get into trouble

  • na.遇到麻烦;卷入纠纷;受责备;未结婚而怀孕
  • 网络陷入困境;陷入麻烦;惹上麻烦

get into troubleget into trouble

get into trouble


自考英语综合英语课文(1) ... grow up 长大,成长 get into trouble 陷入困境,招惹麻烦 keep up with 赶上,跟上 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... get in a word 策划 get into trouble 陷入麻烦 get in touch with 与……取得联系 ...


冰雪燕子的主页 ... 10. as well as 不仅…而且 11. get into trouble 遇到麻烦 12. make a decision 做出决定 ...


英语智力题_百度知道 ... “in white” 同样是“穿着白色”的意思。 get into trouble = 陷入困境,惹上麻烦 get out of trouble = 脱困 ...


初中英语复习分类(三) 短语 - 好研 ... 20. be fond of 喜欢 1. get into trouble 陷入麻烦;惹麻烦 2. agree with 同意 ...


give rise to - 英汉词典 ... fatal to 对...是致命的 get into trouble 陷入困境; 招致麻烦 give birth to 1. 生(孩子) ...


沪江博客 - DearKnows - Keep learning... ... 勇敢的 brave 闯祸 get into trouble 不理不睬 be completely to ignore ...

He got her to water down the idea that private bondholders must take a hit whenever countries get into trouble. 他则说服她摒弃让私人债券持有者为危难中的国家堵枪眼的想法。
If you go on trying to get out of paying taxes , you'll sooner or later get into trouble . 你要是继续想方设法逃税,你早晚会受到惩罚的。
Consumers would get into trouble by treating their little plastic cards as if they were money in the bank. 消费者如果以为他手上的小小塑料卡片就等于是银行里的存款,那就会出问题。
We've got lessons, we'll get into trouble, and that's nothing to what Hagrid's going to be in when someone finds out what he's doing. 我们要上课,不然我们会惹麻烦的;如果有人发现海格做的事情,他会比我们更倒霉的……
Now, at my age I don't like to get into trouble, especially when it might be dangerous for me. 当时的我在那年龄并不想被拖下水,特别是当事情于我有危险的时候,哪怕仅一点。
I always do something like this----one minute I'm making swear to keep away from undeserved relationship, the next I get into trouble love. 我总做这样的事-刚才还发誓远离不值得的关系,然后就卷入了麻烦的爱情。
He never get into trouble by thinking of his own idle pleasures. 他遇到困难,从来不是由于只想到自己寻欢作乐。
"When you get into trouble again, my son, stop and think of a way out, instead of screaming, " said his mother. “当你遇到麻烦时,儿子,静下心来思考出路,而不是尖叫,”他的母亲说。追问能不能短点
Because Mars is opposite your sign now it's easy to get into trouble with others, especially partners and close friends. 火星此刻正位于射手座对面,因此你易于与别人发生矛盾,特别是与你的伴侣和密友。
This may be enough to help a couple of small countries but would be inadequate if a large country should get into trouble. 这或许足以帮助几个小国,但一旦某个大国遇到麻烦,肯定是不够的。
When you know God's Word you will not be fooled by lies. But you will always get into trouble when you doubt the Bible. 当你领会了上帝的话语时,你就不会被谎言所愚弄。但是,如果你怀疑圣经的话语,你会陷入困境,无法挣脱。
If the matter isn't dealt with properly : you'll get into trouble. 如果这桩事没有很好处理,你会陷入困境
Eg. George keeps a tight rein on his children, but they still seem to get into trouble regularly. 乔治对他的孩子们管教很严,但他们似乎仍然时常陷入麻烦。
You get into trouble and I have to stump up the money for you. 你惹了麻烦,可还得让我来掏腰包。
Don' t go too far ( in the matter ) ; you may get into trouble if you do. (这件事)别做得太过分了,否则你会招来麻烦的。
But investors get into trouble when they assume that China keeps score like the U. S. does. 但是当投资者假定中国和美国的记账法一样的话,他们就有大麻烦了。
There's nothing to do in this town except mooching around the streets; no wonder young people get into trouble. 在这座城市除了逛大街以外没事可干;难怪年轻人要出乱子。
Don't rely on me to help you every time you get into trouble. 别指望我在你每次闯祸时帮你。
Yet reasoning of this kind is increasingly used to explain how spendthrift countries get into trouble. 但是类似的思维方式正越来越频繁地被用于解释那些挥霍无度的国家是怎样卷入麻烦中的。
Don't weep crocodile tears over his misfortune. I know you have always detested him and are only too happy to see him get into trouble. 别假惺惺地为他的不幸而难过了,我知道你一直讨厌他,看到他倒霉,心里可高兴哩!
If you swim by yourself, with no life guards or friends with you, you may get into trouble. 如果你一个人游泳,没有救生员或朋友在场,你会遇到麻烦的。
But if you don't buy into this agreement, or if you just happen to get into trouble, the system can be pretty unforgiving. 但是,如果你不同意,或者你碰巧被卷入了纷争,那么这个体制是绝不会原谅你的。
Second, European rescue funds are not big enough to replicate the Irish rescue should bigger countries get into trouble. 如果欧元区其他大国陷入危机,欧洲救援基金的规模不足以复制爱尔兰此次援助计划。
Another panda is likely to be released in the coming year, this time a female (thought less likely to get into trouble). 2008年,研究中心很可能会再放生一只大熊猫,而且这次会是一只雌性熊猫(雌性被认为遇到麻烦的可能会小些)。
No individual can live without any friends. Today, friends mean the persons who can support you and help you when you get into trouble. 没有人可以没有朋友。朋友指的是当你遇到困难的时候能够支持和帮助你的人。
Keep an eye on the children while I'm gone. Make sure they don't get into trouble. 我不在时帮我看著小孩。千万别让他们惹麻烦。
But he said we shouldn't mutiny against the teachers because there were some police outside and we might get into trouble. 不过他说我们不应该暴动反抗老师,因为有警察,会有麻烦的。
In emerging markets bond spreads have soared and local currencies plunged. And whole countries have begun to get into trouble. 新兴市场的债券利率差不断加大、本币狂跌;所有国家都卷入了麻烦中。
Why tell a lie? You could get into trouble for that. 你为何要说谎?你可能会因此而惹上麻烦。
A boom in junk-bond issuance leaves companies with large pools of cash. It takes them a few years to drain these pools and get into trouble. 垃圾债券发行的兴盛使企业陷入巨大的现金池深渊,这需要他们花费很多年才能抽干现金池,企业因此而陷入困境。