except that

  • na.除了
  • 网络只可惜;除了……之外;除……之外

except thatexcept that

except that


连接性副词 ... 一旦 连 once 除了… 连 except that * 对等连接词 : and / but / or / so / for / yet ...


转贴:高中英语从句总复习-行业汇 ... give in v. 投降, 屈服, 让步 except that n. 除了...之外, 只可惜 rely on v. 依赖, 依靠 ...


英语三级历年考试短语总结 ... 60. in that 由于, 因为 61. except that n. 除了……之外, 只可惜 62. except for adv. 除……以外 ...


新东方笔记 ... in that 因为; except that 除…之外。 except 后面加名词或代词; ...


TOEFL与GRE阅读中“关键”词汇-托福 ... dispose 处理,处置;安排,使用 except that 只是,只可惜;除了 fanciful 幻想的,想象中的 ...


介词 ... that + 句子意思相同。 ④except that除了……一点以外。 ①after、since、till / still、before 这些词既是介词,又是 …


高考英语常用词组荟萃_antonio_新浪博客 ... except for 除了…外 except that 除了…外 face to face 面对面(的)地;对立地 ...

Fine, except that she loved teaching and the only real problem was the environment, not the career. 很好,只可惜她喜欢教书,而且真正唯一的问题是环境,而不是职业。
She knew, and I knew, that she sounded naive, but I think I would have exclaimed in the same way, except that Sylvia always woke up first. 她知道,我也知道,她听起来天真,但是我认为要是西尔维亚不老是第一个醒来的话,我会以相同的方式呼喊。
I couldn't tell you a thing that happened the rest of that evening. Except that i was the happiest man alive. 我无法告诉你那晚接下来发生的一件事,除此之外我是全世界最快乐的人。
An armature is similar to a rotor except that it includes windings of copper wire to which electric current is supplied via a commutator. 一电枢类似转子,除了它包括绕组的铜导线,以其中的电流供应,通过换向器。
He did not seem to comprehend his position, except that it was horrible. 他除了知道他的地位可怕以外好象完全莫名其妙。
We do not know anything except that she was married to a priest and she ran away from that marriage. 除了她和一个牧师结婚了,并从婚姻生活中逃走了,我们什么都不知道。
That's all we're going to tell you, except that this story involves a laser directed at genitalia. 这也是我们所要告诉你的,除了这个故事涉及用激光对准生殖器。
God has no problems at all with your choice of experiences, except that you accept responsibility for any acts that harm another soul. 真正的造物主不会干扰你们的任何决定的体验,除非你从任何导致对其他灵魂的伤害的行为中接受该面对的责任。
For me, world cup was just a great show, except that I had to stay in Germay time zone to watch. 对于我来说,如果不算上我不得不以德国作息时间来观看,世界杯还算是一场完美的表演。
Dad paused for a while as he always did and said quietly, "Son, you did nothing wrong, except that it's too early for you to pursue girls. " 和往常一样,老爸沉默了一下,轻轻地说到,“儿子,你没做错什么,只是你这个年龄追女孩子有点早。”
A secret control is just a text field, exactly like an input control, except that what the user types is shown as bullets on the screen. secret控件就是一个文本字段,和input完全相同,只不过用户输入的内容在屏幕上用圆点表示。
So don't I have much to add, except that it sounds like an useful thing to do as you met people throughout your life. 因而,我没有太多想补充,只想说这不失为一种受用的做法,因为我们的一生中会遇到形形色色的人。
Gabriel thought they could be talking about Bathsheba, except that the woman they were discussing seemed to be the mistress of a farm. 盖伯瑞尔想他们谈论的可能是芭丝谢芭,只是他们谈论的女人好像是一个农场的女主人。
He would not say one word, except that indeed he thought it had been more, but that if it had been less he did not repent his bargain . 他是无话可说的,只好说他起先以为我有更多的财产,但是既然没有那么多,他也不追悔这个婚约。
Notes are similar to comments, except that they do not need to be associated with a change, and notes can be formatted but comments cannot. 批注与注解类似,只是他们不需要与修改相关联,批注可以格式化,而注解不能。作者和评阅者经常使用批注交流意见,寻求建议,或在文档中集思广益。
He didn't even remember her name or her appearance, except that she wore glasses and was young , just a kid , and probably inexperienced. 他甚至想不起她的名字与相貌,只记得戴一副眼镜,年纪很轻,简直是个孩子,或许是个刚出茅庐的新手。
He thought about it for a few moments, but said nothing except that he did not understand why a second shoe had been stolen. 他斟酌了片刻,可是除却说明他不明白为何又被偷了一只鞋之外只字未说。
when all the while the poor unenlightened foreigner has seen nothing, except that there is nothing whatever to see. 在这整个过程中,那个可怜而又迷迷糊糊的外国人什么都没弄懂。
In this case, you want to restrict the definition of a Pamphlet, which is similar to a Book in every way except that it has no author. 在本例中,希望限制Pamphlet(小册子)的定义,除了没有作者以外,它与Book完全相似。
Paravirtualized means that the coLinux kernel has no notion of the real hardware except that of the CPU and memory. 半虚拟指的是:除了CPU和内存以外,coLinux内核不需接触任何实际的硬件。
III. For dozens of years, none of his colleagues, not even his children, knew anything about him except that he was a veteran. 几十年间,不要说单位的同事,就连他的儿女,只知道父亲是一名退伍军人,别的都一无所知。
I don't know what effect it had on me, except that later, when he got ill, I was very glad to be able to share his last months. 我不确实这件事对我有什么影响,但当我在后来知道他生病时,我很高兴能够和他一起度过他最后的那几个月。
Except that my fingers are sore, my arms are aching and (I am sorry to say this) I almost wish I were back in the office in London. 只是我的手指疼,手臂酸(很抱歉这么说),我简直希望自己回到伦敦的办公室。
It would have been except that Jonah's God was working below the surface of the sea. 没有人想到,汪洋之下,约拿的神仍然作工。
shall not perform any other duties except that of conference interpreter at conferences for which they have been taken on as interpreters. 在自己已被聘为会议口译员的会议上,不得从事会议口译之外的任何其他工作。
North Korea's deputy ambassador at the UN Pak Tok Hun did not say what steps would be taken except that they would be stronger. 朝鲜驻联合国副大使除了表示反抗将更加强硬之外并没有具体说明将采取什么措施,。
Anyway, not much to say about the game tonight except that we need to be a little suspicious of Rick Fox. 总之,对于今晚的比赛,我们已经没有什么好说的了,但是我们需要对里克福克斯保持一点怀疑的态度。
Knowing what he is going to ask in advance should make it easier, I thought, except that the opposite psychology Was used. 我想,在他提问以前先知道他要问什么,可能会好办些。却没有想到他们利用了相反的心理作用。
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen who were rich and had all they wanted except that they had no children. 从前,有一对国王和王后。他们很富有,想要什么有什么,只是没孩子。
and she'll be greatly disappointed if I return with no news of or from you, except that you received her letter and said nothing! ' 如果我回去没有带回一点关于你或是你给她的消息,只说你收到了她的信,而且没说什么,她将要非常失望的!