look down on

  • v.轻视;看不起
  • 网络瞧不起;蔑视;看不起某人

第三人称单数:looks down on 现在分词:looking down on 过去式:looked down on

look down onlook down on

look down on


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... be dedicated to 致力于,献身于 look down on 轻视,看不起 idle away 浪费(时 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... look back 回顾;回想;停止不前 look down on 蔑视,看不起 look for 寻找,寻求;指望 ...


初中英语大讲堂(八年级人教版下册)_百度阅读 ... look up to 尊敬 look down on 看不起,瞧不起 look forward to 期待,盼望 ...


常考_百度文库 ... look:look after look back 回顾 look down on / upon 轻视,看不起 look for look forward to 期盼 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... look back 回顾;回想;停止不前 look down on 蔑视,看不起 look for 寻找,寻求;指望 ...


牛津英语8B词组短语 - 豆丁网 ... 保持健康 keep fit 18. 看不起某人 look down on 19. 发生 take place 20. ...


down -... ... knuckle down v.开始认真工作,屈服 look down on v.轻视,看不起 蔑视,瞧不起 pare down 削去,修掉,剪掉;削减 ...


卑_百度百科 ... 谦恭[ modest and courteous] 轻视,小看[ look down on] 卑 bēi ...

There was one thing you said which makes me think you look down on yourself. 你所说的一件事使我觉得你看不起自己。
See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. 你们要小心,不可轻看这小子里的一个。
I'm a high school student, because my results are not very good, so someone laugh at me, look down on me. 是一名高中生,成绩不是很好,所以会有人嘲笑我,看不起我
She thinks her neighbours look down on her a bit because she's neverbeen abroad. 她认为她的邻居们因她从来没有出过国而有点瞧不起她。
Thy face is bent from above, thy eyes look down on my eyes, and my heart has touched thy feet. 你的脸容下俯,你的眼睛下望着我的眼睛,我的心接触到了你的双足。
Ms. Park said she used to look down on North Koreans. "I associated them with something poor, dark and negative, " she said. ParkSung-eun说,她以往看不起朝鲜人,“经常将他们和贫穷,黑暗及负面的东西联系在一起。”
Others world look down on her for having no stars, so they would give her a dot. But it wouldn't stay either. 有些人因为露西亚没有星星,所以瞧不起她,他们想给贴灰点,但是也贴不住。
Others just love to comment on me, or whatever they look down on me to go, and I? 别人爱怎的去评论我、或是看不起我都随他们高兴去吧,与我何干?
Don't look down on this student sculpture. It might be an "early period" piece by a future master. 可别小看这个同学的雕塑品,说不定是那个大师的「先期」作品呢。
Have such thoughts, best not to say it, or people will look down on you from the bottom of my heart, this is a very retarded mentality. 有这样的想法,最好不要说出来,要不别人会从心底看不起你,这是一种很弱智的心态。
To watch over me and guide me, to look down on me with pride. 看护我,引导我,自豪地俯视我。
He does not look down on me. What's more, he takes a more elegant way to talk to me than that of to others. 他还算瞧得上我,甚至他现在跟我说话的方式都比他跟其他人说话高了一个层次。
First, I don't think people look down on gifts of money because money is such a highly charged symbol in our world. 首先,我认为人们不会不在乎金钱这种礼物,因为金钱在这个世界上是极有吸引力的东西。
The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you. 澳大利亚的可爱的狗狗等着像你大笑,赞比亚的长颈鹿等着向下看你。
If you look down on people and treat them badly, they'll retaliate and appear just as annoying and hostile as you expected. 如果你瞧不起别人,待他们不好,他们就会回敬你,就会像你预料的那样显得令人讨厌,充满敌意。
As for those learning more slowly, we cannot look down on them. As long as they keep at it, they can overtake us if we pause for a moment. 对学不会的人,我们不能轻视,如果他发愤精进,我们只是稍微停一下,同样会被他追过去。
It never hurts to learn and people who look down on you for asking for help should not be significant to you and your life anyways. 学习总是无害的,那些因你开口求助而瞧不起你的人对你和你的生活不会起重要作用。
Anyway, it's good to have a dog to look up to you and cat to look down on you. It keeps you balanced. 无论如何,有一只崇拜你的狗和一只蔑视你的猫总是件好事,这能让你平衡。
Dogs look up to you; cats look down on you; pigs treat you as an equal. 狗对人敬仰,猫对人鄙视,猪把人当作平辈。
But, as he admits, the dominant sense of Chinese identity is essentially racial, and most Chinese look down on Tibetans with loathing. 但是,他承认中国人的身份认同的主流意识是以民族为核心的,大部分中国人都对藏人带有厌恶的鄙视。
Hell, I used to look down on mainland China but I won't be able to do it anymore in the future. 我曾经看不起中国大陆,可是未来我将没这个资格去看不起它了。
They look down on him for his deceit. 他们因为他的而知识渊博而钦佩他。
"Dog " word and " too " the word is neighbour, but people praises " too " word and look down on " dog " word. “犬”字与“太”字是邻居,可是人们都赞美“太”字而看不起“犬”字。
Do not look down on you, they smile, a smile to the contempt of the difficulties you courage, a smile will change your life. 你千万别小看这些微笑,微笑给你蔑视困难的勇气,微笑会改变你的一生。
Do not look down on your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different and each of us is special . 不要小看你去跟别人比较以贬低自己这是因为我们都是不同的,我们每一个人都很特别。
Winston Churchill once observed that dogs look up to us, cats look down on us but pigs treat us as equals. 邱吉尔曾说,狗仰头尊敬人,猫瞧不起人,猪则与人平起平坐。
And yet, I know that on this night they look down on me with great pride. 不过我知道,在这个夜晚,他们正满怀骄傲自天堂注视着我。
They shared all that they had, they did not look down on anyone. 他们分享着自己拥有的一切,他们从不看低任何人。
Don't look down on young people, as she is not a sick family had already gone to the Soviet side doctor read. 别小看年青人,她如不是有个生病家属早已去苏联读副博士了。
To the degree you brow beat people, look down on them, and treat them unfairly, you set yourself up for the same treatment. 向程度,你眉击败的人,看不起他们,对待他们不公平,您设定了同样的待遇。