get ahead

  • na.获得成功;前进
  • 网络进步;超过;走在前面

第三人称单数:gets ahead 现在分词:getting ahead 过去式:got ahead 过去分词:gotten ahead

get aheadget ahead

get ahead


大学英语四级常用词组 ... ahead of 在…前面,先于;胜过 get ahead 进步,获得成功 go ahead 前进;干吧 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... ahead of 在…前面,先于;胜过 get ahead 进步,获得成功 go ahead 前进;干吧 ...


《实用高中英语用法详解词典》_免费论文_当知网... ... ahead of 在...之前;超过 / get ahead 胜过,超过 / legal aid 法律援助 / ...


get - 英汉词典 ... get excited 激动,兴奋起来 get ahead 领先,走在前面 get going 启动措施,开始行动 ...


get - 英汉词典 ... get excited 激动,兴奋起来 get ahead 领先,走在前面 get going 启动措施,开始行动 ...


in2english - Community ... nurture a generation 抚育一代人 get ahead 取得进步 be bound for a destination 前往某一目的地 ...


上班女郎_百度百科 ... 希腊 Greece 1989 ⒈get ahead 取得进展,发展 ⒉pimp n. 皮条客,老鸨 ...

It would be wrong to conclude that, in trying to get ahead of the crisis, the euro zone's policymakers have already gone too far. 假如说,结论是欧元区决策者们已经为设法战胜危机走得太远了,那就错了。
If you want to get ahead in an organization, dress as if you work at the level you hope to reach next. 如果你想在公司中获得晋升,那么你希望达到哪个层次,你的着装就得符合那个层次的特点。
"It's good to be smart, it's good to get ahead, but past a certain threshold, you can't be trusted: you're a nerd, you're a geek, " he said. “聪明固然很好,领先固然很好,但过了一定的极限,你就会不受信任:你让人讨厌,是个怪物,”他说。
The helicopter was on its way out of the area at that point, trying to get ahead of bad weather. 这架直升机那时正赶在坏天气到来之前要离开这一地区。
It means doing all you can do to help him get ahead by discussing his business problems with him and making friends for him. 这还意味着你要和他一起讨论他工作上的问题,为他结交益友,尽你所能帮助他上进。
The new vaccine is the result of a deliberate effort to get ahead of these epidemics, at a price affordable in Africa. 新疫苗是为战胜疫情作出谨慎努力的结果,其价格是非洲所能接受的。
She was breathing quickly, and I realized she had run by a quicker way to get ahead of me. 她呼吸急促,我意识到她是为了赶在我前面而抄近路跑来的。
"It was like working for the company store, " Mr. Freeman said. "You could never get ahead. " 弗里曼先生说:“那就像在为公司的商店做事,你不可能走在它的前面超越它。”
When a state fears its enemies will develop nuclear weapons, it has a reason to get ahead by launching a programme of its own. 一个国家害怕他的敌人发展核武器时,会找理由抢先一步启动自己的核武计划。
It's a critical time for you to get ahead, so give your career all you've got to give in the second half, even though it's holiday time. 这是一个取得进步的关键时刻,所以在后半月倾尽全力去拼搏吧!即使是节假日也别浪费了哦!
It really is knocking you back down, and it will continue to do so until you stop trying to get ahead like a cancer cell would. 它真的是压倒你,并且它将会持续地做,直到你停止像癌症细胞那样再生长。
Does your boss understand you do not like to work with certain individuals but will still make every effort to help the team get ahead? 你的老板是否理解,你不喜欢与某些人一起工作,但却仍然尽全力让团队前进?
Even so, it is wrong to conclude that, in trying to get ahead of the crisis, the euro zone's policymakers have gone too far. 即便如此,也不能认为欧元区的决策者们为克服危机已经走得太远。
Dirty dishes fill the sink, Make some popcorn and a drink, Will they never go to bed, Will I never get ahead? 晚餐后水槽里杯盘狼藉,还得准备一些爆米花和饮料,如果不这样他们就不会睡觉。为什么我从不能在他们之前休息?
Lan Lan struggling to their feet to get ahead, and finally, Lan Lan broke free out of the corner, she energetically to run again. 兰兰奋力的用脚向前跑,终于,兰兰的角挣脱了出去,她又使劲地跑了起来。
Moving now on some sort of regulatory scheme is a chance to get ahead of the curve, he says. 他说,此时推动制定某种管制机制正是个未雨绸缪的时机。
With a shift towards mobile taking place, as well as new products like tablets starting to rise, HP seems smart to get ahead of this trend. 手机已经开始改变,就象平板电脑样的新产品开始上升一样,惠普看起来聪明的赶在了这股潮流的前沿。
However, if you make a plan for your next slow period, you can get ahead for your next work rush and come out better in the long run. 然而如果你为下一个低潮作出点计划,就能在下一份工作和长远上表现得更出色。
Folks who have given up trying to get ahead, and given in to the stark reality of just trying to get by. 已经放弃努力取得进步的人们已屈服于这个悲惨的现实,只需要度过。
"Are we just trying to keep up with the also-rans or are we trying to get ahead? " he asked. 我们是要和落伍者呆在一起?还是想赶到前面去呢?
And they say they are simply trying to get ahead of an exploding appetite for data and avoid problems with overburdened networks. 他们的目的是提前预防数据爆炸避免给本就超负荷的网络带来麻烦。
She soon found that it wasn't easy to get ahead in the movie business. 她很快发现很难在电影业发展。
We're going to continue to try and push - but let's not get ahead of ourselves - it would be fantastic to get to Q3 again in the next race. 我们会继续努力尝试-但是我们自己不能骄傲-如果能够在下一场比赛再次进入第三节排位赛就非常好了。
There is no doubt that reading, writing and arithmetic are important to get ahead in the world. But what about a college degree? 为了在这世界上出人头地,阅读、写作和数学无疑是至关重要的。
The merger rumors are partly wishful thinking, and partially a way for seasoned traders to get ahead of the next big stock jump. 并购传言是一种主观愿望,也是经验老道的交易员赶在下一轮股市大涨前做好准备的手段之一。
[The man seems taken aback by your civilized manner, then bows slightly. ] I see that I've let my tongue get ahead of my manners, good sir. 【这个人似乎被你的彬彬有礼吓着了,而后他微微鞠躬。】我注意到我的言语不符合我的礼貌,尊敬的先生。
Trading in the direction of a weekly moving average should help you get ahead of many traders. 在周线图上按照均线的方向交易,表明你比其他交易者强。
That lesson is simple: Disclose all relevant facts, get ahead of the media and don't turn a one-day story into a media frenzy. 教训很简单:披露全部相关事实,赶在媒体之前,别让一件小事变成被媒体炒得沸沸扬扬的“大新闻”。
The training budget may have been slashed, but you don't have to wait for a complete economic recovery to get ahead. 的培训预算可能已经被大幅削减了,但你不必等到经济全面复苏再启动进修计划。
The council is encouraging businesses to "get ahead of the game" by voluntarily registering to be part of the new regime ahead of time. 议会鼓励企业通过自愿登记成为先于时代的新体制的一部分而“走在行业前面”。