lie down

  • v.躺下;不反抗;屈服;顺从
  • 网络躺下不干;躺下来;躺倒

第三人称单数:lies down 现在分词:lying down 过去式:lay down 过去分词:lain down

lie downlie down

lie down


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on a level with 和…同一水准 lie down 躺下;(故意)躺下不干 lie in 在于;分娩;睡懒觉 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on a level with 和…同一水准 lie down 躺下;(故意)躺下不干 lie in 在于;分娩;睡懒觉 ...


单词lie的用法及例句_百度知道 ... lie by 在... ...旁边,近在手边,搁置不用 lie down 躺下,屈服 lie in 在于... ... ...


Relevant words and phrases/vocabulary ... splash down 落下来 lie down 躺下来 blow down 吹倒 ...


关于lie的词组有哪些 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... lie detector n.<口> 测谎器 lie down 躺下,躺倒 lie in 在于,存在于;分娩,坐月子 ...


求一些军事用语英文,像GO,GO,GO之类的_百度知道 ... Ambush 埋伏 Lie down 卧倒 Look,airborne 看,空降兵 ...

"If you are thirsty, " said the chambermaid, "get off your horse yourself, and lie down near the water and drink. I won't be your servant. " 侍女说道:「我不想下去,要是你渴了,你自己下去趴在水边喝就是了,我不再是你的侍女了。」
Lie down on the bed, recalling a year of "brilliant" , truancy, Internet, feeling sad. 躺在床上,回味着一年的“辉煌”,逃课、上网,倍感忧伤。
When you lie down on it, the surface of the mattress under you sinks , forcing the water into other parts of the mattress. 当躺在上面,你身体下面的床垫就会下陷,这就会迫使水流到床垫的其他地方。
Please lie down on your back (stomach, right side, left side) on the bed. Let me examine you. 请躺在床上(俯卧,右侧卧,左侧卧)让我给您检查一下。
A: You know, I've dreamed a thousand times that I could lie down on Miami beach to relax myself. 要知道,我曾千百次地梦想着自己能在迈阿密海滩上放松放松呢。
If it's difficult, lie down on your left side, raise your knees up to your chest , then do it. 如果这样做有困难,请向左侧身躺下,抬起膝盖至胸前,再试一次。
Please lie down on the bed, loosen your belt, please. Waiting for a moment , Let the doctor examine you abdomen carefully. 请躺在床上,松开腰带,稍等会,让医生仔细检查您的腹部。
He ordered me to lie down with my face down and severely beat me all over my back from the lower spinal cord. 他命令我趴在地上,然后用力的殴打我的背部,从脊椎的下方开始。
He wanted to go with that current, to lie down and be swept away, taking his guilt and sorrow with him to wherever the river might go. 他想躺下来,随着水流而去,带着他的罪责和愧疚而去,无论这条河会流到哪里。
He had a sudden clear feeling that he would not survive her death. He would lie down beside her and want to die with her. 他突然清楚地意识到自己不能挺过她死去的这一劫,他得躺在她身边,与她一同赴死。
The truth of the sea, let not found everything lie down in front of my eyes, let I to explore. 真理的大海,让未发现的一切事物躺卧在我的眼前,任我去探寻。
Preist: He makes me to lie down in green pastures with the sword at my soul. 牧师:他使我灵魂苏醒,让我躺在青草地上。
She did not choose to rely on labor to survive, she has chosen to rely on quick lie down to a redistribution of wealth. 她没有选择依靠劳动来生存,她选择了依靠躺下迅速获得财富的再分配。
"Poor bear, " said the mother. "Come in and lie down by the fire but take care that you do not burn your furry coat. " “可怜的熊,”母亲说道,“进来吧,躺在炉火边,不过要小心点,不要把你的毛皮外套给烧着了。”
Sometimes she was so ill that she had to observe one at least of the doctor ' s instructions-to lie down. 有时候她病得实在厉害了,只好遵照医生指示中的一项――躺下休息。
'You don't mind if I lie down? ' she said, smiling and making for her bed. “您允许我躺下吗?”她微笑着说,一面向床边走去。
You deserve a quick lie down with your yoga eye pillow, as you allow it to gently release tension, with its soft pressure and calming aroma. 你需要利用你的瑜珈护眼枕头迅速地躺下,因为你需要利用它柔软的挤压和使人镇静的香气来缓缓地释放你的紧张感。
No rest at noon, feeling very tired. After supper, lie down and rest. Seven, Rong Lai called to say they were ready to eat, let me go. And. 中午没休息,感觉很疲惫。晚饭后躺下来休息。七点多,荣来电话说他们才准备去吃饭,让我一起去。和。
His bones are full of the sin of his youth, which shall lie down with him in the dust. 他的骨头虽然有青年之力,却要和他一同躺卧在尘土中。
I told him to lie down, thinking he'd be fine -- it was just a cough. 我告诉他躺下休息,认为他会很快恢复——只是咳嗽而已。
When finished return to normal breathing for a minute or two, then lie down in Shavasana (Corpse Pose) for a few minutes. 当结束时回到一、二分钟的正常呼吸,然后用挺尸式躺下休息几分钟。
But I think I can guess how it's happening with you. Let me just make a little test, to confirm my guess. Lie down. 但是我想我可以猜猜看它是怎麽发生在你身上的。让我做一个小试验,来确认我的猜测。趴下来。
After getting Mom to lie down on the couch, I remove her shoes, prop her feet up on a pillow and put a cold pack on her legs. 母亲躺进了沙发,我挪开她的鞋,用枕头支起她的脚,在她腿上敷上冰袋。
On a clear day, why does the beauty of a blue sky seem so peaceful as you lie down and peer into it? 为什么在晴朗的日子里,当你躺下凝视美丽的蓝天,它看起来是那么安详?
The rich man shall lie down, but he shall not be gathered: he openeth his eyes, and he is not. 他虽富足躺卧,却不得收殓,转眼之间就不在了。
And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks, and the valley of Achor a place for the herds to lie down in, for my people that have sought me. 沙仑平原必成为羊群的圈,亚割谷必成为牛群躺卧之处。都为寻求我的民所得。
Then she ordered me to lie down for a rest and she went into the kitchen and start to cook them for me. 说完,她命令我躺下休息,然后走进厨房,开始做起来。
But when he lies down, observe the place where he lies. Then go and uncover his feet and lie down, and he will tell you what to do. 到他睡的时候,你看准他睡的地方,就进去掀开他脚上的被,躺卧在那里,他必告诉你所当做的事。
Finally found a caterpillar to which the leaves lie down with the Meimeideshui. 最后的那条毛毛虫找了片叶子躺下来美美地睡着了。
Bong-Soon was pregnant, and with her full abdomen would lie down to let me pet her. 当时奉顺已经怀孕了,腹部变大,所以她会躺下来让我拍拍她。