
美 [ˈvælju]英 [ˈvæljuː]
  • n.价值;意义;价格;重要性
  • v.看重;对…作出评价;给…估价
  • 网络价值观;价值观念;数值

复数:values 现在分词:valuing 过去式:valued

current value,great value,real value,true value,intrinsic value
get value,realize value,reduce value,hold value,give value



价值观values),是道德评价的标准(criteria of moral judgment)。规范和法令(norms and sanctions,在新出版的有些社 …


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国外金属材料标准常用英文词汇 - 豆丁网 ... Vanadium : 钒 values数值,用途,用处 values *stred: 主要数值* ...


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变量值标签Values):变量值标签是用来帮助解释某些变量,特别是分类变量的数值含义。例如,有一个数值变量,0表示女 …


Web标准设计_百度百科 ... 11.3.2 Properties 属性 11.3.3 Values 属性值 12.1.2 ECMAScript 是什么 ...

Defaults haven't been a major problem, but the market values of these CDOs fell sharply over the past year or so. 违约还不是很严重的问题,但这类CDO的市值在过去一年左右的时间里急剧缩水。
If screens with many input fields do not line up properly, change the alignment on the Field widget to one of the values below. 如果带有许多输入字段的屏幕没有合理排列,请将Field小部件的对齐方式改为下列的值中的一个。
Language has never been a pure "tool" but a meaningful world which reflects peoples world outlook and values. 语文从来就不是一个纯粹的“工具”,而是一个包含着世界观和价值观的意义世界。
For it to leave the field is to invite pupils to appropriate the values of less high-minded elements and institutions in society. 为了使它退出竞赛就要鼓励学生利用少量高尚的社会元素和社会制度的价值。
Remove or change the settings and restart the queue manager before defining any other queues that are to have different values. 在定义任何其他采用不同值的队列前,请删除或更改设置并重新启动队列管理器。
He knew all about the mob from growing up around its members; But he had been brought by a good family whose values led him to join the FBI. 成长在黑帮成员的周围使得他十分了解这些人;但是抚养他的是一个良好的家庭,在家庭价值观的引导下他加入了联邦调查局。
By the time he began work as a landscape architect, Olmsted had developed a set of social values that gave purpose to his design work. 在开始景观建筑的工作时,奥姆斯特德已发展出了一套社会价值观作为他的设计作品的宗旨。
It may also be possible for users to access information they are not supposed to see by modifying values in the worksheet. 另外,用户还可能通过修改工作表中的值来访问他们不应看到的信息。
The constructor function has no parameters and returns an instance of the type with all of its attributes set to null values. 构造函数没有参数,并且返回的类型实例中的所有属性都为空。
Approach: Find an honest answer that aligns you with the values of the company with which you are interviewing. 应对措施:找出与你所面试的公司价值观最相符合的也是最真诚的答案。
With this initial values on this horizontal plane, the potential field on the surface can be calculated using an integral operator. 根据该水平面上的初始值,用积分方法计算起伏面上的位场值。
I can only pay tribute to his tremendous achievements and legacy, and praise his genuine devotion to the Olympic Movement and its values. 我仅能对他的卓越成就和遗产说声感谢,并对他给予奥林匹克运动带来的真诚贡献表示赞扬。
Instead, I'm grateful that I've been able to live my life so far according to my own values. 相反,我很感谢能有这样的生活,体现我的价值。
At least that seems to be true for the first few values of y that I choose. 最后貌似,对于y取一些比较小的值是成立的。
As a woman, a mother and a wife, I hold sacred for some specific values and oaths. I choose this faith to proceed with my life. 作为一个女人、一个母亲和一个妻子,有某些特定的价值观和誓言是我所尊崇的。我选择以这一信念继续我的人生道路。
After several years of austerity, people are realizing that a cruise vacation is now one of the great values in travel. 过了几年紧巴巴的日子之后,人们开始意识到一次邮轮旅行已经成为了旅游计划中很有价值的一部分。
It is, at once, a commentary on social values, a vivid example of family tragedy, and a bit of personal psychology. 它既反映出社会价值观,又鲜活地展现了某种家庭悲剧,还呈现了一点个人心理。
Control makes it easy to define the basic appearance of cells and the display formatting of cell values. 控件使您可以轻松定义单元格的基本外观和单元格值的显示格式。
and of a lack of long-term credit as banks shy away from the loans likely to have the most volatile values. 由于银行回避贷款这种最不稳定的资产而导致的长期信贷匮乏。
The prevailing American assumption was that as China became richer, its interests and values would converge with those of the United States. 普遍的美国人这样设想过,随着中国变得富裕,其利益和价值观会与美国衔接。
Good is one of the values pursued by Buddhism. Not only is it a moral concept, but it has a profound theoretical foundation. 善是佛教所追求的价值之一,善在佛教的理念中已经不仅仅是一个道德性的说教,而是有其深刻的理论依据;
It was a decision based on values. We tried to ask what would be best from a global standpoint. 这是一个基于价值观的决定,我们尝试从全球的角度去选择最好的方案。
As you can see, a screen is called similarly to a regular function, in fact, screens, like functions, can return values. 正如你所看到的,对屏幕的调用和对一般函数的调用类似,事实上,和函数一样,屏幕也能够返回值。
The young officers will need these values as they go into a force confronting many new and different challenges, he said. 他说,在面临很多新的不同挑战时,这些年轻的军官将需要这些价值观。
It seems to me that this shows an inversion of moral values. 这对我来说似乎是道德价值的反转。
This style of his has not received enough deserved attention, but it does not mean it has no literary values. 这种文体通常不太为人门所注意,但是这并不代表它没有文学价值。
After all, it's not as if anyone thought those values are the result of something in the liver. 毕竟,这不像是有人以为的那样,这些价值观是肝脏中某种东西的产物。
In his compelling new book, Fisher shares the values that have guided him on the court and off. 在他出版的新书里,费舍尔分享了那些引导他在场上场下的生活的价值。
When I first looked into my child's eyes, the values of my life changed quite a bit, and thus my goals changed substantially as well. 当第一次看到我孩子的眼睛的时候,我的人生价值观发生了很大的变化,我的目标也随之改变。
He seemed to hint that nothing but the right "values" was of any consequence. 他仿佛在表示,只有真正的“价值”才有意义。