some day

  • adv.总有一天;有朝一日;将来
  • 网络某一天;某天;来日

some daysome day

some day

1.总有一天;有朝一日;将来at some time in the future


仁爱英语八年级下册词组汇集 ... fall asleep 入睡 some day 总有一天 affect one’s moods 影响某人情绪 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... solve the problem 解决问题 some day 某一天 some one 某个人/物 ...


初三英语短语归纳 - 豆丁网 ... somewhere relaxing 放松的某个地方 5. some day 某天 6. would love to do sth 喜欢做某事 7. ...


成人高考英语词组汇总复习(八) - 成人高考教育网 ... as to 如此……以致于 763.some day 有朝一日 soon as …


中考英语复习资料_百度知道 ... soccer ball 英式足球 some day 来日;将来某一日 some of 一些 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... lead singer 主唱 some day 将来的某一天 be off 离开;走开 ...


我需要中考英语词组、短语、句型_百度知道 ... so as to 为的是;使得 some day 将来有一天 sooner or later 迟早 ...

Some day, and that day may never come, I would like to call upon you to do me a service in return. 将来,也许那天也不一定到来,我会找你帮忙作为你的回报。
That he would propose some day she had never doubted, for she was too young and too spoiled ever to have known defeat. 她从未怀疑他有一天会向她求婚,因为她实太年轻太娇惯了,从来不懂得失败是怎么回事。
He surprised me with such a long sentence and made me wondering if I could do the same some day. 我当时惊呀不已,他连这么长的句子都认得,我什么时候能像他一样啊!
And who knows if, when she came to be aware of all this some day, and found herself a nun to her sorrow, Cosette would not come to hate him? 并且谁能断言,将来有朝一日,珂赛特懂得了这一切,悔当修女,她不会转过来恨他吗?
"Some day I'll beat the face off of him, " was the way he often consoled himself for enduring the man's existence. “我总有一天要把他那脸撞个稀烂的,”他在受不了这家伙时常常这样安慰自己。
Going back home with a few bruises on his face from a fight with David, Jack was determined to have it out with him some day. 和戴维打架后,杰克脸上伤痕累累地回家时,他下定决心,总有一天要和戴维算账。
We shall know some day that death can never rob us of that which our soul has gained, for her gains are one with herself. 我们将有一天会明白,死永远不能够夺去我们的灵魂所获得的东西。因为她所获得的,和她自己是一体。
If the land borders were to be reopened some day, their wages would not have to be spent on long, pricey bus rides through Georgia. 如果哪天两国的陆上边界重新开放了,恐怕她们微薄的薪水也不会花在价格昂贵、贯穿格鲁吉亚回国的长途汽车上。
But, after all, one of those poor words of mine may spring up in his heart as a good seed some day. 不过,说不定有一天,我对他说的这许多话,也许会有一句像一粒种子一样,在他的心里发芽生长。
She talks eloquently about her sense of gratitude to the US for giving her the chance, about wanting some day to "pay back" in public life. 她滔滔不绝地谈起了对于美国给自己机会的感激之情,并谈到希望有一天,能够在公共生活中“回报”社会。
I'm smiling because whenever we touch on the subject of this book which he is going to write some day things assume an incongruous aspect. 我笑是因为每回一谈到这本他有朝一日要写的书,事情就显得有点儿滑稽了。
If you think of me some day, please remember my broadest smile. 如果某天你想起我,请你回忆我笑得最灿烂的那个瞬间。
If you were a real bear, you would argue that some day just everything will collapse. But it's hard for me to see that scenario playing out. 如果你是一个真正的看空论者,你会认为某一天所有事物都会终止.但我认为这种场面很难出现。
You may be very romantic and long for your "soul mate" some day but patience may need to be your current virtue. 你可能非常浪漫,渴望有一天能找到自己的“灵魂伴侣”,但现在你可能需要耐心。
So who knows, he may be able to quit the company and start his own business some day. 谁知道呢,哪一天他可能会辞职自己创业呢。
If some day I disappeared from your side, you will find me with you all over the world, will be sad Why? 如果哪天我从你的身边消失了,你会满世界找我么,会难过么?
When I got up to leave, I blurted out impulsively "Why don't you visit us some day? " 我起身告别时,不由自主地脱口而出:“改天来我家坐坐,好吗?”
And during the 1980s, there was even talk about Japan's economy some day overtaking that of the United States. 在20世纪80年代,甚至有声音认为日本有朝一日将超越美国。
I must take him in hand some day, and see if I can make something of him. 将来有一天,我要亲自培养他,看能不能把他调教出个模样来。
Oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. 哦,说真的,我非常喜欢蓝天。小时候我就梦想自己有一天能飞上蓝天。
Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, always wanted the best thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. 有天你会发现,即使我有错,我还是一直尽我所能,给你最好的,为你铺路。
Over there you think of nothing but becoming President of the United States some day. Potentially every man is Presidential timber. 在那边你一心只想着有朝一日要当美国总统,可能每个人都是做总统的材料。
So are officials' saber-rattling claims that some day China's economy will thrive enough to threaten that of the United States. 官方耀武扬威的宣称有朝一日中国经济将足以威胁到美国也非空穴来风。
"Thank you very much, kind Lion! I hope I shall be able to do you a good return some day. " said the little mouse. “太谢谢你了,好狮子!希望有一天我能好好的报答你。”小老鼠说。
Some day you may be able to call up a library and ask to read a book right over your vision-phone. 某一天你或许可以用可视电话给图书馆打个电话并要求读一本书。
Thank you again. It's very kind of you to have done so many things for us. I hope I can receive you in my country some day. 再次感谢你。谢谢你为我们做了那么多。希望有朝一日能再我们国家接待你。
Perhaps, I would, some day, turn back to see you and share your happiness with a smile. 或许有一天我会回过头来看,看到你的幸福我会会心地微笑。
"The only thing you can do is issue new debt to repay the old. But there will be some day down the line when this can't go on, " he said. “你能做的事只有发新债以偿还旧债。但这种做法迟早会有撑不下去的一天,”他表示。
And I did not, as some day I ask you owe me any good, you did not answer up to now. 而我什么也没有,正如欠些天我问你我有什么优点,你到现在都没有回答上来。
Some day, when you become a parent, they may be able to help you to get on with your children. 也许在将来的某一天,当你也为人父母的时候,他们也许就会帮助你如何处理好与孩子的关系了。