at hand

  • na.在手边;即将到来
  • 网络在附近;眼前;近在手边

at handat hand

at hand


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 at hand 在手边,在附近 at heart 内心里,本质上 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 at hand 在手边,在附近 at heart 内心里,本质上 ...


How do silkworms make silk? ... fodder: 饲料 at hand: 即将到来 moth: 蛾 ...


英语惯用短语汇总讲稿 - 豆丁网 ... into the habit of 养成了…的习惯 • at hand 在手边, 眼前(附近) by hand 用手工(做) ...


英语四级高频词组_百度文库 ... take…into account 考虑到,顾及,体谅 at hand 近在手边,在附近 take advantage of 占…的 …


专四高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 at hand 在手边,在附近 18 at heart 内心里,本质上 ...


英语介词用法 - Mainz - 博客园 ... at first 起初, at hand 手头, at heart 在内心里, ...


高中必修一英语语法总结_百度知道 ... at first 起先;开端 at hand 在手边,在近处 at home and abroad 国内外 ...

He the matter at hand, brought me to the back room, returns in a pile of them over a phone, give me the most out of a dowdy to. 他忙完了手头的事,把我带到后面的一个房间,在一摞退货当中翻了一通,给我挑出一套最寒酸的来。
A second pair of eyes and a second perspective on the problem at hand are extremely helpful for a clearer, better solution. 另外一双眼睛,另外一种审视问题的角度会极大的促进方案更清楚,更优异。
Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. 集中精力完成手头的事情。太阳光不能点燃直到把光聚集到一点。
Perchance the reader might recognize these two men, if he were to see them closer at hand. 读者如果在比较近的地方去看这两个人,那可能是认识他们的。
We ought to discover everyone's merit carefully but are not to have had the coloured eye at hand seeing others's shortcoming only. 我们应该细心发现每个人的优点而不是带上了有色眼睛只看到别人的缺点。
On or connection with the matter at hand. Eg: relevant to the question These issues are directly relevant to the needs of English learners. 这些问题直接关系到英语学习者的需要。
It should be presented in just the right way, so that it is relevant to the situation at hand and easy to understand. 忠告必须以正确的方式呈现出来,能契合当下的情况,并且容易了解。
It was his way of signaling that he was finished with the issue at hand and ready to move on to other concerns. 这就表示他要结束手上这个议题,进到下个主题了。
Stress and long hours are part of every project manager's life who battle to get the most out of the resources at hand to achieve the scope. 压力和长时间的工作已成为每个项目经理生活中的一部分,这些经理要尽力安排手头上的资源以完成某些宏图大略。
What's good about this type of humour is the fact that it is able to address whatever political issue is at hand. 这种类型的幽默所谓“好”,是因为它能够将人们身边的政治问题信手拈来。
The matter at hand; the point at issue. 手头的事务;争论的议点
Whatever it had been it was no more at hand. 无论它以前怎么样,反正眼前它不存在了。
Behold the day is at hand, the day of the Lord, and I hear upon the mountains the feet of Him who shall be the Saviour of the world. 看,主的日已在眼前,我听见他的脚步回荡在群山之上,他必是世界的救星。
Eager to fulfill an appointment, she raced through the matter at hand. 由于急着去赴约,她匆匆忙完手头的事情。
Up to this point your brain has been working through a limited number of connections, all directly related to the problem at hand. 到此刻为止,你的大脑在通过有限数目的连接进行工作。它们(指:连接)都是与当前的问题直接相关。
On to the infographic at hand. . . If you've heard it once, you've probably heard it a million times: conserve water. 将这张资讯图像捧在手上时,有种似曾相识的感觉。如果你曾经听过它,那么你可能已经听过成千上万遍了:保护水资源。
If Mr. Bernanke tries one, critics will say he is trying to create the illusion of a recovery when a real one isn't at hand. 如果贝南克试验其中某一个选项,批评者会说他想在真正的复苏遥遥无期时制造复苏假象。
Under certain circumstances, you may feel as though you cannot express the matter at hand in less than three (3) sentences. 在某些特定的情况下,你可能觉得在少于三句话时不知如何表达该问题。
The beautiful and high - quality one has seemed close at hand , extremely easy to obtain like the fairy tale! 童话般美丽优质的似乎已近在咫尺、唾手可得!
As I said last month, writing just enough code to make a test pass keeps code simpler and keeps me focused on the task at hand. 正如我上月所述,编写足够的代码以使测试通过可以简化程序代码,从而有更多的精力关注手边的工作。
Oh yea, everyone get off their high horse and talk about whats at hand. If you don't have something of value to say, move along. 每个人都停下来谈论自己手头的事儿,如果你说不出什么有价值的东西,请走开。
A superb teacher, with a fine grasp of the appropriate metaphor, and tailoring his teachings to the audience at hand. 一位庄严的老师,善于使用适当的隐喻,对即将到来的听众随机说法。
In the movies, the British secret agent often needs to make a quick getaway by boat, and of course, one was always close at hand. 007系列电影中,邦德这位英国秘密特工经常要坐船迅速逃离现场,而他手边总有一只现成的小船。
And the emir has managed to turn Qatar into a peacemaking hub, albeit that he has not always settled the conflicts at hand. 尽管哈马德•本•哈利法•阿勒萨尼并不总能使眼前的冲突平息,但他已将卡塔尔变成了一个维和中枢。
Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand. 对我们来说最重要的不是看远方模糊的事,而是做手边清楚的事。
Try to put the rest of the clutter out of your mind for now and just deal with the task at hand. 试着暂且忘掉其他的杂乱,只处理手头的工作就好。
They might be less distracted by irrelevant noise and therefore able to put more of their resources toward the task at hand. 他们也许更加不容易受到无关噪音的干扰并且能够将更多脑力资源集中到手头的任务上。
Currency into the money game is able to, she replied: "Yes" , then continue to busy with the matter at hand. 是否能将游戏币换成钱,她回答:“可以”,随后继续忙着手头的事情。
Zhao said the information was not at hand but would be forwarded shortly through email or SMS. 赵说,这些资料是不是在手,但会通过电子邮件或短信转发不久。
Back to the subject at hand, the CLEF system consists of a flexible LCD touch screen with a built-in stand and a wireless foot pedal. 呵呵,让我们回到今天的话题:这套声部记号设备。该套设备包括一个手感舒适的液晶触摸屏、一个内置的支架,还有一只无线的脚控踏板。