
美 [bæt]英 [bæt]
  • n.蝙蝠;球拍;球棒;球板
  • v.用球板击球;拍打(空中飞舞的小东西)
  • abbr.(=Bachelor of Arts in Teaching)教学法学士
  • 网络批处理文件;批次档;英美烟草公司(British American Tobacco)

复数:bats 过去式:batted 现在分词:batting



n. v.

1.球棒;球拍;球板a piece of wood with a handle, made in various shapes and sizes, and used for hitting the ball in games such as baseball , cricket and table tennis


like a bat out of hell

疾速地;迅速地very fast

off your own bat

自觉地;主动地if you do sthoff your own bat , it is your own idea and you do it without help or encouragement from anyone else


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... mosquito n 蚊子 bat n 蝙蝠;(网球、乒乓球等的)球拍 △ Shakespeare 莎士比亚, ...


批处理文件 (.bat) 或者 Linux 的 Shell 程序。因此,许多人说,Java 是一种方便开发者苦了用户的程序设计语言。


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人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... basketball n. 篮球 bat n. 球拍(乒乓球等的) let v. 允许;让 ...


批次档(*.BAT)罗~.BAT档里面就写convert 1.tif 1.pdfconvert 2.tif 2.pdfconvert 3.tif 3.pdf...

yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 133,avi 鸟 134,bat 135,biblio 书 ...

英美烟草公司(British American Tobacco)

英美烟草公司(bat)高级配方师 英商上海怡和纱厂 英美烟草公 这标志着英美烟草公司的 英美烟草1925年收购ardath to 菲莫和英 …

She found her daughter lying on the floor at a bat mitzvah, surrounded by a group of boys, waiting for her "prince" to come and wake her. 她看到她女儿在一次成人礼上躺在地板上,周围是一圈儿男孩,她在等待着她的“王子”来唤醒她。
floating freely in a weightless condition; a baby bat. . . fluffy and weightless as a moth; jackets made of a weightless polyester fabric. 在失重的情况下自由的飘浮;刚出生的蝙蝠……长着绒毛、轻得像飞蛾;用轻聚酯布制成的夹克。
Baseball players have it tough, trying to hit an incoming fastball with a small, rounded bat. 棒球手要想用一根短圆的球棒击中飞速而至的球很不容易。
Bill didn't even bat an eye when they told him he had just won the lottery. He just shrugged and said, 'Well, I guess I can use the money. 当他们告诉Bill他中了乐透的时候他眼睛都没有眨一下,他耸肩并说道:“哦,那我猜我可以用那钱了。”
In the year of 1870, a sort of ball made of feather and wood as well as a bat woven with strings were invented. 1870年,出现了用羽毛、软木做的球和穿弦的球拍。
Either the squirrel thought the bat was a threat to it, or to its young if they were around, or to a food source. 或者这只松鼠认为那只蝙蝠在周围对它有威胁,或者对它的孩子有威胁,或者对食物的来源有威胁。
Back and forth flew Bat until both Bird and Rat got tired of him. 就这样,蝙蝠在鸟和老鼠之间来回飞着,把自己弄得筋疲力尽。
At the Community Centre you could always tell when he had been playing table-tennis by the dampness of the bat handle. 在邻里活动中心站,你一看到球拍是湿的,就可以知道刚才他打过乒乓球。
Bat few back and forth until both Bird and Rat got tired of him. 蝙蝠飞来飞去。直到鸟和老鼠都烦他了。
The current fashion seems to be a suit that looks like a bat or a flying fox (see left). 现今流行的款式穿起来像蝙蝠或者飞狐。
The total comes to $102. 91, " said the checker. I didn't bat an eye. The pen ran over that blank check faster than I could legibly write. " “一共是102.91美元,”收款员说道。我连眼也没眨一下就飞快地在空白支票上签下了我的名字。
The store manager chased him out with a baseball bat and an employee held him in the parking lot until police arrived. 店铺经理用棒球棍将他赶了出去,一个店员在停车场抓住了他,直到警察到来。
Right off the bat, JAXB isn't going to be an option for you, as JAXB only accepts XML Schema as a constraint model for class generation. 毫无疑问,JAXB不在选择范围之列,因为它只接受XMLSchema作为约束模型来生成类。
They had come as a good bat up the slope and a little out of breath. 他们飞快地走上斜坡,因而有点上气不接下气。
After he signs up and pays, the travel agent hits him with a bat, knocks him unconscious and throws him out the back door into the river. 当他签名、付钱后。旅游代理人用棒子把他打晕,通过后门扔到河里面。
Design finished, click on lower right button to display the image, if the design does not look good, the bat would be very unhappy Woman oh. 设计完毕,点击右下角按钮展示形象,如果设计的不好看,蝙蝠女侠会不高兴哦。
In the dark, like a bat, he could sense an object at a distance of about four metres by a peculiar creepy sensation on the forehead. 在夜晚,像个蝙蝠,用他特别的有蠕动感的前额,他能感觉到大约四米外物体。
Friendly hands help the company create a sense of stability right off the bat . 友谊之手帮助公司立刻建立了安全感。
There are no mice in the air, I'm afraid, but you might catch a bat, and that's very like a mouse, you know. 我怕空中没有你吃的小老鼠,不过你可能捉到一只蝙蝠。
It was all bound to end in tears, bankruptcy, divorce and the serious battery of his press officer with an aluminium baseball bat. 这一切都本该终结于人生的不幸之中——眼泪、破产、婚姻破裂,并被他的媒体人用铝制棒球棍狠狠地殴打一番。
"I know it must sound like we are trying to build a Bat lab here, but I make no apology for that, " said Richard Palmer. “我知道,这些听起来好像我们要建立一个防卫实验室似的,对此我不会辩解什么。”理查德•帕默说到。
With a few strikes on her keyboard, Frick was able to call up daily radar data that covered a bat cave in Texas. 随着弗里克在键盘上敲击着字母,它能够调出一个德克萨斯蝙蝠洞的日常雷达数据。
While you are aching to know the starting salary and benefits right off the bat, it's a bit risky to ask these types of questions initially. 即使你渴望马上知道工作的底薪和福利,在最初的面试中问这类的问题也有点冒险。
A baseball bat might have been more liberating, but the hydraulic crusher's surgical precision nonetheless holds a certain charm. 虽说用棒球棒或许会让人感到更加潇洒自如,不过液压机的精密销毁还是有某种魅力的。
Anecdotes like this primed me to believe the community theory of innovation right off the bat. 这样的传闻轶事让我一下子就相信了“共同创新”的理论。
But things changed soon. Now it seemed that the beasts were winning. So the bat left the birds in a hurry and went over to the beasts. 但是风云突变,这回是兽类看上去要赢了,蝙蝠匆忙而飞速地离开鸟群奔向了兽类。
Not to mention the fact that you could probably wield it like a bat to defend yourself against intruders. 有一个事实没有提到,那就是你可以像挥动短棍一样的挥动它来捍卫自己抵御入侵者。
Ben started to shiver. A bat swooped down from a tree right over Ben's head. Ben almost jumped out of his skin. Then he started to run. 正在这时,一只蝙蝠从树上俯冲下来,正好落在他的头上,本顿时吓得魂不附体,拔腿就跑。
You, however, are not a vampire bat. Because humans did not evolve such an iron-extracting mechanism, drinking blood can kill us. 然而,你可不是吸血蝙蝠。因为人类没有逐步形成这样一个提取铁质的机制,喝血会杀死我们。
Smith has left the company and is now on his own bat. 史密斯离开了那家公司,现在独立开业。