drop by

  • na.随便访问一下
  • 网络顺便拜访;顺道拜访;非正式访问

第三人称单数:drops by 现在分词:dropping by 过去式:dropped by

drop bydrop by

drop by


人教版九年级下册英语单词表(含音标) ... • Cali • (哥伦比亚城市)卡利 • drop by顺便拜访 • Lausanne • (瑞士西部城市)洛桑 ...


初中英语总复习_百度知道 ... drooling around her all the time 一直对她垂涎三尺 drop by 顺道拜访 drop dead 去你的 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... drive up 抬高 drop by 顺便走访,非正式访问 drop off 睡着;(让…)下车 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... drive up 抬高 drop by 顺便走访,非正式访问 drop off 睡着;(让…)下车 ...


初中英语作文常用短语、句式_百度知道 ... 174. do the laundry 洗衣服 176. drop by / in 顺路拜访 177. due to 由于,因为 ...


... drop out 退出,退学; drop by 顺便访问; fall back 后退,退却。 ...


drop的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... drop behind 落 伍, 落后, 落在...之后 drop by [美]顺便访问一下 drop dead 倒毙, 暴死 ...

The Bigelow prices are good through 2018, and Mr. Bigelow said the prices would drop by then if, as he expects, rocket prices drop. 毕格罗公司的价格优势可以一直维持到2018年,毕格罗表示说,他期望火箭运输的价格会降下来,届时租金会因此进一步降低。
I've got a TV. For one thing, I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. 有一件事,我得去趟银行取些钱。
If you want to see a perfect confluence of people, process, and tools in action, drop by the town of Cremona, not far from Milan. 如果您想看到人员、过程和工具之间的完美结合的话,就请到离米兰不远的克雷默那小镇看看。
Think of her sweet smile, remember she had a good, boy weak at the sky, tears flowing drop by drop. 想起女儿甜美的笑容,忆起她曾经的好,男孩儿无力的望着天空,眼泪一滴一滴流着。
Oh, I just remembered something! I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. 哦,我刚刚想起一件事!我到银行去取点钱。
Let's call this record a collection of Sophia's tears, drop by drop upon her heart, rather than a diary of her life. That would be truer. 在这本日记里,与其说是莎菲生活的一段记录,不如直接算为莎菲眼泪的每一个点滴,是在莎菲心上,才觉得更切实。
Sat up in bed in bed legs drop by half a minute, and then get out of bed. 从床上坐起后在床边双腿下垂坐半分钟,然后再下床活动。
For one thing, I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. 一件事是我必须到银行去取点钱。
The German car market as a whole would be "very challenging" in 2010, and could drop by as much as a million units, Robertson said. 罗伯森说,2010年德国汽车市场总体将“极具挑战”,销量最多可能下滑100万辆。
If you run into a buddy on the street for five seconds, tell him that you're going to be a Dan's place later if he wants to drop by. 如果你在街上遇到一个好朋友,告诉他们你过后要去丹广场看他们是否也愿去拜访。
Ve got to drop by the bank to get some money. 我不得不去银行提些钱。
Americans usually like to have advance notice when people come to see them. Only very close friends drop by unannounced. 美国人通常喜欢访客事先通知他们,只有非常亲密的朋友才可以不请自来,尤其当访客要待好几天时更是如此。
Programmers missed being able to drop by analysts cubicles with questions, and everyone reported they were interrupted at home more often. 程序员无法带着问题到分析员的办公室里请教,同时大家都感到在家办公更是经常被打扰。
All of a sudden Ed appeared at the door. We weren't expecting him to drop by. 艾德毫无预警地出现在门口。我们没料到他会路过这儿。
There was a wine expert and someone whose job it was to drop by every three minutes and refill your water glass. 配了位葡萄酒技师,还有几个人的全部工作是每隔三分钟倒掉你杯里的清水再蓄上。
Drip, or "micro, " irrigation, as the name suggests, is stingier with the water, delivering it to the roots of plants drop by drop. 正如名字所暗示的,滴灌,或者微灌注技术则要抠门的多,它们一滴一滴地把水滴到植物的根部。
But ifthecamera sees two or more gang members together, it could alert the police to drop by and checkup on what they're doing. 但是如果摄影机看到两个或更多的帮派成员在一起,它可以提醒警方过来一趟,查看他们在做什麽。
Generally, do not try to account for this drop by adding more tension than recommended by the manufacturer. 一般来说,不要试图解释这种通过添加更多的张力非制造商推荐的下降。
As news of your restaurant spreads, watch out for VIP customers - these big spenders might drop by at any moment! 随著你的餐厅的消息传出,观看VIP客户-这些挥金如土随时可能回落!
The next time Dylan played nearby, he invited Jobs to drop by his tricked-up tour bus just before the concert. 下一次Dylan在附近演出时,他在音乐会前邀请乔布斯到自己的旅行车上来坐坐。
He took his life from this earth; drop by drop by his sweat he wrung food from it and from the food, silver. 他靠这大地生存,用一滴滴的汗水从大地中换来吃食,又用吃食换来银元。
Mr Netanyahu was invited back and was supposed to drop by this week. After the raid he flew directly home to Israel from a visit to Canada. 按计划他应于本周到访,但在此次袭击事件发生后,内塔尼亚胡便立即中断了对加拿大的访问,直接启程回国。
The IEA estimates that the output from mature fields outside OPEC would naturally drop by about 11% a year. 国际能源署估计非欧佩克成员国内的成熟油田产量每年将自然下降11%。
He wishes you well and hopes you'll find time to drop by and say hello to him on your return. 他祝你一切顺利,希望你回来时顺道去跟他打声招呼。
I tell you what, I'll drop by your place on my way home. Your mother can check on my finger nails. 这样吧,我回家的时候顺便去趟你家,你妈可以检查我的指甲。
As the sun set I presumed we were heading back to camp, Erik urged us to drop by the marina. 太阳下山时,我想我们会返回营地,埃里克敦促我们走下游艇码头。
Initial test results: Perceptions of sweetness and saltiness drop by up to 30%. Sour, bitter and spicy flavors are barely affected. 初步实验结果显示,进入高空之后,人对甜味和咸味的感知度下降了多达30%,而对酸味、苦味和辣味的感知度则几乎没有受到影响。
I' m having a little get-together at my new apartment next week so if you want to drop by then. 下周在我的新公寓有个小聚会。如果那时你有时间,可以过来玩玩。
I got to take off. I'll drop by again some time next week. 我得走了,下礼拜再找个时间过来看你。
The young man used to drop by his uncle. 那年轻人过去常拜访他叔叔。