stay on

  • na.赖着不走;保持
  • 网络继续停留;存留在;继续呆下去

第三人称单数:stays on 现在分词:staying on 过去式:stayed on

stay onstay on

stay on


各类英语词汇_百度文库 ... Stay in 呆在家里;不外出 Stay on 继续停留,保持 Stay out 呆在户外 2. ...


高中英语必修3词组 - 豆丁网 ... leave the moon’s gravity 摆脱月球引力 stay on存留在„„ 33. go by 过去,推移 ...


各类英语词汇_百度文库 ... Stay in 呆在家里;不外出 Stay on 继续停留,保持 Stay out 呆在户外 2. ...


stay是什么意思呀!_百度知道 ... stay in 在家里, 不外出; 课后留在学校里 stay on 继续呆下去 stay out 呆在外, 不在家 ...


一本商贸... ... foreign ministry 就是外交大臣了喉 stay on 就是 继续处于某种状态 al-Qaeda 是塔利班的拉丁语 具体发音好怪的 ...


用英语表... ... I'll have to change it then.( 那我只好换了它。) stay on ...“ 停留在……”、 “不离开……”。 drift“ 漂流”、 “漂浮” …


看新闻练英语:... ... petulant outburst: 发脾气 stay on: 继续停留|长期在一处逗留|盯上,跟上 Stay focus on Topic: 集中主题 ...

If you tell her that you admire her writings, you'll be able to stay on her right side. 如果你告诉她说你喜欢她的文章,你就能和她相处得好。
And while the president is 74 and scheduled to step down in less than three years, he has indicated that he might stay on beyond that. 然而主席已经74岁,其离卸任还有不到3年的时间,他已经暗示他要做的更好。
He did not look like he was going to win anyone over but by the end of the tournament everyone was desperate for him to stay on. 他看起来不像他将要结束赢得任何人但是藉着巡回赛的结束每个人是不顾死活让他停留在之上。
He will stay on as supreme military commander for a year or two after that, but will probably keep out of day-to-day decision-making. 之后一到两年,他仍将保留最高军事指挥官身份,但大概不会插手日常决策。
Though the college offered me a salary increase to stay on, I felt a strong calling to return to the open road. 尽管学校加薪让我留下,但我感到一种强烈的召唤,让我回到开阔的道路上去。
It also shows how much work is left and how you'll need to change velocity if you want to stay on target. 它还显示了剩下多少工作,以及如果想赶上目标需要如何变更速度。
"Stay on the court and just don't get in early foul trouble, " he said. "Then make him have to spend some energy in defense. " “在场上不要过早陷入犯规麻烦,”他说。“然后让他在防守上吃点苦头。”
There was now no reason for him to stay on the farm, and he resolved to get away as soon as he could. 他再也没有理由呆在农场了,随即人决定尽快远走他乡。
Like you, and a quarrel, saying that something bad, you stay on in his mind, a wound like this, like a nail hole. 就象你和一个人吵架,说了些难听的话,你就在他心里留下了一个伤口,像这个钉子洞一样。
But Sandel's strength and endurance were superb, and he continued to stay on his feet. 可是桑德尔的气力和耐力是超群出众的,他仍旧站着。
But the army will surely have told the president he cannot attempt to stay on in what would be another sham election due this September. 但军方肯定已告诉穆巴拉克,他不可能试图在今年9月另一场冒牌选举中连任。
Fred mistakenly gets on a bus full of war veterans, but upon discovering it is going his way, decides to stay on for the ride. 弗雷德上错了客车,车上全是打过仗的老兵,不过发现这车顺路,也就干脆坐着搭个便车。
How much longer would she stay on the toilet? 她要在卫生间待多长时间呀?
"Go ahead. " Ford commanded, "And stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time is required. " “动手做。”福特一声令下,“不论花多少时间,做到交差为止!”
Then he said he'd stay on with us because he liked working here so much. 于是他就改口说他非常喜欢这儿的工作,愿意在这儿继续做下去。
You're going to stay on as my eyes and ears. You'll report back to me everything you hear when I'm not around. 我需要你留下做我的耳目,我不在的时候向我汇报你听到的所有消息。
Le Meridien Singapore. Proving popular now that it has become even more ideal for a stay on Orchard Road in the heart of Singapore. 新加坡麦加殿,人气之旺,众口皆碑,现已成为新加坡市中心区果园路上最理想的歇息场所。
'It's not easy to mark a player like Drogba, but we'll need to stay on top of him and mark him well. 限制德罗巴这样的球员并不容易,但是我们需要压制住他,很好的限制他的发挥。
The thing is that the frame that is set in the beginning of the conversation is often one that may stay on for a while. 问题是在对话之初就建立起来的氛围,常常是一个可能保持下去的氛围。
Ferdinand owned up to contact, and could consider himself lucky to stay on the pitch, though not every foul needs to be a booking. 斐迪南承认身体接触,认为他很幸运能呆在球场上,尽管不是每次犯规都需要登记。
If I stay on and die AT my post, it is hard to tell whAT repercussions thAT might evoke worldwide. 如果不退休,在工作岗位上去世,世界上会引起什么反响很难讲。
To stay on campus, and was afraid: "I and the TA far, and fate faded, not just a phone call the distance between the. " 呆在校园了,很怕:“我和TA远了,缘分淡了,不只是一个电话之间的距离了。”
Will stay on a bit longer for a few more! Trying to get to as many as I can! Thanks all. 将会停留更长一点的时间,多回答一些推特!我尽可能地回答!谢谢大家。
If I must deceive myself, I should prefer to stay on side of confidence, for I shall lose no more there and shall suffer less. 假如我非欺骗自己不可,我宁愿是在信心方面,因为我在其中不会失去更多,反而会因此少点痛苦。
At Gawker, it is not uncommon for editors to stay on the job for just a year. 在高科,编辑仅仅在职一年是很常见的。
How much longer we'll have enough energy to stay on here is anybody's guess -- perhaps for quite a while, perhaps not. 没人知道我们还能有精力在这里再呆多久--也许呆很长一阵子,也许不是。
The next day mum took mt to the hospital and he doctor asked me to stay on bed. 星期天,妈妈带他去看医生,说他得了重感冒,叫他卧床休息三天。
Okay, we're sending someone right now, but I'm going to ask you to stay on the phone with me to get some more information. 好,我们马上派人去,不过请您先别挂电话再多告诉我们一些情况。
Oh, yeah. I'd still like to stay on as consigliere. You know, maybe you could show me your set lists before competitions. 对啊。不过我很愿意继续当顾问的,你比赛前可以给我看看歌单什么的。
And yet it could not stay on its high branch out of danger. . . A force stronger than its will flung it down. 但它仍然不肯坐在自己那高高的十分安全的树枝上--一种比它的意志还要强大的力量把它从枝头抛了下来。