speak up

  • na.“speak out”的变体
  • 网络大声说;大声地说;大声点

第三人称单数:speaks up 现在分词:speaking up 过去式:spoke up 过去分词:spoken up

speak upspeak up

speak up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... to speak of 值得一提的 speak up 大声说 at a speed of 以…的速度 ...


新概念英语第一册 『31-40』-少年百科-小荷作文网 ... gentleman 绅士 3 speak up大声地说 4 Love,Jimmy: 爱你的吉米 ...


谚语日常用语 - 免费文档下载 ... So long 再见 Speak up 大声点 Stop smoking 禁止吸烟 ...


建立自信就这么简单 ... 7. Sit in the front row7. 坐在头排 8. Speak up8. 大声说话 9. Work out9. 体育锻炼 ...


2. 说出来Speak Up)——秘密的和匿名的,以保护作者的身份,使得对与公司任何事物相关的问题、 评价和抱怨进行双向 …


一些HR英语词汇(转)_呆呆的戴戴_新浪博客 ... Social security: 社会保障 Speak up讲出来 Special awards: 特殊奖励 ...


YTPEA_新浪博客 ... 2.It's up to you 由你决定。 5.speak up 大声说话;开口说出来。 4.thick-skinned a. 厚颜的 ...


常春藤商务英语ILE - 我们的优势 ... Customize Program: 个性化课程: Speak Up: 畅所欲言: Be Heard: 耐心倾听: ...

"If you know what to say and how to say it, you can speak up and keep the risk of retaliation to a minimum, " he said. 他说:”如果你知道说什麽、如何说,你就能为自己讨回公道,并将被报复的风险降至最低“。
TV is now trying to tell women to be a lot more assertive, to speak up for themselves, which shows that women do have choices. 现在,电视正尝试告诉妇女们要更加自信,要为自己大声疾呼,这表明:女性是拥有选择权的。
A company in which anyone is afraid to speak up, to differ, to be daring and original, is closing the coffin door on itself. 一个公司,如果员工都不敢开口说话,发出不同声音,或大胆表达创见,大概离关门不远了。
It is rare for her to speak up in a crowd. 她难得在众人面前讲话。
It's as if the shelf suddenly were to speak up, asking him if he really wants to keep those changes! 而上面的情况仿佛书架突然开口说话,问他是否真的想保留这些修改!
The Obama administration needs to be at least as determined in its efforts to persuade others to finally speak up. 奥巴马政府至少要下定决心努力说服其他国家最终大胆地说出来。
But the girl has been ising wait him to speak up and don't walk, her etc. etc. , has been wait until up the airplane, he said. 而女孩一直在等他开口说不要走,她等啊等,一直等到上飞机,他都没有说。
Interestingly, Fan's excitement level seems to peak when he's asked why China is choosing to speak up now about the dollar. 有意思的是,当被问及中国为何选在现在这个时候公开对美元表示意见时,樊纲的兴奋程度似乎达到了顶点。
But I think I was one of the first autistic people to promote the idea that autistic people can and should speak up for ourselves. 但是,我认为我是最先倡导孤独症患者可以而且能够为自己说话的患者之一。
Well, speak up. 'Still she said nothing, wishing that it was permissible to shake one's father and tell him to hush his mouth. 她仍然没说什么,希望能摇摇父亲,告诉他闭上嘴巴。
Explain the difference between criticism and one's teammate caring enough to speak up to try to make another teammate a better swimmer. 要解释清楚批判和带着试图让其他队友提升能力而提出意见这两者之间的区别。
The children are feeling more comfortable and are willing to speak up in class. 孩子们感觉更加适应了,并开始愿意在课堂上积极发言。
It began when people began to speak up for the environment, but it really hit home when it started making financial sense. 它始于人们开始为环境声援,但在它开始有了金融上的意义之后才真正切中要害。
Communication with people they did not know each other, consistent in seeking truth from facts, speak up. 他们在与互不相识的人交际时,贯于实事求是、坦率直言。
Since he was a complete stranger in the town, there was no one to speak up formic when he was brought into court. 因为他在这个镇上是一个完全陌生的人,所以当他受到控告时,没有人替他讲好话。
Then I would speak up without fear of him, but as it now stands with me, I cannot. 我就说话,也不惧怕他,现在我却不是那样。
"It's hazardous to speak up in a very pragmatic sense. If it becomes known that it was you, who's going to be the first to go? " he says. 尤西姆认同这种看法,他说“从现实的角度看,告状是一件很危险的事情。如果大家知道是你做的,那么谁会先离开公司还不知道呢。”
I realized I could act as a public person _able to defend my interests, to unionize, to petition to speak up -to challenge and demand. 我意识到,我可以象公众人物那样去做为---能够捍卫自己的利益、成立工会并请愿呛声---去挑战并提出要求。
For a time, admirers hailed Mr Ban's predecessor, Kofi Annan, as a "secular pope" , ready to speak up for those in need of UN succour. 有段时间,人们尊称前秘书长科菲安南是位“世俗教皇”,因为他时刻准备着为需要联合国援助的人辩护。
After all, one of the more important tasks of a non-executive is to speak up if faced with an executive emperor wearing no clothes. 毕竟,非执行董事更重要的任务之一,是在面对一个不穿衣服的“高管皇帝”时敢说真话。
I know that this book has inspired feminist students to speak up, to express their passionate disagreement or agreement. 我知道这本书已经激发了女性主义学者勇敢发出他们充满激情的赞同或反对的声音。
In an open letter in Observer, they say the Church of England has a "moral obligation to speak up for those who have no voice" . 他们在一封给《观察家》的公开信中说,英格兰国教会“有义务为那些不能发出自己的声音的人大声疾呼”。
Which proves the point: Sometimes you've got to "show up" before you speak up. 这证明了一点:有时候,在你开口之前,你必须要有行动表现。
Bottom line, men don't hear as well as women so speak up if you want to a man to hear you. 所以,如果你想男人听你说话,就请说的大声点。
The bishops were right to express their "moral obligation to speak up for those who have no voice" . 主教们表达“为那些不能发声的人说话是一种道德义务”的观点是正确的。
Sometimes, you've got to speak up. And for me, that time's now. 有时候,你必须站出来说出自己的观点。对我来说,时机已到。
In one early class of ours, the professor even wrote to students who had not been participating to request that they speak up more in class. 我听说有的教授甚至亲自写信给那些课上过于“安静”的同学,请他们踊跃发言。
I'm a quiet lad off the pitch, but on it I'm trying to speak up more. 我在球场上很安静,但也试着多与队友们交流。
This is one of the benefits of IRC meetings -- anyone can speak up and all comments are displayed for all to see -- and read. 这是IRC会议的好处之一,任何人都可以发言,所有评论都向所有人显示。
Some are beginning to speak up, challenging a widespread notion that homosexuality was brought in by foreigners. 有些人开始大声疾呼,挑战“同性恋是由外国人带入非洲”这一普遍传播的观念。