
美 [ˈkɑləm]英 [ˈkɒləm]
  • n.柱;栏目;纵队;(通常为)圆形石柱
  • 网络列;专栏;行


write column,publish column
vertical column,weekly column,marble column,regular column



1.柱;(通常为)圆形石柱;纪念柱a tall, solid, vertical post, usually round and made of stone, which supports or decorates a building or stands alone as a monument

2.圆柱状物;柱形物a thing shaped like a column

3.(书、报纸等印刷页上的)栏one of the vertical sections into which the printed page of a book, newspaper, etc. is divided

4.(报刊的)专栏,栏目a part of a newspaper or magazine which appears regularly and deals with a particular subject or is written by a particular writer

5.纵行(数字或字)a series of numbers or words arranged one under the other down a page

6.(人或车辆排成行移动的)长列,纵队a long, moving line of people or vehicles

(Column) 可容纳表头等对象,但不能容纳表单、表单集、工具栏和计时器 命令按钮组(command Button Group) 只能容纳命 …


广东新周刊杂志社 ... 书架 BOOKSHELF 专栏 COLUMN 谈资 TOPIC ...

舞台英文术语 ... ceiling 天花板 column flippers 蛙鞋 ...

Column):战场上的横向四个格子被称为一行,每行都包括你的后方格、你的前线格、对手的前线格、对手的后方格四个 …


... 首页 Home 栏目 Column 视频 Video ...


托福词汇表_百度文库 ... overhang 悬垂 column 圆柱 toughened glass 钢化玻璃 ...


纵字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 纵断面〖 verticalsection〗 纵队column;file〗 纵观〖 makeacomprehensivesurvey;survey〗 ...

You know -- you can incrementally checkpoint the drop column command as it is going along. 你可以在删除的时候增加检查点。
I wish I could have ended the column there. But a few days later, Srey Mom quarreled with her mother and fled to her old brothel in Poipet. 我本希望这篇专栏就此打住,但就在几天后,SreyMom和她妈妈吵了一架,又逃回了波贝的那家妓院。
If a default has not been bound to a column or to an alias data type, it can just be dropped using DROP DEFAULT. 如果默认值没有绑定到列或别名数据类型,只需使用DROPDEFAULT即可将其删除。
The doctor's observatory rose above the labyrinth like a great isolated column, with a tiny house for a capital. 这位大夫的观象台高踞于迷宫之上,仿佛是一根孤零零的大圆柱,柱顶盘却是一间小屋。
At least one column must be visible. Please check one of the columns listed before continuing. 至少有一列必须可见。请在以下列中选择一个,然后继续。
It's fair to say that this column did not display the sort of cool, rational objectivity for which this newspaper is rightly admired. 公平地讲,这篇专栏文章没有显示出英国《金融时报》之所以受人敬仰的那种冷静和理性的客观。
Weiner says that he aims to redress errors in her column and ensure that Savant's daunting IQ does not mean that she goes unquestioned. 维纳说,他的目的是纠正她专栏中的错误,并担保莎凡特可怕的智商并不意味着她不能遭人置疑。
Char and binary columns that do not allow nulls are always padded to the length of the column. 始终将不允许为空的char和binary列填充到列长。
For bound columns, the default sort expression is the name of the data field to which the column is bound. 对于绑定列,默认的排序表达式是与该列绑定的数据字段的名称。
You cannot modify a column to make it a computed column using the MODIFY clause . 不能使用MODIFY子句将一个列修改为计算列。
In his research, Mr. Buiter returned to a theme that this column raised a week ago. 布伊特在研究中回到了本专栏一周前提出的话题上。
Metadata for external columns includes such information as the name, data type, and length of the source column. 外部列的元数据包含诸如源列的名称、数据类型和长度等信息。
My only goal with this column was to honestly relate my own experiences and attempt to put them into some type of context. 我写这个专栏唯一的目的就是如实描述自己的亲身经历,并尽量地把它们跟时代背景联系起来。
Reader makes it relatively easy to organize feeds by creating tags which show up in the left-hand column, similar to folders. 通过创建标签(tags),阅读器使它相当容易组织订阅,其显示在网页左侧,与文件夹相似。
The same idea holds in a relational database, and the column used to make the link is referred to as a key column. 同样的概念在关系数据库中也存在,用来进行链接的列叫做键列(keycolumn)。
Understand you, so you do not have to think the world propaganda. After all that not all of the length of the column can be clear. 都了解你,因此你认为不必对全世界喊话。毕竟不是所有的是非都能条列清。
Parts like the steering column , which helps the car to turn, are made of less costly, lighter materials. 像方向盘这种帮助汽车转向的部件都是用低廉的轻型材料制成的。
and the wall of the case on two ends ofthe roller column of each unit is provided with a feeding port and a discharging port. 在所述每个单元滚筒列两端的机箱壁上均开设有进料口及出料口。
Just a number in the NAME column is the session id since memory pools for a session are tracked by session id. NAME列中的数字是会话ID,因为会话的内存池是按会话ID跟踪的。
So if you've been able to stay focused to the end of this column, perhaps you're happier than when you daydreamed at the beginning. 因此,如果你得以一直集中精力读完本文,可能你会比在开始的白日梦时期更快乐一些。
The vicious drug lord, found in an alley just around the corner with his head cutoff, and his spinal column torn from the body. 就在最近,大毒枭金·威利被发现死在小巷的拐角,头被砍掉,脊柱都被扯出体外。
When I write a column, I take an existing idea and give it a tweak of my own. 我写专栏的时候,会拿出一个现成的观点,稍作修改把它变成自己的。
The capacity column gives a percentage calculation of how much disk space out of the total size has actually been used. capacity列提供了总大小中已使用的磁盘空间所占的百分比。
That phrase has stayed with me, and it seems an apt description of my topic in this, my final column in this series (at least for a while). 这句话我一直铭记在心,它正好用来描述本文的内容,本系列的最后一篇(至少目前是这样)。
The activity associated with XML has been tremendous, and I hope some of it has been apparent in the range of topics covered in this column. 与XML有关的活动非常之多,我希望有些已经在本专栏的主题中出现过了。
The default number of bins may be adequate if the data is uniformly distributed across the domain of values for that column. 如果列中的数据是均匀地分布在各个值域的,那么默认的容器数量可能就足够了。
Within the body of a subquery, it is often necessary to refer to the value of a column in the active row of the main query. 在子查询的正文中,通常需要引用主查询的活动行中的列的值。
As I did last month, I'm going to leave next month's topic up to the readers of this column. 和上个月一样,我将让本专栏的读者来决定下个月的主题。
I would add: is such a swerve really 'unexpected, ' as the title of his AOL Defense column indicates? 我则反问:这一转变果真如他在“美国军事在线”栏目所言,是“始料不及”的吗?
It turns out also that this element has some PCDATA contents, and that it has a seq column value of zero. 它也证明了这个元素具有某些PCDATA内容,它的seq列值为零。