each time

  • adv.每次
  • 网络每当;每次用量;每次访问此页时检查

each timeeach time

each time


英语单词_百度知道 ... tablet 药片 each time 每次 caution 注意 ...


高考英语词汇用法总结4 ... at that ~ 当时 each time 每当 have a good ~ 过得快活 ...


种别(type) 每次用量(each time) 小型犬(Small dogs) 2g 中型犬(Medium-sized dogs) 3g 大型犬(Large dogs) 5g 主要成分:鱼粉 …


关于firefox的about:config设置页... ... * 2:Right-to-left * 从右到左 * 1:Each time * 每次访问此页时检查 * 2:Never * 不检查 ...


每次手续费(each time)HK$150.00 +HK$150.00 中央证券行动费(CCASS action fee)以每一手(Per Lot)x $0.80 -- CCASS 代收 …


...两个选择是第一次(first time)使用提示和每次使用(each time)提示,单击Change Password按钮更换管理口令。


重点句型 1. What should a friend be like... ... adviser n. 顾问;劝告者 Each time 引导一个时间状语从句。 but 换用。 ...

and she danced again quite readily, to please him, though each time her foot touched the floor it seemed as if she trod on sharp knives. 她不停地舞着,虽然每次当她的脚接触到地面的时候,她就像是在快利的刀上行走一样。
Subsequent implementations of this example assume that this conditional is in place, though it is not written out each time. 后面的例子假设这个条件已经判断过了,所以不是每次都写上。
He was with his father as well, but each time he picked one of the video games and looked at his father, his father shook his head. 他也是和他父亲一起来的,但是每次他拿起一张游戏盘再看看父亲时,他父亲总是摇摇头。
He will gentle to speak with you, feel little hand of you, bound foot feel excited for your standing up each time. 他会轻轻的和你说,感觉你的小手,小脚然后为你的每一次翻身而感到兴奋。
In average, how much did you spend in fast fashion store each time? 平均来说,每次会花费多少在快速时装上?
We have had problems in terms of human and technical performance, but each time we have been on the water it seems better to us. 在队员的配合和技术问题上,我们确实遇到了困难,但是我们每次出海都感觉到比上一次更好。
So each time it rained I always got very sad and cry together with the "goddess" as if her sorrow can be alleviated. 所以每次下雨,我总是很伤心,并且和女神一起哭泣,好像她的悲伤会缓和。
The computer asked people to enter the total number of hill (n) and each time the maximum number allowed to move mountains just (k). 计算机请人输入山的总数(n)和每次允许搬山的最大数止(k)。
Don't you see that each time he falls down; he stands up again instead of crying? That's the kind of courage you wanted him to have. 你不认为他每次摔倒,他站起来而不是哭泣吗?这种勇气就是你想要他拥有的。
The shares of those investee companies will rise each time he made announcements of his investment. 每当他宣布要投资哪家公司时,被投资公司的股票每次都会上涨。
How much does it increase each time? 每次跳多少钱?
How much would it cost to pay each time I use the gym? 如果我选择每次利用健身房之后付费,价格又是多少?
Understands, each time I all hide in the quoin cry, to think you think you! ! ! 懂吗,每次我都躲在角落里哭,想你想你!!!
However, each time, the police told the neighbors that it was a domestic problem and that they would not intervene. 但每次警方都说这是人家家里的事,外人不得干涉。
Each time you select the name of the town, in the right column appears to underline the name of that locality. 每次您选择在右列的城镇的名字,似乎强调该地区的名称。
"I have had lots of meetings to present innovation, and have been surprised that sustainability was on the agenda each time, " he said. “我已经有很多会议,以创新,并已感到惊讶,可持续性议程上的每一次,”他说。
Each time, when presented with a girl who would rather be watching TV than having sex with me, I could have walked away, making an excuse. 每次,遇到宁愿看电视也不愿意和我做爱的女孩,我都应该找个借口,转身离开。但是。
In this way, each time the service is called, it is as though that service is being used for the first time. 这样,当每次调用该服务时,都好像是第一次使用该服务一样。
Each time I went out, he would walk with me for up to fifteen kilometers, and refused to return when I ordered him to do so. 之后他就改善了,当他再来接我的时候,都会先让我知道他来了,然后才高兴地绕着圈子跑过来。
A good exercise is to go through the day with a little piece of paper and put a tally mark for each time you get an urge. 有个好办法可以锻炼这一能力,拿一张纸,回忆一遍,每次有冲动时就记次数。
Each time, I was in a good position to win the race and for whatever reason things did not work out the way I wanted and we lost. 每一次,我们都处在一个好的位置,拥有赢得比赛的一切条件,却因为种种原因事情未能朝我所想的方向发展,最后都与胜利失之交臂。
Listen to The Creator's spiritual heart beat and feel the unconditional love that courses through you each time you think about this moment. 听造物主的精神心跳,感受你无条件的爱,通过课程,每次想到这一刻。
Several sperm banks in New York City, where men are paid about $60 each time they donate, said there had not been a rise in donors. 纽约市几家精子库称,捐赠者人数并无增加,男子在此捐赠每次可得到60美元。
So I write down the time of own Bo text each time, I will let the person translate into for me English lets me study so much. 所以我每写下自己的博文的时候,我会让人帮我翻译成英文好让我学习。
Very easy to use, do not have to call each time the database. 使用很方便,不用每次都去调用数据库了。特别适合多表查询的排序。
However, each time I drove, the same situation would occur as if it was a replay on a tape recorder, and gradually I got used to it. 然而,每天我一出门,同样的情况就像录音带重播一样,一再重复发生。渐渐地,我也习惯了。
Put the eye-drops into your right eye 4-6 tims a day, each time one to two deops. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night. 将这种眼药水滴入右眼,每天四至六次,每次一、两滴,每晚在眼皮里挤一点眼药膏。
The amount of space to be allocATed AT the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocATed length of the file. 当顺序写操作超出文件原长度时,在文件末端另分配给该文件的空间量。
Automatically starts up in background mode each time your phone powers up and ready to control your phone profiles. 自动启动的背景模式,每次您的手机准备的权力和控制您的手机配置文件。
Below is a very simple configuration log -- the format is not important as long as you record a few key data points each time. 下面是一个非常简单的配置日志——格式不是很重要,只要您每次记录一些关键数据点即可。