go shopping

  • na.去买东西
  • 网络去购物;逛街;逛商店

go shoppinggo shopping

go shopping


小学英语分类单词表 ... climb mountains 爬山 go shopping 去购物 play the piano 弹钢琴 ...


基础英语单词_百度文库 ... climb mountains (爬山) go shopping (购物; 买东西) play the piano 弹钢琴) ...


冀教版七年级英语下册单词表_百度知道 ... 去散步 go for a walk 去买东西 go shopping 访谈节目 talk show ...


想说就说(三)25_在线英语听力室 ... go swimming: 游泳. go shopping: 逛街. go jogging: 慢跑. ...


小学英语单词汇总(含中文翻译) - 豆丁网 ... 卖 sell 逛商店 go shopping 吃 eat ...


小学五年级英语单词 ... climb mountains( 爬山) go shopping购物买东西) play the piano( 弹钢琴) ...


娟慧 ... PhotoAlto Vol.118 Go Shopping 败家去 专业图库 PhotoAlto Vol.69 Executives in Business 商业交谈通信 专业图库 ...

He asked me whether I would go shopping with him the next day. 他问我第二天是否会和他一起去购物。
If you want hard copy, it's good too! Go shopping for a nice book that resonates with you to get started. 如果你想要书面化的记录,那也不错。去店里买一个精美的本子,然后着手写吧。
Go shopping and stop and admire his admiration of what he calls you to see. 去购物,他叫你注意他崇拜的东西时,你就驻足崇拜。
He had no money, so it was out of the question for him to go shopping. 他一点钱都没有,所以不可能去购物。
However last week I was going to go shopping and found he was sitting near the door in the garden. 然而上星期我正要出去买东西时,发现它正呆在花园里边靠门的地方。
If it were to be fine tomorrow, I would go shopping with my friends. 如果明天天气好,我将和朋友们一起去买东西。
Breakfast mother let me accompany her to go shopping and I didn't go. 吃完早饭妈妈让我陪同她往买菜我也没往。
AT half past four I showed Mary around the factory and after supper I took her to go shopping at the Friendship Store. 在四点半我给玛丽去工厂参观,晚饭后,我带她去友谊商店购物。
A few years ago, when my mather was visiting, she asked me to go shopping with her because she needed a new dress. 一些年前,当我妈妈去旅游的时候,她叫我陪她去购物,因为她需要一套新裙子。
Actually . . . with a huge hole in the front of my shirt since I still refuse to go shopping. 事实上,衬衫的前面应该还有个大洞,因为我一直不愿去买件新的。
He made a long face when his wife asked him to go shopping with her. 当太太叫他一起去购物时,他拉长了脸。
Before, I'd usually go shopping or to karaoke with friends, and chill out a bit. 以前,我一般会和朋友一起去购物或者去唱歌,让心情轻松起来。
Buying on the dips might make you feel better, just as it feels good to go shopping when a department store tacks up the sale signs. 逢低买进也许能让你感觉好一点,这就像在百货商场打折时购物感觉良好一样。
Once a week she rides her bicycle for at least two hours from her apartment in Shekou to go shopping and bodybuilding. 她每周至少一次从蛇口家里骑两小时自行车去购物或是健身。
Between getting the children fed and the house cleaned, and preparing herself to go shopping, she had forgotten to eat at all! 给孩子们准备饭菜,打扫房间,然后自己作出门购物的准备,她完全忘记了吃任何东西!
My friend Liu told me that every time it was Saturday he would be asked to go shopping with his wife. 我的朋友老刘告诉我他老婆每到周末都要他陪着逛街。
Grace pulled a long face when her mother refused to go shopping with her . 当母亲不答应和她逛商店时,格雷斯板起了面孔。
Tomorrow night, she was ready to go shopping with her mother to buy what she wanted , such as milk, bananas, apples, Hamburg and so on. 明天晚上她准备和她妈妈去商店买东西,她想买很多东西,比如牛奶,香蕉,苹果,汉堡等等。
When she left the house to go shopping, her husband, who was caring for her, was in the basement for just a few minutes. 当她离开家去购物时,平时照顾她的丈夫刚进入地下室不到几分钟。
For the lucky Americans who have managed to hold on to their jobs, 2009 has so far been a great time to go shopping. 对于那些幸运地保住了工作的美国人来说,今年迄今为止,一直是购物的大好时机。
Felicia: Do you think I'm going to let you walk away with all the attention? No chance, come on girls. Let's go shopping. 你认为我会让你自己去吸引全部的注意么?不可能的,姑娘们,我们走,一起去购物。
A woman in Paris was on her way to go shopping, but she had forgotten her coat - went back to get it. 一个住在巴黎的女人正在往购物的路上,但是她忘记拿她的大衣,便回往取了。
A woman in Paris was on her way to go shopping. But she had forgotten her coat, and went back to get it. 巴黎,一个女人在去商店的路上,忘记了她的大衣,于是她回家去取。
that mean, no one will play, go shopping and eat out with me for a long time. 以后就没人陪我玩陪我逛街了陪我吃饭了
As I have to hit the books from Monday to Friday for five days in a row, there is no way for me to go shopping during the weekdays. 因为我从周一到周五整整五天都要读书,这就意味着我绝不会上课时间去购物的。
I will be busy all this week and I have no time to go shopping with you. 我这一周都将会很忙,没有时间和你去购物。
I've got numerous tasks to do today, and on top of everything else, my mom asked me to go shopping with her. 我今天有大量的工作要做,除此之外,我妈妈还让我陪她去买东西。
It was such a revolution that we would go shopping and people would gather around the car to stare. 那真是一种革命性的产品,我们开车去购物时,人们都会围着车看。
I have no idea what to say at that instant. I am determined to but a perfect coat just for her, though I am not inclined to go shopping. 那一瞬间,我真的不知道说什么才好,我想一定要去为她买一件最好的衣裳送给她,尽管我从来不喜欢逛街。
Customer: But I am satisfied with that. Because of the hairstyle, my wife never asks me to go shopping with her. 顾客:但是我非常满意。由于发型问题,我老婆再也不拉着我逛街了。