lay off

  • na.辞退;停止;暂停
  • 网络解雇;下岗;裁员

第三人称单数:lays off 现在分词:laying off 过去式:laid off

lay offlay off

lay off


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lay down 放下;铺设(铁路) lay off 停止;(临时)解雇 lay out 花费;布置;摆开 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lay down 放下;铺设(铁路) lay off 停止;(临时)解雇 lay out 花费;布置;摆开 ...


初中英语作文常用短语、句式_百度知道 ... 345. keep track of 留心 347. lay off 下岗 348. leave alone 别说 ...


赵丽词汇5500最新——可下载_英语_天涯部落 ... decompose 分解 lay off 裁员 inlaid eyes 二郎神 ...


2010届高三英语词汇短... ... in the beginning 开始;起初 lay off 解雇;不理会;使下岗 make matters worse 使情况更困难或更 …


监督贴 ... stroll 漫步 28 lay off 暂时解雇 停工 29 steer 操纵掌舵 ...


《GMAT600分词组》高频词汇 ... last word 最后一句话; 最终决定; 最新成果 lay off v.解雇;停止;关闭;休息 ledger n.总 …


英语4级词组短语... ... laissez-faire caplitalism 自由资本主义 lay off 解雇;(临时)解雇期;关闭;停止活动 list price 标价 ...

At the time, the company was fighting to survive and was forced to lay off engineers as it slashed costs. 当时,这家公司正奋力存活下去,为了削减成本而被迫裁掉工程师。
I'm trying to lay off rich food for a while to lose some weight. 我想暂时不吃油腻的食物以减轻些体重。
That's why it's important to be be prepared to change jobs, because a lay-off could happen to any of us, often without warning. 这就是为什么提前做好换工作的准备是重要的原因,因为我们每个人都可能在没有警告的情况下被开除。
As if they had no policy at all in human resources, only lay-off talks rolling on all the time. 好像他们在人力资源方面没有任何政策,只会一直开裁员动员会。
Those that did not lay off any lawyers have frozen hiring and squeezed more work out of their staff. So morale is dismal at many firms. 那些没有裁掉任何律师的公司停止了招聘,并想从员工身上榨取更多的劳动,因此很多公司士气低迷。
It is still likely to lay-off thousands of workers but probably far fewer than Fiat would have done if it had won the bidding. 现在仍有可能几千失业人员但可能比菲亚特公司较少工人已经获得工作,如果Magna已经中标。
So that's my first experience getting involved in that and getting up and standing up in front the company and saying we've done is lay off. 那是我第一次体会这种感觉:站在全公司人面前告诉他们我们要裁员了。
Without the loan, she would have had to lay off so many people that such a divorce would have taken three times as long. 如果没有贷款,她会解雇更多的人,以致一个离婚案件要花多出三倍的时间。
The doctor told me to lay off for a week. 医生要我休息一个星期。
Yet his big concern, he said, is for the thousands of Westgate workers he had to lay off. 而他更纠结的是Westgate的几千名员工,他不得不把他们裁掉。
The Czech international is rediscovering the form which made him such a vital cog in the Arsenal machine before his lengthy lay-off. 捷克人正在回到长期缺席之前,使他成为阿森纳阵容不可或缺一部分的状态的路上。
Texas manufacturer JCM Industries told the FT that it might have to lay off workers if the situation escalated. 德克萨斯州制造商JCMIndustries向英国《金融时报》表示,如果这种情况进一步升级,它将不得不进行裁员。
In Hawaii, the state employees' union is fighting a proposal to lay off workers for three Fridays a month over the next two years. 夏威夷州政府雇员工会正在抗议一项提案,即要求雇员在未来两年内每月有3个周五停止工作。
He would have tried it, but his prime minister, who was travelling with him, told the cousins to lay off. 他本可以早些体验这种感觉,但与他同行的总理,告戒他的表兄弟们不要喝。
Good sides will also have forwards of sufficient quality and technique to hold on to the ball, spin and lay off dangerous through balls. 优势一方也会拥有不错的前锋,他们有足够的能力控球在脚,盘球和作出一些危险的球。
They remember the dark days when Apple was struggling to stay alive and had to lay off thousands to cut costs. 他们都记得苹果苦苦挣扎于死亡线、不得不裁掉数以千计员工以削减成本的黑暗时期。
And if he has a strong World Cup he'll be fit, strong and raring to go after a long lay-off last season when he was injured. 如果他健康的话,那他会在世界杯上变得更强壮。在因伤缺席上个赛季后,他变得更加强大以及更加渴望胜利。
It is imperative now, when someone comes to look at the apartment, to run upstairs and ask the pianist to lay off for a while. 现在有人来看房子,必须马上冲上楼去叫那位钢琴家停一会儿。
Hubei and Shandong said companies trying to lay off more than 40 staff would need prior approval from the local authorities. 湖北省和山东省表示,欲裁员40人以上的企业,需事先得到当地政府批准。
He went on attacking her until other passengers arrived and told him to lay off. 他不停地打她,直至其他乘客过来叫他住手。
I can lay off anything you want me to if you agree to have sex with me. 我全听你的,只要你同意和我亲热的话。
The new arrival comes just as Alonso Sr is finding full fitness following a lengthy lay off with a metatarsal injury. 小家伙的出生刚好赶上阿隆索从一段漫长的跖骨受伤中恢复过来。
He felt that it lay off to the left somewhere, not far - possibly just over the next low hill. 他觉得它就在左面的什么地方,而且不远--可能翻过下一座小山头就到了。
In the end, however, the old ladies forced him to move to a remote island , which lay off the coast. 但是最终老太太们还是强迫他搬到一个远离海岸的偏僻小岛上。
But to reduce operational costs, it seemed certain that we were going to have to lay off hundreds of them. 然而,为了降低运营成本,裁掉其中几百人看来在所难免。
Being close to the government could crimp Blackstone's room for manoeuvre in the future when, say, trying to lay off Chinese workers. 与中国政府的密切关系可能会缩小黑石未来动作的空间,例如解雇中国员工。
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is preparing to lay off 10% of its 32, 500 employees, according to people familiar with the matter. 据知情人士透露,高盛(GoldmanSachsGroup)准备在其32,500名员工中裁员10%。
They did not sell a single car for a month and had to lay off workers. 一个月来一辆汽车都卖不出去,他们只好裁员。
The bank is going to lay off 500 staff in Asia to weather the financial crisis. 为应付金融危机,该银行将裁减亚洲区500名员工。
Hey, you know what? I'm gonna see her later tonight, so just lay off, ok? 嘿,你知道吗,我今晚就要和她见面呢,到时再说吧?