
美 [ˈtɑrɡət]英 [ˈtɑː(r)ɡɪt]
  • n.目标;靶;指标;对象
  • v.面向;把…作为攻击目标;把…作为批评的对象
  • 网络塔吉特;靶子;塔吉特百货

第三人称单数:targets 现在分词:targeting 过去式:targeted

sales target,prime target,ambitious target,immediate target,key target
achieve target,set target,meet target,Miss target,specify target


n. v.

1.目标;指标a result that you try to achieve

2.(攻击的)目标,对象an object, a person or a place that people aim at when attacking

3.靶;靶子an object that people practise shooting at, especially a round board with circles on it




...,塔吉特(Target)采取的商品战略是提供只能在塔吉特Target)买得到的独家商品,尤其是设计师特别设计的商品,这样 …


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... portion n. 一部分 202. target n. 目标,靶子 portable a. 手提式的 204. ...


对字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 对虾〖 peneid,penaeid;prawn〗 对象target;object〗 对心,对心儿〖 becongenial〗 ...


高中英语单词表 ... task n. 工作;任务;作业 target n. 靶子;目标;(嘲笑等的)对象;指标 tape-recording n. 磁带录音 ...


...随性的日常装、性感的派对装、舒适的出游装以及首次在塔吉特百货(Target) 联名中出现过的泳装。


4、 目标对象Target):目标对象是被通知的对象。它可以是任何类,包括你自己编写的或者第三方类。

Police believe she was the main target of the attack -- the first shooting of a member of Congress in more than 30 years. 警方认为她是这起枪击案的主要目标。这是近30年来第一次发生在国会议员身上的枪击案。
He said gambling at hometown associations was an easy target for prosecutors who want to generate headlines. 他说,同乡会的赌博很容易被想制造头条的检察官当成靶子。
Therefore, anticancer therapies that target RNAs seem to be one step closer to being a new class of anticancer drug. 因此,靶标RNA的抗癌治疗似乎让我们向寻找一类新的抗癌药物跨近了一步。
I'd urge you to do the same, rather than try to target money at whichever disaster might be in the news today. 我鼓励你做同样的事情,而不是试着把捐款目标锁定在今天新闻报道的某个灾难上。
But he said the average daily rates and service levels -- including high-speed Internet access -- will target upscale business travelers. 不过他说,房价和包括高速网络接口在内的服务将以高档商务旅客为目标。
The target platform is typically described in terms related to the implementation language and a technical framework on top of that. 目标平台是用与实现语言以及技术框架相关的术语描述的。
The demographic description of target users just coincide with that of Chou's followers. 据人口调查,使用该项业务的对象和杰伦追随者的基本吻合。
In grade school he was the butt of his classmates'jokes; for with such a large target, no shot could ever miss the mark. 在小学里,他是同学们玩笑的目标,因为这样庞大的箭垛子,放冷箭没有不中的道理。
The total target of the system is to provide an instrumental professional water management system for the city water undertakings. 本系统总体目标定位为:为城市供水公司提供一个工具型的供水专业管网管理系统。
You're like a target that I always try to aim at. How I wish I could aim you at the heart. 你就像是一个靶子我总是想去瞄准,我是多么是希望我能够瞄准你的心脏。
The result of experiment indicates the system can effectively accomplish the real-time control the surface radiation temperature of target. 实验结果表明该系统能够有效完成对目标表面辐射温度的实时控制。
The experimental results show that the method is superior to that of single-wave target detection. 试验结果表明,该算法优于单波段的目标检测,有较强的实用性。
All this takes place within a long tradition of class war in which private schools have been a main target. 在教育界阶级战争的一贯传统里,私立学校从来是主要目标,这件事正是在这样的大背景下发生的。
In your queries, you can control how much data related to your main target is retrieved when you connect to the database. 在您的查询中,您可以控制在连接到数据库时检索多少与您的主目标相关的数据。
The rare precious stamp is often a target of mad pursuit and adulation, and has become the object of wealth accumulation and status symbol. 珍惜邮票往往是人们疯狂追捧的对象,已经成为了人们财富储蓄和地位象征的对象。
Although the egg failed to connect with its intended target, the shoe did not miss. 虽然鸡蛋没有命中目标,但飞鞋砸在了方滨兴身上。
When he reached the top, one of the target bunkers opened fire on him with machine guns. 爬到崖顶后,一个目标地堡的机关枪向他开火。
He said he was the target of a combined telephone and phishing attempt in 2010. 他说,2010年一起同时利用电话和钓鱼的攻击就曾以他本人为目标。
In 2004 , why did the number of actual man- hour in the recruit training decrease substantially when compared with that of target man-hour ? 在2004年,新队员训练的实际时数较目标时数大幅下降,原因为何?。
This may be less efficient than a local deployment but does not require the deployment of any additional components to the target system. 这可能没有本地部署那么高效,但它不需要在目标系统中部署任何额外的组件。
The reality of her existence, she says, is quite the opposite: she says her favourite shop is Target, a sort of American Argos. 蕾切尔说恰恰相反,她最喜欢的商店是Target,就像是美国的阿格斯。
The target might be in the same square as a small tree, obscured by a small pillar or a large piece of furniture, or behind a low wall. 目标可能与一颗小树处在同一格内,或被一个小型柱子或大块的家具所掩护,或者身处一堵矮墙后。
If it is determined that the inputs or outputs of the target are up-to-date, the target will be skipped and the build will proceed. 如果确定了目标的输入或输出是最新的,将跳过该目标并继续生成过程。
HSBC said the euro's next upside target is $1. 4720, a breach of which should propel the unit to its highest in nearly a year. 汇丰称,欧元下一个上行目标为1.4720美元,若突破该水准,应驱使欧元升至接近一年的最高位。
Once you know which cluster is the default target, move the members from the server section of the other clusters to the default cluster. 一旦确定了可用作默认目标的集群,将另一个集群中的成员从它的服务器部分移动到默认集群。
The facts proved that this system turns out to be feasible and can operate normally. It basically attained the anticipated target. 实践证明该系统具有可行性,运行正常,基本达到了预期目标。
I am as frustrated as the fans are, but I feel as well that it is not the only target and only aim of a football club. 我和球迷们一样对球队的失利感到失望,不过我还是认为(眼下的冠军)不是一个足球俱乐部的唯一目标。
For your at heart eternal target, for you strive for smile of the victory queen, do not decline tear and sweat. 为您的心永恒的目标,为您争取胜利的微笑女王,不减少泪液和汗水。
All that this event is saying is that the target object will not be CREATED because the connection agreement is NOT PRIMARY . 此事件表明,因为连接协议不是主连接协议,所以将不创建目标对象。
The players should inflate their balloon upon hearing the word GO releasing it to the direction of the main target. 球员应该夸大其词乍一听气球的方向去释放它的主要目标。