let alone

  • na.任随;更不用说;放任;莫说…(连)
  • 网络更别提;更不必说;不管

let alonelet alone

let alone


Let - 搜搜百科 ... leave/let sth alone 不碰;不变动;不移动 let alone 更不用说 leave/let sb/sth be 随…去;不打扰某人╱某事 ...


英语六级高频短语,词组 - 豆丁网 ... leave alone 不打扰,不干预 let alone 更别提,不打扰 lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心 ...


考研英语词汇快速突破 - 豆丁网 ... almost nothing 几乎没有 let alone 更不必说 lt 藜谡弈e奁藜/ ...


六级考试高频词组 ... intervene in * 干涉,插手 let alone * 不管,不惹,更不用说 on behalf of * 代表,为了 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... none the less (尽管…)仍然 let alone 不干涉;不碰 let down 放下;降低;使…失望 ...


最常用英语短语 | 英语大学 ... leave out 省去;遗漏 let alone 更不要说 let go of 释放,松手 ...


英语四六级的高频单词有那些?_百度知道 ... leave out 省略,遗漏 let alone 更别说,更何况 let sb. down 使某人失望 ...


大学英语4级英语词组 ... lend itself to 适合于 let alone 不打扰,不惊动,更别提 let down 放下,降低;使失望 ...

Thus, we see that it is difficult to produce a good session management solution, let alone a secure session management solution. 这样,我们就清楚生产一个良好的会话管理解决方案是相当困难的,更不用说一个安全的会话管理解决方案了。
The Treasury played down suggestions that it was making emergency contingency plans to shore up Lloyds let alone nationalise the bank. 财政部轻描淡写其设计的紧急意外事故方案来帮组劳埃德独自完成国有化。
It is no stretch, then, to say that having a toxic parent may be harmful to a child's brain, let alone his feelings. 毫不夸张的说有一对有负面影响的父母可能伤害孩子的大脑,更别提对他的情感上的伤害了。
I'm happy at the moment, but I don't want to discuss my future, let alone that of my teammates. 我非常喜欢现在,但是我不想讨论我的未来,更不用说我的队友。
But sometimes the resulting weight was more than I could lift even to my waist, let alone shoulder high. 然而,有时几堆垃圾加在一块儿太重了,抬到腰部都很吃力,更别说扛到肩膀上了。
The problem is that sin keeps us from having any relationship with God, let alone an eternal relationship with him in heaven. 问题是,罪防止我们与上帝有密切的关系,更不用说与他在天堂里有永恒的关系了。
In light of this spirit, China disagrees of a Security Council resolution on the launch, let alone new sanctions against the DPRK. 本着上述精神,中方不赞成安理会就此次朝鲜发射问题通过决议,更不赞成对朝鲜实施新的制裁。
They taught that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone policy. 他们教,这是所有父母的权利,谁采取更独立的政策。
And I have to agree with him; I've had terrible luck spotting shooting stars in the light polluted LA skies, let alone cloudy British skies. 这一点,我表示同意。即使在洛杉矶轻微污染的天空观看流星雨就够倒霉了,更别提在多云的英国了。
To say there's some uncertainty over OPEC's intentions, let alone its capabilities, is something of an understatement. 事实上,要说市场对于欧佩克的意图有些不确定,可能还说轻了,更别提对其能力的不确定了。
But Beijing today has no desire to spread Maoism or fight capitalism at home, let alone abroad. 但现在的中国政府在国内都没有推行毛泽东思想或是与资本主义做斗争的欲望,更不要说在外国了。
But for the writer who sits in his cube all day and rarely sees the sun, let alone another person, does it really matter what he's wearing? 但对于整天都坐在办公隔间连阳光都很少见更别说人的一位作家来说,穿什么难道真有关系吗?
And indeed, our own internal assessment was very clear that Iraq's WMD did not pose a threat to its neighbors, let alone to us. 当然的,我们自己内部的评估很明确地指出伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器不对其邻国构成威胁,更不用说对我们了。
Oh man, what can I say about this what's probably one of the worst written novels in the history of publishing, let alone fantasy. 天哪,我该怎样来评价这本可能是出版界有史以来写得最烂的小说,更别说奇幻类了。
Her legs were so crippled and bent that it seemed impossible for her to be able to walk, let alone run a marathon. 她的腿是畸形的,属于很严重的残疾。对她来说,似乎来走路都是不可能的,更别说跑马拉松了。
Thus, for the scientist, these practices are not easy to specify, let alone, quantify, in a model. 然而,对于科学家来说,这种实践难以单独的用数据或者模型来明确说明。
I can't imagine going out with someone who's always uptight and proper, let alone live with them for the rest of my life! 我无法想象与一个总是中规中矩的人恋爱约会,更别提跟他们过一辈子了。
After all, it is not as if the perpetrators of these shenanigans were indigent, let alone indentured slaves. 毕竟,这些诡计的作恶者并不贫困,更不是被契约约束的奴隶。
With you though -- I don't even know if it's right to hold your hand, let alone kiss you. 可是跟你————我甚至不知道是否可以拉你的手,更别说吻你了。
It was a far cry from just a month ago, when no one even bothered to give Cheng a second look - let alone a piece of bread. 这简直是天壤之别,一个月之前,甚至没有人肯多看程一眼,更不用说给他一片面包之类的了。
For the tribal population, the state has never been close enough to engage, let alone infiltrate. 对于部落居民,政府从来没有亲近到能够接触得到的地步,更不用说对其进行渗透了。
Central to the project of this book is the need to put films in the context without 3which they would not exist, let alone have meaning. 撰写本书的中心就是必须把影片摆进它们的存在所必需的那种关系之中,且不谈影片的什么意义。
The essential nature of Chinese subject is neither as an instrumental property, nor humanity, let alone their combination. 语文课程的本质属性既不是工具性,也不是人文性,更不应该是工具性和人文性的结合。
They burst out laughing. "You'd never get your husband through the door, let alone balance him on a spindly chair, " snorts Anna. 她们大笑起来,安娜说“你本来不该让你的丈夫进门,更不要说在长椅上倚门陪他了。”
"It's easy to add that much if you're just adding salt, " let alone all of the salt that's in food before we break out the shaker. “仅仅是加盐就很容易超过这个量很多,”更不用说在我们打开盐瓶前食物中所有的盐了。
As Alan Pardew said, you would struggle to see this sort of turnaround in a seven-a-side Sunday kick about, let alone in the Premier League. 如阿兰。帕杜所说,你很难在周日的七人制业余比赛中看到这种逆转,更何况英超联赛。
Growing up in Philadelphia, in a very poor urban neighborhood, I was almost always the only Asian, let alone Chinese kid in school. 在费城一个非常贫穷的街道长大,我几乎一直是唯一的亚洲人,更别说还在学校的中国小孩子了。
We'd had a fleeting good moment--it wasn't often Baba talked to me, let alone on his lap--and I'd been a fool to waste it. 我们有过一段短暂的美好时光--爸爸平时很少跟我说话,更别提把我抱在膝盖上--而我这个笨蛋,竟然白白将其浪费了。
As for dark energy, physicists do not know what it is, let alone how to calculate how much information it can store. 至于暗能量,物理学家并不知道它究竟是什麽东西,更别说要如何计算它可储存的资讯量了。
But can you imagine me living in Tokyo, Japan on only $10, 000 trying to buy, let alone rent a place for that amount for a year? Impossible! 但是你能想象我住在日本,1万美元试买房,更不用说租一年了?不可能!