drop out

  • na.退出;(因不满传统制度而)退出正常社会;落出;隐退
  • 网络退学;辍学;掉落

第三人称单数:drops out 现在分词:dropping out 过去式:dropped out

drop outdrop out

drop out


介词短语_百度百科 ... drop off 减弱,减少 drop out 退出,离队 fall behind 落后 ...


英语词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... drop off 下降,减少;睡着,入睡;让 drop out 退出,退学 dry out (使)干透 ...


四六级英语考试听力场景词汇 - 豆丁网 ... diploma/graduation certificate 毕业证书 drop out 辍学 quit school 退学 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... drop on 训斥,惩罚 drop out 退出,退学;掉落 drop over 顺便来访 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... drop on 训斥,惩罚 drop out 退出,退学;掉落 drop over 顺便来访 ...


最常用英语短语_百度文库 ... drive up to 靠近 drop out 退出,脱离 drop sb.a line 给某人留便条 ...


in2english - Community ... dress up 穿盛装 drop out 辍学,放弃 do sb. good/harm 对某人有好处/坏处 ...


临床试验所需的专业英文简称 ... Double-blinding 双盲 Drop out 脱落 DSC 差示扫描热量计 ...

Children brought up in one-parent families are more likely to take drugs, drop out of school and end up in prison. 在单亲家庭环境中长大的孩子更容易吸毒、辍学,最终锒铛入狱。
In his teens, he lost his father to tuberculosis and had to drop out of school, which he never formally finished. 他十几岁时,因父亲患肺结核去世而不得不辍学,并且至今都未正式完成学业。
The boy thought, if he was caught by police and he would able to drop out of torturers organization. 那个男孩心想,如果他被警察抓住,他将能退出折磨者的阻止。
It was once typical for dads to recede from family life, or to drop out altogether, in the wake of a divorce. 在离婚后,父亲通常会退出原先的家庭生活,有时候甚至父母双方都退出。
David was to drop out of school. I'm trying to talk him out of it. 大卫想退学,我会劝他不要这样做的。
re going to need a good education for every single one of those careers. You cannot drop out of school and just drop into a good job. 你必须接受良好的教育,才能从事上述任何一种职业。你不能指望辍学后能碰上个好工作。
He said that he wanted to help Yang study because he did not want Yang to drop out of school at such a young age. 纳什当时正在深圳教英语,他说他不想看到杨义成小小年纪就辍学,所以想支持他读书。
The rest of you can stay in or drop out , just as you wish. 你们其余的人可以参加,可以退出,随你们便。
This was exaggerated by one-off relief to Iraq and Nigeria, which boosted the 2005 total and began to drop out of the calculation in 2006. 对伊拉克和尼日利亚的一次性债务减免提高了2005年的援助总额,但不在2006年的计算之外,因此实际降幅有所夸大。
It was the last of 11 bidders to drop out and its withdrawal followed two extensions of a deadline of submissions for binding offers. 在11家竞标者中,该财团是最后一家放弃竞购计划的,而在它决定撤出之前,有关方面曾两度延长提交有约束力报价的最后期限。
In a flowing state of the young people, as well as drop out of school and unemployed young people, homeless people. 处于流动状态的青少年,以及辍学和无业青少年、流浪人。
Many are likely to drop out of the race, as they are not ready or able to put up the investment needed to do so. 多数很可能将遭淘汰,因他们尚未做好准备,或无法获得所需投资。
My dad and I had a strongly worded argument when I told him I wanted to drop out of school. 我告诉爸爸我想辍学时我们大吵了一架。
The executive body of this Convention shall regularly publicize the name list of members that join or drop out of this Convention. 公约执行机构定期公布加入和退出本公约的成员名单。
You know she'll only drop out of the game to have a couple of kids just about the time we're ready to run her for mayor. 他问道,“你很清楚她只会在我们打算让她竞选市长时退出竞选去而生孩子。”
We see it in the faces of the quarter million Thai children forced to drop out of school this year to help support their families. 我们在二十五万被迫辍学以帮补家庭的泰国孩子的脸上看到了这种打击;
Peter Thiel is paying them to drop out or at least to "stop out" of higher education temporarily to work on their interests. 彼得泰尔是付给他们辍学或至少是“停止了”高等教育工作暂时他们的利益。
Thus he knew Amy would not be back, and it was many hours before he let the feather drop out of his hand. 艾米再也不会回来了。不知过了多久,他才让那根羽毛从手中悄然滑落。
Tom decided to drop out of school, and Mr. Wilson tried to sway him from his decision, as any responsible teacher would. 汤姆决定辍学。像任何有责任心的老师那样,威尔逊先生极力劝阻他改变主意。
"She looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, 'I had to drop out of school, '" Robinson said in a telephone interview. 罗宾森在电话采访中说:“她用无比悲伤的眼神看着我,说,‘我被迫辍学了。’”
Children who grow up without fathers are more likely to drop out of school and wind up in prison. 那些从小没有父亲的孩子非常可能辍学,进监狱。
The young candidate was victimized by the vicious mud- slinging tactics of his opponent and had to drop out of the running . 这位年轻的候选人受其对手恶意诽谤的手段的伤害,不得不退出竞选。
Other long sections drop out of sight beneath spongy or rocky ground and return to the surface later on. 其它部分消失在松软或坚硬的地面下然后又回到地面上。
When a goose gets sick, or wounded, or shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow it to help and protect it. 当一只雁生病了,或者被枪害了,另外两只大雁将会脱离队形并紧紧跟着那只大雁,保护和帮助它。
Up to a third of students with ADHD drop out of high school, and they're also less likely to attend and graduate from college. 三分之一患有该病的学生高中就辍学了,他们继续完成大学学业的可能性也不大。
Many who drop out of top-tier colleges might have thrived at slightly less competitive ones. 而许多从一流大学退学的学生反而能在竞争略缓的学校迅速获得进展。
In most cases, deleting or restricting access to this content will cause it to naturally drop out of search results after a while. 在大多数情况下,删除或者限制链接到此类数据会使它自然而然地在一些时间后消失在搜索结果。
I wanted him to drop out of the race, protect our family from this woman, from his act. 我想让他退学了比赛,保护我们的家庭,从这个女人从他的行为。
His grades fluctuated from Ds to Bs, and I had to have the old mid-semester "Do you want to drop out? " talk with him once again. 他的平时成绩总在D和B之间摇摆不定。我不得不在期中又一次找他谈话,“你是否想要退课?”
When a goose gets sick, two geese drop out of formation to follow it down to help and protect it. 当某只雁生病时,会有两只雁飞出队伍,跟在后面,帮助并保护它。