
美 [kɔl]英 [kɔːl]
  • n.打电话;呼唤;呼吁;要求
  • v.呼唤;称呼;召唤;打电话叫
  • 网络呼叫;调用;访问

第三人称单数:calls 现在分词:calling 过去式:called

make call,give call,call doctor,answer call,return call
collect call,local call,emergency call,urgent call,clarion call


v. n.

命名give name

1.[t]给…命名;称呼;把…叫做to give sb/sth a particular name; to use a particular name or title when you are talking to sb


2.[t]认为…是;把…看作to describe sb/sth in a particular way; to consider sb/sth to be sth

3.[t]~ yourself + noun把自己称为;自诩to claim that you are a particular type of person, especially when other people question whether this is true


4.[i][t]大声呼叫,大声说(以吸引注意力)to shout or say sth loudly to attract sb's attention

5.[t][i]~ (sb)召唤;呼唤to ask sb to come by shouting or speaking loudly


6.[t]打电话叫to ask sb/sth to come quickly to a particular place by telephoning

7.[i][t](给…)打电话to telephone sb

召见order sb to come

8.[t][usupass]+ adv./prep.命令,召(至某处)to order sb to come to a place


9.[i](短暂地)访问to make a short visit to a person or place

集会、罢工等meeting/strike, etc.

10.[t]~ sth下令举行;宣布进行to order sth to happen; to announce that sth will happen

比赛in games

12.[t][i]~ (sth)抛硬币说正反面to say which side of a coin you think will face upwards after it is thrown


call sbs bluff

要求…摊牌,要求…兑现其恫吓(因相信对方不至于或不敢这样做)to tell sb to do what they are threatening to do, because you believe that they will not be cruel or brave enough to do it

call sth into play

利用;使用to make use of sth

call sth into question

怀疑;引起怀疑to doubt sth or make others doubt sth

call it a day

结束一天的工作;到此为止;停止to decide or agree to stop doing sth

call it quits

(因势均力敌)同意停止比赛(或争论等)to agree to end a contest, disagreement, etc. because both sides seem equal

call sb names

辱骂;谩骂to use insulting words about sb

call the shots/tune

控制;操纵to be the person who controls a situation

call a spade a spade

是啥说啥;直言不讳to say exactly what you think without trying to hide your opinion

call time (on sth)

宣布结束;决定结束to say or decide that it is time for sth to finish

call sb to account (for/over sth)

责成…作出解释;责问to make sb explain a mistake, etc. because they are responsible for it

call sb/sth to order

要求安静下来(以便开始或继续会议);要求遵守会议秩序to ask people in a meeting to be quiet so that the meeting can start or continue


小学阶段英语动词过去式变化汇总表 ... buy 买 call 呼叫 carry 搬运 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... ring n. 环;戒指 call v. 打电话 at prep. 在……(里面或附近);在……(点、刻);以 ...


flash - 搜搜百科 ... 13、loop( 循环) 14、Call调用) 15、Set Property( 设定属性) ...


花语_互动百科 ... 梦( Dream) 访问Call) 妖( Glamorous) ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... calendar n. 日历,历书;历法 call vt. 把…叫做;叫,喊 calm a. 静的,平静的 ...


称字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 称号〖 title〗 称呼call;name〗 称快〖 expressone’sgratification〗 ...

This means that if I say something stupid when I'm hanging out with my friends, they do not hesitate to call me out on it. 这意味着当我跟我的朋友坚持时,我是否会说一些无聊的话。他们可能会因此而毫犹豫地大叫出来。
Before you plan your travel route, why do not you call all of these places to find out if the apartment is still available? 在你们计划乘车路线之前,干吗不打个电话问问房子是不是还没有租出去?。
Samantha: Yes. Now I've got to call a caterer for the banquet. 萨曼塔:我应该给宴会承办者打一个电话。
Serving a 32 oz milk based coffee drink in a paper cup and to call it a cappuccino is wrong and disrespectful to Italian culture. 一份32oz的加奶饮料装在外带纸杯里,如果说它是卡布其诺,不但是个错误,也是对义大利文化的不敬。
Break the arm of the wicked and evil man; call him to account for his wickedness that would not be found out. 愿你打断恶人的膀臂。至于坏人,愿你追究他的恶,直到净尽。
NET class and call the methods of the instance, just as if it were a COM object. NET类的一个实例并调用该实例的方法,就好像它是COM对象一样。
You can easily interact with SimOne by asking her about the time, let her wake you up in the morning or to call a contact number for you. 你可以很容易的和她互动,问她有关的时间,或让她告诉你电话号码。
The counter argument to that was, how can you call it a world trade organization if China is not in it? 当时的针对性言论是,如果中国不加入又何谈世界贸易组织呢?
Call me callous and insensitive, but I do not think that it is possible for me to consume purely organic food. 你可以说我麻木,说我迟钝,但我始终认为只食用绿色食物是不可能的。
Either her mother or her sisters call for her every afternoon. 她的母亲或者她的姐妹们每天下午打电话来找她。
Is there a way I can reach her or at least leave a message for her to call me? 能否告诉我和她的联系方式,或者至少设法通知她打电话给我。
360 was sensitive enough to call back some of its employees on Spring Festival off to counter QQ's sudden challenge. 360非常明智的把员工从春节长假中召集回来,以此应对QQ突如其来的挑战;很快。
The dark cloaked snitch used his combine to call the Imperial authorities, and directed a squad of desert stormtroopers to the fugitives. 这个穿深色披风的告密者用通讯器联系帝国当局,把一个班的沙漠冲锋队引向那对逃犯。
And he is not yet ready to call time on his Chelsea career despite his failure to meet Mourinho's demands. 尽管他没有达到穆里尼奥的要求,但他还没有决定要离开切尔西。
It seemed as if someone had made a terrible mistake. One wanted to call to these few soldiers to come back. 好象什么人发生了失误,有个人还想把这几个战士叫回来。
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but this seems at least superficial evidence of rigging the game in the hope of favorable electoral results. 你可以说我是个阴谋论者,但至少我们可以将这些不充分的证据应用于该推导游戏,期待选举结果会带来好消息。
They decided to call in a doctor because the child was not any better. 他们决定请个医生来,因为那孩子一点不见好转。
Haoshouqiongjing in the classical scholars, of course, a way of life, it is now is still very tempting to call the young students. 皓首穷经于经典当然是学者的一种生存方式,它如今仍很有诱惑力地召唤着青年学子。
well, i still call it a planet, like i said before, maybe small , but it's got an atmosphere and a moon, it orbits the Sun. 嗯,我仍叫它行星,就像我之前说的,虽然它很小,但是它有大气,绕太阳转,还有卫星。
You know, don't You, that there are those who will call this entire book a blasphemy. Especially if You keep showing up as such a wise guy. 你知道,一定会有人称这整本书是个亵渎。尤其是,如果你继续以这样一个自作聪明的傢伙的样子出现的话。
He was trying to make a point, but instead of that you concentrate more on the grammatical or as I call it ' NERD' error. 他试图提出一个观点,而不是更多地集中于语法或我把它称为“书呆子”的错误。
This, as you can imagine, ended the conversation and meant I had to call cousin Carol. 你可以想像,话说到这份上,也就到头了。这就意味着我不得不给表姐卡萝尔打电话。
I am going to call my husband now. Miss Bai likes to cook for her younger sister. Mr. Zhang must cook for his wife. 现在我要给我先生打电话。白小姐喜欢给她妹妹做饭。张先生得给他太太做饭。
I'm crazy about him, too. I told him he could call me Rebecca, if he likes. 我也为他发狂。我告诉他,他可以叫我丽贝卡,如果他愿意。
We call this shift the continuation of our defensive and the enemy's pursuit the continuation of his offensive. 这种事实,我们把它叫做防御的继续,而把敌人的追击叫做进攻的继续。
If only this people were under my command! Then I would get rid of him. I would say to Abimelech, 'Call out your whole army! 惟愿这民归我的手下,我就除掉亚比米勒。迦勒又对亚比米勒说,增添你的军兵出来吧。
Tsai is not looking for a woman to call, your husband is a good person. 蔡先生没有找女人打电话,你丈夫是个好人。
Syed Zainal said the vehicle was an Iranian initiative. "What they (Iran) want to do is to call that an Islamic car, " he said. 萨伊德.翟纳尔表示,这部车是伊朗的倡议,「他们(伊朗)想将之称为伊斯兰车,」他说。
"We believe that at least 95percent of the PCBs in the dredge area will be removed, " she said in atelephone call with reporters. 她在接受媒体电话采访时说:“我们相信挖掘区至少将有95%的PCB可以被清除掉。这一数字让我们深以为傲。”
Mr. Tang, it's a great pleasure for me to call on you today soon after I arrived at my post in Beijing. 唐先生,我刚到任就能拜会您,感到十分荣幸。