so much so that

  • conj.达到这样的程度
  • 网络甚至;到这样的程度以至于;到这样的程度以致

so much so thatso much so that

so much so that


Nauta Mandarin » 中文导航 ... 松 song1 loosen 甚至shen4zhi4 even, so much so that 度 du degree of ...


自考英语满分笔记... ... add up to 似乎是,(加起来)等于是 so much so that 到这样的程度以至于… 1 to deny sb. 否认…


college English words 重要词汇短语 - 豆丁网 ... single out 选出 挑出/ so much so that 到这样的程度以致…/ take apart 拆开/ ...


以动词开头的习惯搭配 - 豆丁网 ... side effect 副作用 so much so that 到如此的地步以至于 so to speak 可以这么说 ...


鍚屾牸銆€that -... ... 苫/ straw mat/thatch/ 甚或/ so much so that/to the extent that/even/ 甚至/ even/so much so that/ ...


BBC新闻讲解附字幕:英国一艘核潜艇搁浅... ... regard as 把...认作 so much so that 到这种程度以致 leave for 出发去(某地) ...

Mr. Helms was a polariser: so much so, that he never won more than 55% of the vote in North Carolina. Helms是一个立场非常鲜明的人,以至于他从来没有在北卡洲的选举中获得55%的支持率。
Social sites make cheating easy, she said -- so much so that women are catching up to men in the infidelity department. 她说,社交网站让欺骗更容易,是如此的容易以至于越来越多的女性也像男性一样出轨。
so much so, that he is often compelled, while seeking that which is better for him, to follow that which is worse. 在这种情形下,虽然他明白什么对他好,却常常被迫向更坏的地方去。
It was a lonely place, so much so that word of the outbreak of war in Europe had not yet reached it. 这个小珊瑚岛位在印度洋,十分孤寂,还未听到欧洲爆发战争的消息。
She was absent completely so much so that she often forgot whether she had her meal or not. 她非常地心不在焉,自己有没有吃饭都不记得了。
So much so, that the simple concept of 'stop thinking about problems' will not be so effective on us. 次数如此之多,一句简单的“不要想它了”对我们来说根本没有太大效果。
The party leader, Martine Aubry, has gained stature, so much so that she may fancy her own chances in two years' time. 该党总书记玛蒂娜·奥布里的声望看涨,并已足以让她憧憬自己两年后的大好时机。
Students also have to practice other skills they're learning; so much so that their lives must seem to be spent simply practicing. 学生们还必须联系其他所学的技巧;他们的生活必须看起来就是在不断的练习。
Tanya: Some of our patients are seriously afflicted, so much so, that it was almost impossible for me to achieve good improvement. 谭雅:我们的一些病人病情严重,所以,对我来说取得良好的疗效是几乎不可能。
I find myself working even harder to make up for it so much so that the sales was much better than the average. You know something? 因为他们都没有来,为了弥补,我觉得我自己工作得更努力了,结果当天的销售额比平时的平均水平高出了很多。
So much so that she anonymously sends dozens of virtual gifts to her Facebook friends simply to see their reactions. 她爱慕的对象如此之多以致于会以匿名的方式给她在Facebook上的朋友发送许多虚拟礼物,而仅仅是为了看看他们的反映。
It had nothing to compare with the nowadays well-known chocolate, so much so that the conquistadores found it undrinkable. 它无法与当今知名的巧克力相比较,以至于它的征服者发现其难以入口。
Urban Chinese society, it seems, is obsessed with the situation, so much so that art is now imitating, or at least reflecting, life. 中国的城市似乎很沉迷于这种情况,如此之多以致于艺术在不断的模仿,或者至少反映了生活。
To me, it says that this situation of "MISSENT TO BERMUDA" must happen frequently. So much so that a stamp was manufactured to deal with it. 按我理解,这说明误投至百慕大的情况必然经常发生,以至于必须刻个图章来处理。
The place is choc-a-bloc with canoodling lovebirds, so much so that I often felt I was the only lone traveller in the whole country. 这地方总是有许多搂抱在一起的情侣,多到让我常觉得自己在这个国度里是唯一孤单的游客。
The fierce quarrel with her husband greatly upset her so much so that she asked for a divorce. 和她丈夫那次激烈的争吵大大地伤了她的心,以至于她提出离婚。
I find myself focusing on another aspect of the whole situation so much so that it takes the pressure off the results. Think of it this way. 我发现自己对整个情况的另外一方面如此专注,以至于清楚了结果带给我的压力。
Budgets are still thin but the pipes are fat with content. So much so that we need new tools to make sense of it. 预算虽然紧张,但内容丰厚,丰厚到我们需要新的工具来处理它们。
"So much so that I retained a deep desire, perhaps not always a conscious one, to know more about rocks in general, " he says. “我太着迷了,所以,虽然并不总是有意识地这么想,但我始终有一种强烈的愿望,想知道更多关于岩石的情况,”他说道。
The point is, "people must value your expertise, " so much so that if you didn't exist their lives would be inconvenienced. 关键在于:人们要认为你的专长具有价值,以至于如果没有你的存在他们的生活将会产生不便。
So much so that he is now ready for the smiling advanced class: learning how to identify the occasions on which smiling is not appropriate. 他笑得太多了,以至于现在已准备进修高级微笑课程:学会如何识别哪些场合不适合微笑。
But at present of this butterfly, it is really tired, so much so that in life threatened circumstances, it would give up the struggle. 而眼前的这只蝴蝶,它却真的太累了,以至于在生命可能受到威胁的情况下,竟然放弃了挣扎。
So much so that when he said, "We care about every user, " he sounded like he didn't mean it. 因此,当他表示“我们关心每个用户”时,听众却觉得他只是随口说说。
"My character was traduced by Captain Hawkins . . . so much so, that even the ship's company cried out shame" (Frederick Marryat). “我的人格遭到了霍金斯船长的羞辱…以致船员们都替我觉得无地自容”(弗雷德里克·马里亚特)。
A bond developed between Jordan and Knight, so much so that Jordan invited him to his first Bulls retirement ceremony, in 1993. 默契在乔丹和奈特之间悄悄发展,以至于乔丹邀请他去参加1993年自己在公牛队第一次退役的仪式。
The mind of a lord of change is an inexhaustible well of information, so much so that to mortals these Daemons appear omniscient. 诡道之主的头脑是一口取之不竭的信息之井,多到对于凡人来说这些恶魔无所不知。
So much so that he seemed oblivious to the frenzy around him, and did not at first acknowledge the crowd. 到这样的程度以致于他根本不理会跟着他的人群,也没有对周围的人做出任何回应。
So much so, that it finally dawned on me just how valuable a good employee really is to an organization. 这种事情多了,也就让我彻底明白了一个好的员工对于公司的价值究竟有多么大了。
The turbulence was just strong so much so that I got the impression if the damn thing didn't stop shaking the propellers might detach. 气流太强了,我有种感觉要是那鬼玩意不停止晃动,发动机都可能被晃掉下去。
So much so that when she saw me rummaging through my bag, she started assuming that I was about to give her a candy treat! 如此才使她在我翻腾我的包时就开始以为我是准备要给她一颗糖!