll tell him to go about his business. 如果你朋友再来指手画脚,教育我们如何教育子女,那我就要叫他别多管闲事。
"It is a question of how you go about doing it, " he said. "We are proactive in communicating what our company is all about. " “这是你如何去操作的问题,”他说,“我们在交流和介绍公司方面积极主动。”
But he did not know exactly how to go about doing that. 但是,他并不确切的知道如何去做这件事。
I continue to walk along the walls of this dilapidated, to go about her way, but a strange cul -de-sac beside copied. 我继续沿着这里残破的城墙行走,不愿再走什么便当的途径,而是抄旁边的一条陌生的小路。
We made it a tool of the individual to go about doing their work . 我们使它成为个人的一个工具有关做他们的工作去。
why do you go about to recover the wind of me, as if you would drive me into toils? 为什么你们总是这样千方百计绕到我上风的一面,好像一定要把我逼进你们的圈套?
In the meantime, her organisation, funded entirely by a government grant, is trying to go about business as usual. 在此期间,这个完全由政府拨付支持运转的组织正尽力像往常一样完成自己的工作。
It seems to be that the majority of people go about their lives on auto pilot without any thought for others or themselves. 似乎大多数人更多的是随波逐流而非思索自己或他人的人生。
GREG HOY: And how would you go about affording even the sort of money that you were bidding? 格雷克·霍伊:就算是你们竞拍时的出价,那么一笔钱,你们又怎么能负担得来呢?
"I should make it clear from the outset that this is not the normal way in which we go about cataloguing the collection, " said Mrs d'Offay. “从一开始我就非常清楚这不是我们做收藏目录的正常途径。”她还说。
The doctor: But how could a man with a fractured bone and a splint on his leg go about the boat murdering people. 医生:但一个腿部骨折,上了夹板的人怎么可能在船上四处杀人呢?
Go about your regular business, but take a bit of time to make sure you don't glide over unexpressed feelings that need to be addressed. 着手你的日常业务,但抽出点时间确保你不要滑翔在未表达的需要被考虑到的情感上。
In a district of Shansi a magistrate wanted to arouse, the people to carry on land reform, but did not know just how to go about it. 在山西的一个专区,有个县长想要发动人民搞土改,又不知道如何着手。
Once you know exactly how much money you can spend, then you can go about the process of determining how you want to spend it. 在对自己’可以‘花的数目有多少有所了解后,下面就可以开始一个决定‘如何’花它的过程了。
wicked fools will not go about on it. a 9No lion will be there, nor will any ferocious beast get up on it; they will not be found there. 愚昧的人不会在路上留连.9那里必没有狮子,猛兽也不会上去,在那里必遇不见牠们;
He was obviously not at all keen on the idea, and in any case he would not know how to go about discussing things with the police. 显然是他对于这件事十二分的不踊跃,并且也不知道怎样去和公安分局打交道。
They are people just like you and me who are trying to get by, to help their families and go about living their lives. 他们就像你我一样,努力供养家庭,让生活继续下去。
Hindsight is only a tool measure how to go about life in the future, not a measure of how much life is worth generally. 后见仅仅是衡量如何在未来进行生活的一个工具,不是认识总体价值的衡量。
He looked out of the train and said: "I buy some oranges, you stay here, nor go about . " 他望(往)车外看了看,说,“我买几个橘子去。你就在此地,不要走动。”
If you were a member of an alien civilization trying to communicate across the immeasurable distances of space, how would you go about it? 如果你是一个外星人尝试在广无边际的太空进行通信,那要如何去做呢?
And then, he said, he would go about finding the right school principals, "invest in their development and pay them accordingly" . 随后,他说,他将去找最合适的校长,“为他们的发展投资,相应地给予他们报酬。”
I do not know how to go about it and I thus need you to explain to me how you will do it. 我不知道如何去它,因此,我要你向我解释你将如何做到这一点。
And if sequestration by biochar is deemed sensible, there remains the question of how, exactly, to go about it. 如果生物碳确实可行,剩下的问题就是应该具体怎样实行。
the men are limp , they feel a doom somewhere , and they go about as if there was nothing to be done. 男子们是软弱的,他们觉得灾祸将临,于是他们苟且将事,仿佛毫无办法。