
美 [ɪŋk]英 [ɪŋk]
  • n.油墨;墨水;墨汁
  • v.给…上油墨(以供印刷);签署
  • 网络水墨;墨色;墨迹(Inkblot)

复数:inks 现在分词:inking 过去式:inked

black ink,blue ink,yellow ink,indelible ink,purple ink
use ink


n. v.

1.[u][c]墨水;墨汁;油墨coloured liquid for writing, drawing and printing


包容 自律 - liulang7106 - 网易博客 ... pencil sharpener 铅笔刀,转笔刀 ink 墨水 inkwell 墨水池 ...


出版专业英语词汇 - 清扬古风的日志 - 网易博客 ... ink vibrator 串墨辊 ink 油墨 inking unit 输墨装置 ...


Ending Blends ... honk (使)雁叫, 鸣(汽车喇叭) ink 墨水;墨汁;油墨 junk n.垃圾, 废旧杂物 ...


跟水有关的英文名_百度知道 ... Flow 流水 Ink 水墨 Waterfront 水岸 ...


颜色: 墨色(INK) 沙漠色(DESERT) 卡其色(KHAKI)


InfoPath 2007词汇表 ... 发起者角色( initiator role) 墨迹( Ink) 墨迹参考线( ink guide) ...

It was terrific, impossible; and yet there it was, scrawled in black ink across the sheets of paper. 它精彩之至,难以设想,可又分明存在,用黑色的墨水写在一张张纸上。
Qiu Deshu focused on creativity of ink painting out of his potential as he was not out of any academy or school. 非学院派出身的仇德树,更注重从自身的潜质中发挥水墨的创造性。
By-Edition-cots and print-edition-pressure is too large, also a similar sound, at this point can be examined to determine ink width. 靠-版-胶辊与印-版-不张力过不小,同样会爆发近似的响不韵,这时可以堵住查抄墨杠宽度来鉴定。
Duct Ink reservoir in a letterpress or offset printing machine made-up of a duct roller and duct blade, designed to meter out a film of ink. 活版或柯式印刷机上的贮墨装置。由墨槽轴和墨槽刀片组成。这个设计,可计量的放出墨膜。
You couldn't see how much ink it had. 里面有多少墨水你看不到。
The blue ink scratched its way across the paper, as if hard pressed to recall the individual shapes of letters. 蓝墨水在整张纸上艰难涂写,就好像被逼迫着记起每一个字母的形状。
Ink can be pretty tough to get out, but most ballpoint pen ink stains come out with lots of persistence and patience. 墨迹很难清除,不过,如果你有足够的恒心与耐心,大部分圆珠笔印迹都是可以清除的。
Not to see you, my heart is like the dust in the air, the ups and downs, such mood can the ink out? 不见你的时候,心儿就像空气中的一粒浮尘一样,浮浮沉沉的,这样的心情何能笔墨书写出来呢?
How much ink is there in the ink bottle? 墨水瓶里有多少墨水?
The border is often written with an ordinary ink business card printing and membership card. 写入的框线凡是用别致油不朱制卡和会员卡制作。
"Well, you know I'm sorry about that. I'm right-handed but I seem to have smudged that ink as well. " “好,你知道,我很抱歉。我只右撇子,但是我似乎还会弄花墨水。”
Then Baruch answered them, He pronounced all these words unto me with his mouth, and I wrote them with ink in the book. 巴录回答说,他用口向我说这一切话,我就用笔墨写在书上。
The company is investigating how to mix nano-sized metal particles into a sort of ink. 这家公司目前正在研究如何把纳米尺寸的金属颗粒混入一种墨水中。
A feeling no doubt reinforced by his choice of medium, ink on paper, and skin in the ancient gongbi technique. 他对创作媒介的选择无疑更加强了这一感受——他所选择的是中国水墨和传统的工笔技法。
The Ink And Wash Painting Figures was developed by his creation and practice, it was a recreation of traditional Chinese painting. 他的创新和实践使水墨人物画得到延续和发展,是对中国传统绘画的再创造。
He'd glance at my awkward ink drawings, groan "Oh, God, " and walk away holding his head in his hands, like a migraine sufferer. 他看着我糟糕的由墨水画出的画,低声嚷道:“哦,老天”,然后,双手抱着脑袋走开,就像一个人得了头疼。
He took a fairly long sentence and broke it up into its components by means of black, red, blue and green ink. 他找来一个相当长的句子,然后用黑色、红色、蓝色、绿色墨水把句子分解成其成分。
And Baruch said to them: With his mouth he pronounced all these words as if he were reading to me: and I wrote in a volume with ink. 巴路克答复他们说:「这一切话都是他口授给我的,我只不过用笔墨记录在这卷册上。」
"I can't. . . " the Rainbow Fish started to say, but the octopus had already disappeared into a dark cloud of ink. “可是……”彩虹鱼刚想再说些什么,章鱼已经消失在漆黑的墨汁里了。
Aha! Google is caught with ink on its hands. Then Google *must* be a media company after all, right? The truth is not that simple. 啊哈!谷歌被逮了个正着。那么谷歌真的一定是个媒体公司了吗?真相没有那么简单。
There was ink all over the floor of my best room. I haven't been able to wash the last of it off yet! 我那间最好的房间地上都是墨水。我还没把它洗刷干净呢!
The sky, as if by a painter painted the light ink take descriptions, plush drizzle in the sky rampant inclined orgotten. 天空,好像被一位画家拿手笔涂了淡墨,毛毛细雨在天空中密密的斜织着。
In the beginning, there was no paper nor pen, nor ink. People recorded information by carving. 起初,没有纸、笔、墨水,人们用雕刻的方法记载信息。
The name or etc writing down in DEATH NOTEs, can't use rubber, the ink eliminates, revising liquid's etc. to remove. 在死亡笔记上写下的名字,文字等,无法用橡皮,墨水消,修正液等消除。
Copying the ancients, ink pen with him to learn, to understand the idea of his pains. 临摹古人,要学他用笔用墨,懂得他苦心构思。
Huey: He was so angry when he wrote that he smeared up the ink. And you know how shoddy the paper is over there to begin with. 休伊:他写那些的时候气的要命,连墨水的弄得一塌糊涂。你很难能想象那张纸开头糟糕成什么样子。
From uggling, UV ink if you do not use a dedicated UV lamp does not produce curing, especially in the light of the Sun. 从道理上说,UV油墨若不使用专用的UV灯不会产生固化,尤其是太阳光影响很大。
The invention is characterized by good effect of cleaning ink, easy- to- get raw material, easy preparation and convenient utilization. 本发明不仅对油墨清洗有效果显著的作用,而且成本低廉、原料易得,制作简单,使用方便。
There was nothing remarkable about the pen, excepting that it had been dipped too deeply in the ink, but it was proud of that. 有没有什么显着的笔,除,它一直浸在油墨过深,但它为此感到自豪。
From the table drawer he took out a penholder, a bottle of ink, and a thick, quarto -sized blank book with a red back and a marbled cover. 他从桌子抽屉里,拿出了一支笔杆,一瓶墨水,还有本厚厚的四开本日记簿,红色的书脊,大理石纹理的封面。