
美 [səm]英 [səm]
  • pron.有些;若干;部分;有的
  • adv.若干;部分;有点;好些
  • adj.几分(的);〔用于数词前〕大约
  • 网络一些;某些;某一



1.(与不可数名词或复数可数名词连用)一些,若干used with uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns to mean ‘an amount of’ or ‘a number of’, when the amount or number is not given

2.(指群体中的某些成员或事物的某些类型)某些,部分,有的used to refer to certain members of a group or certain types of a thing, but not all of them

3.好些;不少的;相当多的a large number or amount of sth

4.少量的;不多的a small amount or number of sth

5.(与单数名词连用,表示未知或未确指的人、地、事物或时间)某个used with singular nouns to refer to a person, place, thing or time that is not known or not identified

6.(informal)(表达褒贬意见时用)真可谓,算不上used to express a positive or negative opinion about sb/sth


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... don't = do not 不 some adj. & pron. 一些;若干 doesn't = does not 不 ...


莫非有些(Some)人离开论坛就不过为了宣泄,为了乱骂,为了找茬,在有多个出席者的场合,主动介绍自己的朋友给其他人, …


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... like 喜欢 some 一些,某些 hungry 饥饿的 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... don't = do not 不 some adj. & pron. 一些;若干 doesn't = does not 不 ...


单词忘不了全套资料免费下载更新了_百度文库 ... 〔over 越过, 〔some 某一, 〔wide 宽广的, ...


小学英语形容词大全 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 118. small 小的;少的 119. some 一些;几个 120. sorry 对不起的;难过的 ...


一番(Some)神吹之后 哪同伴说到了 (The)关于牌技的一写东西 (Thing)其后他注意说了下 他方才学的千术, 吹的奇特的乌烟瘴气( …


昂立少儿进阶英语 单词表_百度文库 ... some 一些,若干 some 大约;稍微 cold 寒冷的 ...

And this whole discussion as if it's some sort of economic burden, is a mystery to me. 而人们为什么会把这一切当做是某种经济负担对我来讲是个不解的谜团。
We do not know whether the code might be either augmented by advice from some aspect or completely replaced by such advice. 我们并不知道代码是否被来自某些方面的通知所增长,或是完全被这种通知所取代。
The capacity that some creatures have to damage or drain ability scores is a supernatural one, requiring some sort of attack. 生物拥有的属性伤害或属性吸取能力是超自然能力,需要进行某种形式的攻击。
Now that you know what Santa Rosa is all about, here are some of the laptops that caught our attention. 现在你知道SantaRosa是做什么的了吧,这里有一些抓我们眼球的笔记本电脑。
By the time I reached Shaoxing after a week on the road, the cheeses had all ripened nicely, and some were beginning to ooze. 在一个星期后我到达绍兴时,奶酪已经全部发酵得很好了,有些正开始慢慢渗出浓液。
Some of you could actually get a chance for a do-over, and you might even get it right this time. 你们中的一些实际上可以得到一个机会重新开始,甚至在这个时候你可以得到这场爱情。
And even though you won't need maternity clothes for at least several weeks, some of your shirts may become a little too tight. 虽然至少几周之内你还不需要孕妇装,你的一些衬衫可能会变得有点紧了。
Breakfast was a total disaster. For eating there was ONE KIND of sausage (ham. . . ) and ONE KIND of hard cheese, some cereals. 早餐简直就是个灾难。因为在那儿吃饭就只有一种香肠(火腿),只有一种质硬的干酪,一些干谷﹑酸奶和果酱。没有蔬菜和水果,也没有鸡。
It is possible that you prefer some of these partnership types over others, or that you would like a few or even all of them. 有可能您喜欢某些类型的合作关系胜过其他的;或是您可能想要某几种的,甚至是全部的,合作关系类型。
After the summary of the application from different areas, the list would be established through some administrative procedure, he said. 他表示,各地申请汇总后,经过一系列的行政程序敲定各单。
In any case, give some thought to the size of this project and how much (or how little) estimation you can do. 无论如何,思考一下这个项目的大小,看看你能预估多少东西。
Some of his colleagues like snoop out of one of the reasons that surround you, comfort you. 一些同事似是窥探出了其中原因,围在你身边安慰你。
I remember waking up the next morning feeling very fragile but on some level I felt like a load had been lifted off of my shoulders. 我记得第二天醒来时感觉很脆弱,但在某种程度上仿佛肩上的负担被卸下了。
While I was glad that he enjoyed what he did and made some money, I was afraid that it took up too much of his time. 我一方面为他自己喜欢做这件事并能挣到一些钱而感到高兴,同时又担心这过多地占用了他的时间。
It said the company felt some questions didn't reflect the actual situation, but declined to be specific. 声明称,公司认为某些质疑没有反映实际状况,但却拒绝指出是哪些质疑。
The last part sums up the result of the full text and some problem should to be solved further. 第七部分结语总结全文的成果和有待进一步解决的问题。
Second, banks are going to have to carry some of the cost for cranking up the engine. 第二,银行将不得不承担开动经济发动机的部分代价。
"Optional" fees are being applied to elements that used to be included in base prices. Some are easy to avoid, others not so easy. “任选”费用被应用到曾经包含在基础价格中的部分,有的容易避免,有的却不能。
After some time, the mouse peeped out, crept furtively up to the bull's flank, again bit him, and retreated to his hole. 在不少时刻以后,老鼠偷看了,偷偷摸摸地爬行由bull’s侧面决定,再咬住了他,并且撤退了对他的孔。
To identify and become familiar with your particular way, some kind of group training can be very useful. 某些小组训练可以非常有效地识别及熟识你独有的方法。
That luminary gazed earnestly at some papers before him, as if they were of the greatest concern . 那个大人物一本正经地看起面前的报纸来,仿佛那些报纸是他头等关心的事情。
Within three days, however, he had some movement again in his arms and legs. How much he might recover is still not clear. 三天不到,他的手和腿稍有活动了,然而他到底能恢复到什么程度还不清楚。
Some of these speedy stars seem to follow highly elongated, or eccentric, orbits that take them to the galaxy's edge. 其中一些这种恒星看起来是沿着被高度拉长或者是非正圆的轨道运动到银河系的边缘的。
Hence, some analysts think the US government will eventually nationalise parts of the financial system, as it has started to do with AIG. 因此,一些分析人士认为,美国政府最终会将对部分金融体系收归国有,就像对美国国际集团所做的那样。
some of us preferred to gather our art tidily down in one comer of our poster and let the space draw the viewer's attention to it. 我们中的一些人宁愿聚集在一个角落艺术整齐地叠好了我们的海报,让空间吸引观众的注意力。
I suppose I expected a bit of a clap before the match, then a proper, hard game of football with some jokes and songs along the way. 大概我是希望开场前有一点掌声,然后是一场激烈却伴随玩笑和歌声的比赛。
I decided to tell him that the car needed some repairs and that they had taken longer than had been expected. 于是,我决定这样跟他解释,说:修车的时间比原来估计的要长。
As you read through some of these descriptions, you might have recognized a few traits within your own organization or project. 在读完了这些描述之后,您可能认识到自己的组织或项目中的一些特点。
they proposed merging their assets, which include some of Russia's largest mines and factories, into a state-controlled conglomerate. 他们建议,将他们的资产,包括俄罗斯的最大的矿山和工厂,合并成一个国有的大型联合企业。
The week after that, she came again with a friend. They gave him some books, and had a cup of tea with him. 在这个星期以后她又与另一个朋友一道来,她们送给他一些书,和他一起喝了茶。