a piece of

  • det.一块;一只
  • 网络一张;一片;一件

a piece ofa piece of

a piece of


英语单词音标(小学) ... piece 片 a piece of 一片,一张 bottle 瓶 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... embarrassing 令人尴尬的 a piece of 一片 Halloween 万圣节前夕 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... a pair of 一双,一副 a piece of 一块,一张,一根,一片 above all 首先,首要 ...


有没有人归纳高一所有的词组阿?_爱问知识人 ... 5. agree to something (同意) 6. a piece of (一条; 一件) 7. less than (少于) ...


新概念第二册短语词组汇总 - 豆丁网 ... a piece of 一张,一片 12. think of 想…… 13. ...


G3 上单词总表 - Happy四一班的日志 - 网易博客 ... juice 果汁 a piece of 一块,一个 a bowl of 一碗 ...


外研版八年级上册资料列表_学科网初中资料频道 ... 1 写下 write down wrote-written 2 一个建议 a piece of 3 相互 each other ...

It took me a while to get used to it but now it's a piece of cake. 我很花了一些时间适应,但现在对我是“小菜一碟”。
And also the process can be a piece of evidence that the process can be used for the plateau weather conditions. 同时为这一工艺在高原恶劣气候条件下的应用研究提供实证。
On each side of the hut was a round hole like a window, which could be closed with a piece of wood. 在棚屋的两侧各有一个像窗户的圆孔。可以用一块木头关上。
When Ali Baba's wife brought it back, she found a piece of gold sticking to the bottom. 当阿里巴巴的太太把秤斗拿回来还时,凯辛的太太发现一小块金子粘在秤斗的底部。
come on! Just a test! thinking about how you get over the tough difficulties in life, exam is just a piece of cake! 加油!只是测试!考试思考你如何克服艰难生活中的困难,就只是一块蛋糕!
A dormitory door into, I found the dormitory is three, two have helped me to leave a piece of bed. 一进宿舍门,我就发现这间宿舍是三人间的,里面的两个人已经帮我留了一张床了。
She reached for the tray, making it wobble on Giorgio's knees. Then she picked up a piece of bread and dunked it in her milk. 她伸手接过托盘,将它摇摇晃晃地放在乔治的膝盖上,然后她拿起一块面包,在牛奶里浸了浸。
A few years ago, they might have chosen a piece of jewelry, but this time they have opted for a handbag with a designer tag. 如果在几年前,他们可能只须买一副首饰。但这次他们要选一个名牌手袋。
We needed a piece of machinery that could pretty much package our products in an air-free environment. 我们需要的一块机制,可以非常封装我们的产品在空中自由的环境。
If it is Andrew who spoke of me, I will give him a piece of my mind the next time I meet him. 如果那是安德鲁说我的,下次我见到他时要痛骂他一顿。
Once you know the size each square needs to be, use a setsquare to cut out a piece of card this size - this will be your template. 一旦你知道了每个方块需要的尺寸,用三角板在硬卡纸上裁剪出这样大小的纸片,这将是你的模型。
It was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, and a lot of people wanted a piece of it. 这是对人类的一小步,人类一大步之一,而很多人希望它的一个部分。
Even the government, did not block for a more comprehensive law, which in many respects is a piece of blank. 即使是政府,目前也没有对于该块比较完整的律法,很多方面都是一块空白。
Whenever anybody got hungry. all he had to do was to reach up and break off a piece of the sky and eat it. 什么时候人要是饿了,他要做的就是举起胳膊,拿一块天来吃。
Glue to a piece of construction paper and creatively decorate the background for each calendar to give it a personal touch. 用胶水把日历贴到一张彩色硬质纸上,并装饰其背景,使之更富有个性。
Without enforcement, he said, new standards would represent "just a piece of paper" and data recorders expensive decorations. 如果不认真执行,新标准就仅仅是“一纸空文”,数据记录器也不过是个昂贵的装饰品,这位颇具先见之明的商人这样说道。
So I've finally been able to realize it for this museum and now I consider it a piece of art. 因此我最终意识到这部电影应该放进这个博物馆,现在我把它当成一件艺术品。
I arrived at her house the next day where she handed me a piece of paper with her three pieces of wisdom written out. 第二天我又来到她的住处,她给了我一张纸,上面写着她的三条智慧。
the man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets. there was nothing in them but a piece of bread. 这人打量了我一会儿,便把我头朝下地倒拎起来,我口袋里的东西也就掉了下来。其实我口袋里没别的,只有一片面包。
Hamilton hands me a colour copy of a piece of new work that will hang at the Serpentine. 汉密尔顿递给我一些新作品的彩色拷贝,它们将在蛇厅展出。
too, if was found in a waste of a piece of paper, it should be a fine of $ 100, our company's employees are a torrent of complaints. 太过了,要是被发现浪费了一张纸,就要罚款100元,我们公司的员工都怨声载道的。
He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. 宴会结束时,他仍在咕哝着医院里的事。说着说着,他在一块冰上滑倒,跌断了左腿。
But the surface of the midstream was quite flat , sliding along like a piece of solid matter. 不过中流的水面平稳极了,像凝固的一块在滑走。
Such a large courtyard was instantaneously tramped into a piece of muddy land. 偌大一个院子,霎时就被这纷乱的人群踩踏成了一片烂泥滩。
Or write it all down on a piece of paper and then burn it the next day. 或者你也可以写在一张纸上,然后第二天拿去烧掉。
As mentioned, the rights subsisting in a piece of software cannot be waived by its author, but must be transferred or licensed. 正如前面所提到的,作者不能放弃软件中的权利,只能对权利进行转移或许可。
As the Now Do This creator said, it's a great way to get things done, "because nobody wants to hold a piece of paper all day. " 正如“现在就做这个”应用程序的开发者所言,这个程序使得事情更容易完成,“因为没有人会愿意一整天握着一张纸”。
It appears that China is also trying to carve out a piece of an important future industry in clean technology. 看起来中国也正在试图在清洁能源这一重要的未来新兴产业中切一块蛋糕。
Long days, long nights and at the end of it all some guy in a suit owns all that work, owns the children of your mind, owns a piece of you. 经过漫长的日日夜夜,最终会有一个西装笔挺的人霸占你的成果,霸占你的思想所孕育的子嗣,霸占你生命的一部分。
A piece of round or square-section bar must be bent through a specified angle without it cracking to be accepted by this test. 一个圆的或方截面试棒被弯曲一个规定的角度不发生开裂,被视为该试验合格。