
美 [prəˈdʒekt]英 ['prəʊdʒekt]
  • n.工程;方案;计划;生产(或研究等)项目
  • v.计划;规划;投影;投射
  • 网络专案;课题

第三人称单数:projects 现在分词:projecting 过去式:projected

pilot project,large project,entire project,successful project,ambitious project
start project,study project,implement project,project image,design project


n. v.

规划的工作planned work

1.生产(或研究等)项目;方案;工程a planned piece of work that is designed to find information about sth, to produce sth new, or to improve sth

学校的课题school/college work

2.(大、中学学生的)专题研究a piece of work involving careful study of a subject over a period of time, done by school or college students

方案set of aims/activities

3.方案;计划a set of aims, ideas or activities that sb is interested in or wants to bring to people's attention


项目projEct):商用车的营销是以项目为主进行的,更多地被定义为产品的客户化。一个项目就是产品,把产品扩大化,更 …


工程信息面板主要对工程进行控制,包括工程Project)、应用(Application)和IP目录(IP Catalog)3个页面。 1)工程页 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... ancient adj 古代的;古老的 project n 计划;方案;工程 brick n 砖;砖形物 △ ...


专案(project):是一种一次性的工作,是在规定 的时间内,由专门组织的人员所完成,具有一个&.. 全部>> 我来整理 黑乐 文档 …


所谓“课题”(PROJECT)也是美国式教育的一个特点,每项由老师出大题目与要求,一般都既 有要写的又有要动手做的,而具 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... ancient adj 古代的;古老的 project n 计划;方案;工程 brick n 砖;砖形物 △ ...


在数学中,投影Project)的含义是指建立两个 点集间一一对应的映射关系。同样,在地图学中,地图投影就是指建立地球表 …


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... objection n 反对 project v 投射 projection n 投射;放映 ...

While the ideal situation is to be able to lock down the exact resources for the project, it is not always realistic to attain that goal. 理想状态下,这些资源将被准确锁定,专供项目使用,但在现实中则未必能实现这一目标。
Alistair has described this scenario in one of his project management patterns by the name " Sacrifice one person" . 在他的众多项目管理模式中,Alistair将此命名为“牺牲一个人”。
Recently I sat down with Tony Wong, a project management blackbelt whose client list includes Toyota, Honda, and Disney, to name a few. 最近我跟TonyWong聊了聊。这位项目管理大拿拥有羡人的客户群,包括丰田、本田、迪斯尼,不一而足。
Before you know it, a project to build a building becomes numerous smaller projects, such as excavation, foundation work, and marketing. 大楼建造项目可被分成许多更小的项目,例如,挖掘、打地基和建材采购。
In the Project Explorer, it is possible to display a text box that allows you to quickly filter out elements that do not interest you. 在ProjectExplorer中,现在已经可以通过一个文本框快速筛选您所不感兴趣的元素了。
And this has been a smooth progression since the beginning of the genome project. 自从人类基因定序计划以来,这已成为一持续的发展定律。
Starting this week, Hackamonths are now available to any Facebook engineer who has worked on the same project for more than a year. 从本周开始,在同一项目工作了超过一年的工程师可以申请Hackamonths项目。
I'd like to go with you, but I am up to my neck in this project. 我很想和你一起去,但是我现在忙于这个项目(而无法脱身)。
Combining assets into a solution enables you to group a collection of project assets that are otherwise not related. 通过把资产组合成解决方案,可以把不相关的项目资产组合在一起。
Since the beginning of the human genome project, biological information has increased explosively. 自人类开展基因组研究以来,生物信息量呈爆炸式增长。
There's no doubt that this project is unacceptable. 毫无疑问地,这个方案是不可接受的。
He said he should be able to finish the project in five weeks. 他说五个星期之后他就能完成这个项目了。
So everyone's 1, free wangzhuan project, is nothing but a free help others to make money! 所以大家一句,免费的网赚项目,无非是免费帮别人赚钱!
The founders of the EU believed its purpose was more than economic advantage and that the project demanded a sense of mutual solidarity. 欧盟的创建者们相信,欧盟的意义不只是为了给各成员国带来经济好处,这项事业需要一种团结互助意识。
Therefore, the choice of the project mainly walking, running, climbing, badminton, table tennis is simple, easy to implement project-based. 因此在项目的选择上主要以散步、跑步、登山、羽毛球、乒乓球等简单易行,易于实施的项目为主。
One can test, debug and improve in bazaar style, but it would be very hard to originate a project in bazaar mode. 你可以利用市集风格来测试、调试、改进代码,但是用这种风格来孕育一个项目会很困难的。
It also sees the project as a way of pepping up the economy at a time of global gloom. 它还把这项工程作为全球经济低迷期振兴经济的一种方式。
He made an end run around his boss and got money for the project directly from the president of the company. 他迂回过他的顶头上司而从公司总裁那里直接获得项目用款。
On the ASDI project, it would be easy to provide independent development environments, even for our remote offices. 在ASDI的项目中,提供独立的开发环境是容易的,甚至对于我们的远程办公也是如此。
Close to the beginning of a project, expertise-based techniques usually beat formula-based models. 在项目开始阶段,基于专家经验的技术通常比使用公式的技术要好。
It's amazing how much energy and enthusiasm he brought to this project. 他为这个项目投入的精力和热情之多让人惊讶。
Him a white lie, which made him white with fury, but when he realized his project is a white elephant, his face turned as white as a sheet. 我向他撒了一个善意的谎言,却引来他的勃然大怒。但当他发现自己的工程毫无价值。
If he's got an ounce of common sense, he'll realise that this project is bound to fail. 如果他还有一点正常的判断力的话,他就应该意识到这项工程注定要失败的。
I'll have to search my e-mail to see when I clicked "Start reading 'The Happiness Project' on your Kindle in under a minute" on Amazon. 我必须搜索我的电子邮件,看看什么时候我在亚马逊的页面上单击过“开始在您的Kindle上阅读一分钟《TheHappinessProject》”。
A project called the World Community Grid has found a way for computers connected to the Internet to help solve humanitarian problems. 一项称作全球联众网(theWorldCommunityGrid)的计划找到了一种将连接在国际互联网上的电脑用来帮助解决慈善问题的方法。
His latest project, a cable news channel, is launching just as a hurricane bears down on the Gulf Coast. 他的最新项目,一个有线电视新闻频道,正在发起一场飓风一样重重地压在墨西哥湾沿岸。
And I started working on this project -- oh, I have to tell you about this real quick. 我开始了这个项目的工作—哦,我必须赶快告诉你们这个。
Perhaps it was the shock of her death that turned Liang's thoughts back to his long abandoned project. 也许它是她的死亡震惊把两的想法转回他的长抛弃了计画。
His way of looking at life didn't have that sort of straight-on, unambiguous, unambivalent view that so many Scientologists project. 他看待生活的方式并不像很多山达基工程那种直通通,毫不含混,目的明确。
Using a central repository but providing each developer on a project with a complete copy of the source code for that project. 使用中央存储库,但为项目中的每一名开发人员提供完整的项目源代码副本。