
美 [tɑp]英 [tɒp]
  • n.顶;顶部;顶端;上面
  • v.胜过;超过(某一数量);居…之首;为…之冠
  • adj.(位置、级别或程度)最高的;很好的;极棒的;顶呱呱的
  • 网络上衣;突破;高级会员

复数:tops 过去式:topped 现在分词:topping

top priority,top management,top floor,top quality,top speed
top Figure


最高点highest point

1.[c]顶;顶部;顶端the highest part or point of sth

上层表面upper surface

2.[c]表面;上面the upper flat surface of sth

最高等级highest rank

3.[sing]the ~ (of sth)最高的级别;最重要的职位the highest or most important rank or position

最远点farthest point

4.[sing]the ~ of sth尽头;远端the end of a street, table, etc. that is farthest away from you or from where you usually come to it

笔;瓶子of pen/bottle

5.[c]帽;盖;塞a thing that you put on the end of sth to close it


6.[c]上衣a piece of clothing worn on the upper part of the body

植物的叶子leaves of plant

7.[c][usupl](根菜作物的)茎叶the leaves of a plant that is grown mainly for its root

款额amount of money

8.[pl](用于款额后)最高额used after an amount of money to show that it is the highest possible


9.[pl](informal)最优秀的人;最好的东西;精华a person or thing of the best quality


10.[c]陀螺a child's toy that spins on a point when it is turned round very quickly by hand or by a string


at the top of the tree

(在行业、事业中)高居首位,处于顶峰in the highest position or rank in a profession or career

at the top of your voice

高声地;放声地;扯着喉咙地as loudly as possible

come out on top

(在比赛或辩论中)名列前茅,先拔头筹to win a contest or an argument

from top to bottom

从上到下;彻底地going to every part of a place in a very thorough way

from top to toe

从头到脚;浑身上下;全部completely; all over

get on top of sb

使吃不消;使应接不暇to be too much for sb to manage or deal with

get on top of sth

设法驾驭;处理to manage to control or deal with sth

off the top of your head

单凭猜测(或记忆);信口地;不假思索地just guessing or using your memory, without taking time to think carefully or check the facts

on top

在上面;在顶部on the highest point or surface

on top of sth/sb

在…上面;在…上方;覆盖着on, over or covering sth/sb

on top of the world

欢天喜地;心满意足;非常自豪very happy or proud

over the top

过分;过火;过头done to an exaggerated degree and with too much effort

take sth from the top

从头再唱(或再奏等)to go back to the beginning of a song, piece of music, etc. and repeat it

up top

(指人的智力)头脑,脑子used to talk about a person's intelligence


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首页-mrmika MR.MIKA mrmika-淘宝网 ... POST 邮费补差 【TOP 上衣】 【OUT 外套】 ...


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对于中文"顶端"(Top)、"文本上方"(TextTop)方式是指图像顶端和文字行最高字符的顶端对齐。 "中间"(Middle)方式是指图像的中 …


热工仪表题库 ... 。+GuET (在线分析)~~] TOP 高级会员 ℃ B、820℃ C、780℃ 导线,将使其指示表A A、指示偏低; ...


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Sql2005 安装出错 29506 29508_积木技术社区 ... 4.Standard,( 标准版) TOP3 楼 发表于 2010-03-10 16:17 1.Enterprise( 企业 …

No matter where you are in the organization, ultimately your job is to help the top honcho move the company forward. 无论你处于一个团体的什么位置,你工作的最终目的是协助你的老板使公司向前发展。
If that were the case, though, we might also expect scoring to be down in other top competitions. 如果这是原因的话,我们或许期望在其他的顶级赛事得分有所降低。
While man's desire to explore the earth's bottom is just as great as reaching its top, the ocean floor is no mere curiosity. 尽管人类探测地球之底的欲望与登上世界之巅一样强烈,但想要到达大洋底部单靠强烈的好奇心远远不够。
when leaves at the end of the meeting or in the middle, please place the receiver on the top of a table or deliver to the conference staff! 会议结束或中途离场,请将接收耳机放置于桌面或交予会议工作人员!
A crystaline stackable principle in the center on the top, which I am trying to turn into a concert hall in Iceland. 利用水晶结晶在顶部推砌的原理我想把它作成冰岛的一个音乐厅。
At the top of the stairs he drew from his pocket another key, with which he opened another door. 到了楼梯顶上,他又从衣袋里取出另外一把钥匙,用来开另一扇门。
I wanted to be an ambassador, and my mentors, my heroes, people who got to the top of my profession, and here I was throwing it all away. 我希望成为一名大使,我的导师们,我心目中的英雄们,那些到达事业的顶峰的人们,我现在却要舍弃这一切。
Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil in top of it. 雅各清早起来,把所枕的石头立作柱子,浇油在上面。
If you will pull a dollar bill out and take a look at it, you will notice that it says "Federal Reserve Note" at the top. 假如你拿出一张美元,注意看上面的字,你会发现最上面写着“联邦储备银行券”。
Gets the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. 获取控件下边缘与其容器的工作区上边缘之间的距离(以像素为单位)。
Ahmadinejad found the shoe on the other foot as he waved to the crowd from an open-top car on his way to give a speech at a local stadium. 总统内贾德从敞篷车上向民众挥手时发现一只鞋飞了过来。他当时要到乌尔米耶当地一个体育馆去做演讲。
Never pass another car on a curve or near the top of a hill; obey the signs you see along the road. 切勿在弯路或近山顶之处超越它车,要遵守沿途看见的交通标志。
Goalkeeper Julio Cesar is at the top of his game, with Internazionale's Lucio and Roma's Juan in front of him. 守门员塞萨尔正值巅峰,在他身前,是国际米兰的卢西奥和罗马队的胡安。
On top of that, Harp and I both learned how to run a camera and do lights back in college. 另外,我和哈普都在大学学过怎么操作摄像机和做灯光。
Culture fomented from Europe's tip to its top. Wagner was master of music and people did not forget their own artists. France had. 文化在欧洲不断上升。瓦格纳是音乐大师,人民没有忘记他们自己的艺术家。法国产生了契柯夫。
And then, from there, he climbed directly up the bark until he got to the top of the tree. 接着,从那里他直接从树皮爬了上去直到他到了树顶。
AIDS is no longer one of the Top 10 American killers, but the same cannot be said for many countries. 艾滋病不再是美国的十大杀手之一,但许多国家的情况并非如此。
The little muscles on the top of your shoulders work too hard and become inflamed, causing "weight lifter's shoulder, " she said. 你肩膀上部的小肌肉运动强度太大了,会发炎的,并且引起“举重肩膀”(即负荷过重)。
Firth's face is a picture of misery in the opening scene, under his top hat, as if attending his own funeral. 科林费斯刚开场就流露出掩盖大礼帽下痛苦的表情,好像要参加自己的葬礼。
Meanwhile, New York's top legal officer vowed to take AIG to court if it did not provide full details of the bonus payments. 同时纽约州大法官也誓称,如若AIG不能提供奖金支付详情的话,将和其在法庭上见。
Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top, afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence. 因此出现了有大柱子的床,柱顶撑起一张单子,可以有些防护。
But in a dialogue over dinner a few weeks ago, one of Maliki's top budget advisers dismissed any possibility of such a deal. 但是,几周之前,在一次晚宴上,马利基的一位高级财经顾问一口否认了这种可能性。
In fact, I remember a well-known politician who whenever he was speaking would constantly massage the top of his head. 事实上,我记得曾经有一位著名的政治家每次说话都习惯不停地按摩头顶。
Solution: Developers are immediately notified upon a build breakage and make it a top priority to fix a broken build. 解决方案:在构建破碎时立即通知开发人员,并以最高优先级尽快修复破碎的构建。
He said he'd raced up to the top of the Bridge on faith, but he hadn't gotten what he expected. 他说他已经迅速升至了信仰之桥的最高处,但是他没有得到他所期望的东西。
The tube is rounded at the top and tapers down to a flat base, making it convenient to dispense the product from the bottom up. 该管圆上方,并逐渐下降到一个单位的基础,使之方便免除产品自下而上。
Or, would you be happy with a little less privacy and a little more rapid communication and innovation built on top of your social network? 还是更乐意削减一些隐私,体验更快捷的交流和创新呢?
With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag tucked under his arm, the boy looked just like a boss. 那男孩把衬衫塞进裤腰里,将皮包夹在腋下,看上去俨然一副老板模样。
The only realistic way of competing with copycats is to make sure we are at the top of our game and continue to engage our audience. 唯一可行的与山寨竞争的方法就是确保我们游戏的优质,抓住用户。
If I had the ability to be a mind-reader when I was at school I would have been the top student. 上学的时候如果我有能力读别人的思想我就会是学习最好的学生。