around the clock

  • na.夜以继日地
  • 网络昼夜不停地;昼夜不断地;全天候

around the clockaround the clock

around the clock


初中英语作文常用短语、句式_百度知道 ... 33. apt to 易于 34. around the clock 夜以继日 35. as a matter of fact 实际上 ...


a few_百度文库 ... anything but= 除…之外的任何东西 around the clock= 昼夜不停地 arrive at= 达成,提出 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... keep clear of 不接触;避开 around the clock 昼夜不断地,全天地 close down 停止播送;控制 ...


常用的一些英语俚语140条_俚语惯语_梦幻网络 ... at ease (轻松自若) around the clock (全天候) a domino effect (骨牌效应 ) ...


英文片语_百度文库 ... apply for 申请 around the clock 日以继夜地;全天候 1 around the corner 即将?? ...


clock什么... ... alarm clock n. 1. 闹钟 around the clock 昼夜24小时,日夜不停地,夜以继日地 AT system clock n. AT 系统时钟 ...


clock什么... ... alarm clock n. 1. 闹钟 around the clock 昼夜24小时,日夜不停地,夜以继日地 AT system clock n. AT 系统时钟 ...

Firefighters are working 18 hours a day, around the clock, trying to make sure that they get this blaze under control. 消防员们昼夜不停一天工作18个小时,试图确保火势得到控制。
Landfill sites will be converted into vast open-air incinerators, operating around the clock in an attempt to maximise carbon output. 垃圾堆填地点将被转换成巨大的露天焚烧炉,廿四小时全天候作业以图释出最大限度的碳排放量。
More than 500 firefighters were working around the clock to contain the blaze, but it continued to grow. 500多名消防队员日以继夜的工作来控制火势,但是,火仍是越演越烈。
My friends do always tell me that they see you drop the top, got a girl in every city flirting all around the clock. 我的朋友确实有经常告诫我,你总是在事业顶峰下滑时,在每一个城市,几乎无时不刻地与女孩子们打情骂俏。
That low level response happens around-the-clock and is one of our body's first lines of defence. 那些低水平的反应每时每刻都在发生,是我们的机体首要防线之一。
Projects are capital-intensive, often have to be located far from consumers and do not generate power around the clock. 这类项目需要投入大笔资金,通常必须远离居民区,而且不能不舍昼夜地发电。
Since his release, Mr Chen has been a prisoner in his own home, watched around the clock by hired thugs. 被释放后,陈先生依然被软禁在家中,他家周围被雇佣来的打手所监视。
It used to provide just 12 hours of electricity a day, but thanks to his leadership, homes there now have power nearly around the clock. 这家公司原来一天只能供电12小时,现在,在他的努力之下,那里的家家户户几乎全天都能用上电了。
We're not slacking off -- we're doing around-the-clock analyses of cometary Stardust samples for the next few days. 我们不是在偷懒——在接下来的几天里要对星尘号的彗星样品进行不间断的分析。
So, working around the clock over a weekend, they built another version, with a more rudimentary algorithm. 所以,经过一个周末通宵达旦的工作,他们建立了另一个算法更简单的程序。
The two sides talked around-the-clock, trying to reach an agreement before the approaching deadline. 双方夜以继日地谈判,努力在最后期限来临之前达成协议。星期一是美国法定假日哥伦比亚日。
Around the clock collection of terrain data is possible through the use of remote sensing. 日以继夜地形数据的收藏通过对遥感的用途是可能的。
Over the last few weeks, we've seen FEMA personnel, National Guard and first responders working around the clock in hard-hit communities. 在过去的几周当中,我们亲眼目睹了FEMA人员,国民警备队和救援者们在重灾区与死神争分夺秒。
They were willing to work around the clock, sleep in the office and battle each other over strategy and technical decisions. 他们都愿意没日没夜地工作,愿意睡在办公室里,还愿意为公司的战略和技术决定相互争吵。
That slow pace, done on single shifts instead of three shifts around the clock as in the past, also showed up in national data on Sunday. 这种缓慢的建设速度——过去是全天三班倒,而现在只有一班——也在周日发布的数据上得到了体现。
And that's because, in part, no one has stopped watching her, around-the-clock, all over town. 这是因为,在部分中,没有人停下看她,全天候提供全天候,全城。
Before long , many dines stayed open around the clock . In other words , people were able to eat in a dinner at any time . 不久,许多路边餐馆昼夜营业。换句话说,人们随时可以进去吃饭。
Around the clock, seven days a week, the construction crews burrow to build Wuhan's $45 billion subway system. 每周七天,昼夜不停,建筑工人忙于挖掘建造着武汉450亿美元的地铁路线。
For the next five years submarine and aircraft torpedoes (missiles) were produced there around the clock. 接下来的五年内,它日以继夜的生产潜艇及飞机用鱼雷(飞弹)。
But we also like the fact that part of the team is based in a different time zone, as we can get work done around the clock. 但是,我们同样对身处不同时区的员工们报以感谢之情,因为我们能够昼夜不停地工作。
Some stay open around the clock, while others do business for only a few hours a day. 有的昼夜营业,有的每天只开门几个小时。
'We are all working around the clock on this case, ' said a spokesman for the Public Security Bureau in the provincial capital of Changchun. 吉林省长春市公安局发言人说,我们都在夜以继日地办案。
As previously mentioned, we've been working around the clock to rebuild the network and enhance protections of your personal data. 如前所述,我们一直在昼夜不停地重建网络,提高你的个人资料的保护。
Monitoring stations in many cities were ordered to conduct around-the-clock surveillance of radioactive substances in the air and sea water. 许多城市的监测站受命对空气和海水中的放射性物质进行全天监测。
Bill Haley's "Rock Around the Clock" (1954) is as close to the Spanish-American war (1898) as it is to us. 比尔•哈雷(BillHaley)的《昼夜摇滚》(RockAroundtheClock,1954)距离美西战争(1898)的时间,与距离现在一样长。
Since I cannot know when this anger will start, I'll need to hire three private secretaries for three shifts, around the clock! 既然我不知道愤怒何时会出现,那我不就需要聘请三位私人秘书日以续夜接班!
Automakers have been running their factories almost around the clock, paying costly overtime and deferring maintenance. 汽车制造商的工厂几乎昼夜不停,支付着昂贵的加班费同时推迟保养维修。
Some of us have been working on the problem around the clock for more than 48 hours now and we hope to have the problem resolved soon. 我们当中有些人已经对这个问题日夜48小时以上,现在我们希望有问题的尽快解决。
E-mail, three telephones - all this works around the clock. 电子邮件,三部手机--这一切都是连续24小时运作。
The idea was to keep a B-52 with advanced communication capabilities in the air around the clock over Greenland and North America. 这个点子是让一架有先进通讯能力的B-52日以济夜地在格陵兰到北美之间飞行。