as a whole

  • na.(作为一个)整体
  • 网络作为一个整体;总体上;作为整体

as a wholeas a whole

as a whole


as a whole ... Nature is a whole. 自然界是一个统一体。 as a whole 作为一个整体; 总的说来 a whole new idea. 习惯用语 ...


英语短语词组(2145个) ... as a rule 通常;一般说来 as a whole 总体上 as best one can 尽最大努力 ...


英语作文常用句型及词组 - 豆丁网 ... 穿着白色衣服 be dressed in white 通盘,作为整体 as a whole 总的来说 on the whole ...


2012届高考二轮专题复习综合测试活页练 (十六) ... take care of 照顾 as a whole 总体上;整个看来 in ________ for 和……交换 ...


as a whole ... Nature is a whole. 自然界是一个统一体。 as a whole 作为一个整体; 总的说来 a whole new idea. 习惯用语 ...


高考常考词组汇总_百度文库 ... as a result 结果 as a whole 总的来说 as follows 如下 ...


at large 总体来讲(as a whole) The students at large are hungry for english.Where must the puma have come from?

At the news conference, he stressed his aim is to work with the Russian government as a whole, and made no reference to Mr. 在新闻发布会上,奥巴马强调说,他的目的是与整个俄罗斯政府合作,而没有提到普京的政治思维。
I can only tell you about how me, personally, and the club, as a whole, feel about him. 我只能告诉你我的感受,总体而言,我和俱乐部都对他很青睐。
And, because banks would not be appropriating so much of people's labor and wealth, the economy as a whole would grow much faster. 而且,由于银行将不会被占用如此多的大众劳力和财富,整个经济将增长更快。
The French exception is clearly alive. But it does not seem to be very well. That could soon become a problem for Europe as a whole. 法国的独特性无疑正再次显现。但这一次似乎不那么美妙。用不了多久,它就会成为令全欧洲感到头疼的问题。
Flash disk continue to decline, lack of power in the market as a whole, bad atmosphere continued to increase. 电子盘继续下跌,整个市场缺乏动力,利空气氛继续增加。
As time goes on, we shall become superior as a whole and eventually wipe out all the enemy. 随着时间的推移,我们就将在全体上转变为优势,直到歼灭一切敌人。
We're trying to improve the Web as a platform. . . and increase usage of the Internet as a whole. 我们正努力改善网页,使它能够作为一个平台…并且作为一个整体而言,我们还将增加互联网的用法。
Moreover, if one is to love God, or to love humanity as a whole, one cannot give one's preference to any individual person. 再者,如果一个人要爱上帝,或者爱作为整体的人类,他就不能把他的爱给某个具体的个人。
If we were to raise the total tax rate on society as a whole, we'd run the risk that the government would suck money out of the economy. 如果说政府是打算提高全国的税率,那么,有可能经济领域里面流通的货币会进入政府的口袋。
Such retaliation arises from purely personal considerations, to the neglect of the interests of the class and of the Party as a whole. 这种报复主义,完全从个人观点出发,不知有阶级的利益和整个党的利益。
Try to grasp what the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole. 尽力从整体上把握作者在书里要告诉你的东西。
Such a structure lends rigidity to the work as a whole and keeps its shape when hung on the wall. 这种结构使得刚性的工作作为一个整体,并保持它的形状时,挂在墙上。
What are we to make of all this? Well, you could say that it demonstrates how cynical the media and society as a whole have become. 对此我们应该怎样看待?好吧,你可以说这证明了媒体与社会是多么地愤世嫉俗。
International investors, by contrast, are looking at the system as a whole and cannot make sense of the cacophony. 可国际投资者将欧洲看做一个整体,无法理解其中的不和谐。
A few of the top clubs are considering setting up stores for their kit, but the league as a whole has no commercial outlet. 有少数俱乐部在考虑开设装备专卖店,而联盟作为一个整体则没有一家商业设施。
What the industry as a whole did not do well enough was to design pay so that it better reflected long-term risk. 整体来说,这个行业做得不够的在于未能设计好薪酬体系,使其能够更好地反映银行的长期风险。
Her mother's pride in the girl's appearance led her to step back, like a painter from his easel, and survey her work as a whole. 看见女儿漂亮的形体,母亲心里感到骄傲,往后退了几步,就像一个画家从画架前面走开,从整体上仔细打量自己的杰作。
We are sort of assuming that 60% of the population as a whole would be enough for him to win. 我们假设60%的人群,作为一个整体足以让他胜利。
A quantity of our products rank forefront, yet as a whole lying the bottom of the global industrial chain. 中国若干重要产品的产量位居世界前列,但总体上仍处于全球产业链的低端;
Indeed, over the past year, time and time again, Germany has appeared to put its own interests over those of Europe as a whole. 的确,过去一年里,德国曾多次表现出将本国利益凌驾于整个欧洲的利益之上。
There are, no doubt, some interests of mankind as a whole, but they do not suffice to determine political action. 毫无疑问,也存在着某些人类全体一致的利益,但这些利益却不足以决定政治的行动。
Such an agreement may be express or implied from the terms of the contract considered as a whole or from the surrounding circumstances. 上述协议可以是明示的或是被视为一个整体的合同条款或相关联的情况默示的。
But taken as a whole, the roadmap appears to be a genuine attempt to be constructive. It is non-partisan, which helps. 但总体上来看,路线图似乎确实是真诚地努力想做点实事,而其非政党的特性又有助于此。
His plan is then to take a week to consider the farm bill package as a whole document before plunging into a full committee markup. 他接下来的计划是在进行全体委员会审定之前,花一周时间从整体上考虑一下整个农业法案。
We are, therefore, about to see a philosophy and art of living as the mind of the Chinese people as a whole has understood it. 所以现在我们将要看到中国整个民族思想所理解的那种哲学和生活艺术。
That implies that the market as a whole isn't a steal, or he would have put the money elsewhere. 这意味着美国股市的总体市盈率已经不低,否则巴菲特早会将这笔收购资金用在其他地方了。
When you are with a group of friends, you think about the group as a whole rather than just about yourself. 当你和朋友们在一起时,你考虑的出发点是大家而不是你自己。
The translational motion of the system, as a whole, simply adds a constant to the total energy. 体系作为一个整体的移动运动,只单纯地在总能量上加一常数值。
Market as a whole a week long silk curtain cloth prices remained stable, price promotional prices or variety is only a few. 一周市场整体长丝窗帘布价格仍然稳定为主,降价促销或涨价品种仅在少数。
Or in other words: Looking at it as a whole, the IT in most large companies is a total mess. 或者用别的话说:尽管许多大企业的IT表明上看上去像是一个整体,但实际上内部是一塌糊涂。