cut up

  • na.割裂;弄伤;歼灭(敌军);使心痛
  • 网络切碎;剪碎;宰后得肉

cut upcut up

cut up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... cut through (抄近路)穿过;穿透 cut up 切碎;齐根割掉 in danger 在危险中,垂危 ...


最常用英语短语_百度文库 ... cut short 缩短;突然结束;打断 cut up 切碎;歼灭;使伤心 D day after day 日复一日,天天 ...


人教版高二英语单词表(带音标)_百度知道 ... horrible adj. 可怕的;令人恐惧的 cut up 切碎;剪碎 butcher n. 屠夫;屠杀 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... cut short 使突然停止;打断 cut up (牲口等)宰后得肉 in debt to sb. 欠债,欠情 ...


专四动词搭配+_百度文库 ... cut off 切断,割掉,断绝关系 cut up 连根拔除,切碎 through 剪断,凿穿 ...


EEC初三下英语单词表_百度文库 ... 杀死,毁掉 kill 62 切碎,割碎 cut up 63 与其……宁愿,而不是,胜于 rather than 64 ...


北京北科技术培训中心 ... cut through 凿通,挖通,贯穿 157. cut up 切碎,齐根切掉,割裂,歼灭 devote 为中心的词组 158. ...


高考动词及短语动词总结_辉哥_新浪博客 ... cut out 剪掉, 剪下; cut up 剁碎, 砍碎。 find out (通过努力等)找到, 发现; ...

Tom cut up the front seats for the second pair of snowshoes and fastened both sets to their feet with bungee cords. 汤姆开始用前座制成第二双雪鞋,然后用橡皮筋把两双鞋紧紧绑在两人的腿上。
to cut up, I finally completed a relatively satisfied with their hair, dress and then I put it a bit, my God! 我终于完成削减相对满意自己的头发,穿着,然后我把这一点,我的上帝!
Ruth returned to her husband , while Malenute Kid cut up the warm body of one dog, the skull of which had been crushed by the ax . 露丝回到她丈夫身边,麦尔缪特·基德就去把一条身体还热的死狗的肉割下来,它的脑骨已经给斧头劈碎了。
Cut up the cards, and live like a pauper till you get out of credit-card jail. 把信用卡剪掉,过着穷人的生活,直到你逃出信用卡债务的囚笼。
The woman cut up the watermelon and shared it out among the four boys. 那妇人把西瓜切开,分给四个孩子。
It seems that they might have used sharpened stone tools to cut up the animals and remove their skin. 他们似乎是用锋利的石具割开动物,取走它们的皮。
The woman cut up the orange and share it out among the four children. 这个女人把桔子切成了几半分给4个孩子。
Roll the cut up pieces of chicken in the sauce. Put, skin side down, in a baking pan and pour the rest of the sauce over. 将鸡肉逐块在锅里滚动以裹上调料,带皮的一面朝下放在烤盘,将剩余调料淋在面上。
Trim up the side of the head from your chin cut up to the end of the outside cut on the ear. 修剪起来一侧头部从你的下巴削减直至年底外面削减对耳朵。
John is always quiet as a mouse in the office . But he turns into a real cut-up at a party. 约翰在办公室安静得像只老鼠,但在舞会上却是个十足的胡闹者。
In his glasses after the film's eyes, has never been so cut up, never had such a fear. 他在眼镜片后的眼睛,从来没有这样追切过,从来没有这样恐惧过。
I'm trying to learn skateboard at the moment. I tried to skate in bare feet, bad idea. I completely cut up my toes. 我现在正在学滑板。我曾经试着光脚滑,这主意太糟了。我的脚趾头都被滑没了。
Oil the metal cups in the popover pan and place a tiny bit of butter in the bottom of each cup from the bits you cut up. 给泡芙烤盘的金属杯涂点油,在每只杯底放一小点你刚才切好的黄油块。
Finally, cut up the bread crust, and put a sausage into the bread crust and a hot dog is a recipe for a great hot dog. 最后,把面包壳切成两半,将火腿肠放到两瓣面包壳中间;如此一来,一份热狗就完成了。
Now the next thing to do is to cut up our one bit of fire into a few pieces. 现在,未来的事情是削减了我们一点火成几块。
In London, the Japanese financial group Nomura says it will cut up to 1, 000 jobs in its British operation. 日本金融集团野村表示,公司将削减多达1千个设在英国的职位。
The enemy were badly cut up in the battle. 在战斗中敌人死伤惨重。
He stopped when he felt the scrapers were sharp enough to cut up the meat and scrape the fish. 他停住时,他感到刮削器是利断刮了肉和鱼。
Sailor's clothing, made out of cotton. The cotton needs to be cut up before using it in a chemical reaction. 水手的衣服,用棉制成。棉在进行化学反应前必须先弄碎。
Owen proceeded to cut up one of the slices of bread into a number of little square blocks. 欧文接着把一片面包切成许多小方块。
Interactions with the density of the human energy cut up such a fragile field sometimes causing our young to become ill or die. 与人类能量的致密的交互切碎了这样一个脆弱的能量场,有时候会导致我们的年青者生病或死亡。
While it's nice to have that pineapple cut up in chunks , that extra convenience costs money. 虽然切成块的菠萝很好但是对额外的方便要付出额外的钱。
Cut up the credit cards and learn to work upon a cash basis, saving for what you really need when you need it. 切断信用卡,学会以现金为基础来运作,存钱来购买当你需要时真正需要的事物。
Cut up some old comic books and, using collage medium, add some color to an old pair of flats. 裁剪一些旧的漫画书,将他们拼贴在你的平底鞋上,会让你的鞋子增色不少哦~
Melt one tablespoon of the butter, and cut up the other butter into little pieces, but do not melt. 融掉一茶匙的黄油,再把剩下的黄油切成小块,但不要融掉它们。
Then we sort of cut up the volume, so we wouldn't block the view from my apartment. 然后我们稍许削减了一点体积,这样不至于把我自己公寓的景色挡住。
On Dec. 7, during an early cold snap, she said, she saw about 20 bags filled with H & M clothing that had been cut up. 她说在去年的12月7日,当时正值寒流来袭,她发现了大约20个垃圾袋,里面装满了被剪碎的H&M衣物。
She was really cut up when all her friends refused to help her. 当所有的朋友都拒绝援助她时,她很难过。
Yeah, it was a game. Then the foreign teachers asked us to cut up the pumpkin, so we did and then we lit it up. 是的,是一个游戏。然后,外教们叫我们剖开南瓜,然后点着它。
Nokia Siemens said it aims to cut up to 750 jobs in Finland and close one of its sites employing 500 staff in Munich. 该公司表示,计划在芬兰最多裁撤750个岗位,并将关闭位于慕尼黑的一家500名雇员的业务点。