
美 [klɪp]英 [klɪp]
  • v.剪辑;修剪;削减;固定
  • n.夹;夹子;速度;钳
  • 网络裁剪;回形针;削波

复数:clips 过去分词:clipped 现在分词:clipping

video clip,metal clip


n. v.

1.[c](金属或塑料的)夹子,回形针a small metal or plastic object used for holding things together or in place

2.[c]首饰别针a piece of jewellery that fastens to your clothes

3.[sing]剪短;修剪the act of cutting sth to make it shorter

4.[c]电影片段a short part of a film/movie that is shown separately

5.[c](informal)(用手)猛击,抽打a quick hit with your hand


at a fast, good, steady, etc. clip



英语国际音标【附发音器官示意图】_百度文库 ... iced tea 冰茶 clip 夹子 gym 体育馆 ...


Unity 脚本类总索引 ... Blend 混合 clip 剪辑 CrossFadeQueued 淡入淡出队列 ...


考博词汇下载(10000词汇完整版) - 豆丁网 ... clip v. 夹住, 钳 clip v. 修剪; 剪辑 clone v. 克隆 ...




雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... clinic n. 诊所,门诊所 clip n. 回形针;夹子;剪;修剪;猛打; clockwise ad. 顺时针方向地 ...


调音台英文对照 - sxwtsufo的日志 - 网易博客 ... Bus 母线,公共线 Clip 削波 Cue 提示,监听 ...

I would provide you access to the program and then expect a video clip sent to me with your testimonial. 我会为您提供访问该程序,然后期待与您的视频剪辑发送证明给我。
But the president didn't say he 'thought' about his selection. He said this: (video clip of President Bush: ) 'I know her heart. ' 可是,咱的大总统所做出的选择可不是‘想’出来的,(这时电视画面切换到布什总统的讲话剪辑)‘我了解她的心’。
The elastic clip and the elastic clip mechanism have simple structure and low cost, and are easy to be manufactured and assembled. 根据本实用新型的弹性夹和弹性夹机构,结构简单、易于制造和组装、并且成本低廉。
Changfeng is about to fall asleep, the phone rings desperately as if a rat is struggling to get off the clip. 长风将要入睡的那一刻,电话忽然垂死一般尖叫起来,仿佛一只被老鼠夹夹住的老鼠一样,垂死挣扎着。
As you work with HTML clipping, you might have difficulties selecting the page elements you want to clip. 在您使用HTML裁剪时,您可能在选择您要裁剪的页面元素时遇到困难。
Did you know you can add, change, or delete keywords for a clip that you've added to Microsoft Clip Organizer? 您曾往“Microsoft剪辑管理器”中添加过剪辑,您知道您还可以添加、更改或删除此剪辑的关键词吗?
A middle-aged white couple with clip boards could not look more out of place in this predominantly black neighborhood. 在黑人居民占大多数的地方,没有什么比拿着宣传板的中年白人夫妇更格格不入的了。
is a fun, easy-to-use, multi-media mobile application that allows you to create an animated video clip using your own voice. 是乐趣,允许您使用您自己的声音创造生气蓬勃的录象剪辑的易使用,多媒体流动应用。
We are college students, and now we are doing a small clip film work with a few interviews. Would you mind I spare you just a few minutes? 我们是大学生,我们现在要做一个小短片作业,里面要有参杂一些采访,可以打扰你几分钟时间吗?
I'd like to call for this little video clip to give you some idea of, sort of, what we face. 我想在这里给大家放一小段录像,让大家对我们所面对的东西有一点了解。
As you know, a bayonet is a sort of knife or spear that soldiers clip onto the end of their rifles. 正如你所知道的,刺刀(bayonet)是一种士兵们装在步枪枪头上的匕首或尖刺。
As you see this clip, look for principles, and also think about experiments that you might design in order to understand how a foot works. 当你看这张图时,请寻找理论。而且考虑你要设计什么样的实验才能帮助你明白这些脚是如何工作的。
Beware that this compression can remove samples at the end of the clip and potentially break a "perfect-looping" clip. 要注意,这种压缩是可以删除剪辑结尾的样品,并可能打破一个“完美循环”的剪辑。
If you attempt to insert multiple clips in one of these applications, it will insert only the last selected clip. 如果在一个这种应用程序中插入多个剪辑,则只会插入最后选定的剪辑。
Now I wanna play a little clip of this song, you know it, it's Robyn, Call Your Girlfriend. 现在我想播放这首歌的一个小片段,你们肯定听说过,是罗宾的《给你的女朋友打电话》。
Now in the next bit of the clip Catherine tells Neil all about her cats' eating habits - how often they eat, what they eat and so on. 在接下来的录音中,Catherine会告诉Neil猫咪的饮食习惯——何时进食,都会吃些什么等诸如此类的。
As the time and cost of making a clip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars. 随着芯片制造时间和费用降低到了几天和几百美元。
She had noticed a yellow paper clip on the refrigerator held there with a magnet. She borrowed the paper clip for her papers. 她看到冰箱上有一枚被磁铁吸在表面的黄色回形针,就把回形针取下来借用。
The story looks simple until you watch the following clip. Just amazing, how much can love be. 以上故事看起来很简单,请点选以下连结,观赏影片,你将会了解爱的伟大!
Reader Allyson Vincent shared a clip from a medicine journal talking about "a woman who had a supernumerary breast mass on her vulva. " 读者阿廖沙·文森特分享了一份医学期刊上的剪报,它谈到“女人的副乳集中在她的外阴”。
You could actually cock the gun back and it had a separate clip and really crazy detail for something so small. 你可能实际上公鸡枪回来,它有一个单独的剪辑,真正疯狂的东西这么小的细节。
This demand is now growing at a clip of 9% a year and starting to act as a regional engine of growth, sucking in imports. 国内的需求现在以每年9%的速度在增长,并且开始成为地区增长的动力,涉及进口。
Uh, we're gonna show folks a clip here, you know, it's going to be the Legend of Zorro , what are we going to be looking at? 嗯,我们想要大家看一段剪辑,你知道,这将是《佐罗传奇》,我们会看什么呢?
As you listen to this clip, again note how only the employee uses the word 'sir'. 听以下录音时,同样要注意只有员工才会用到sir这个单词。
He and I are now trying to pump up the high school in High School Musical 3 with some sing in', some dancin'. . . here's the clip, folks. 他和我现在尝试在《歌舞青春3》中为高中带来一些歌唱,一些舞蹈…朋友们,让我们看看剪辑。
Now listen to the next bit of the conversation. In this clip, what phrasal verb means to give something extra for the same price? 来听对话接下来的内容。在录音中,哪个动词短语暗示了在相同的价格上可以附赠另外的东西呢?
CLIP: "It's nice to see that, you know, something is being done about it and something decisive for a change. " 让人欣慰的是,政府对此正采取一些具有决定性的措施。
a film clip of a Victorian lady undressing that conveys what wearing all that clothing was actually like. 裸体的维多利亚式的电影片段,表演的好像她们穿着衣服一样。
It was concluded that failure of double clip reed was the result of local stress concentration and cracking at the sharp elbow of reed. 双卡簧片成形时弯角较尖锐并有明显裂纹是导致失效的原因。
Starting a year ago, MacDonald bartered the clip for increasingly valuable staff, including a camp stove and free rent in a Phoenix flat. 一年前开始,麦当劳用来换取宝贵的工作人员越来越多地剪辑,其中一个营地炉灶和单位在凤凰城免费租用。