held back

  • na.踌躇;抑制;阻止;扣住

第三人称单数:holds back 现在分词:holding back 过去式:held back

held backheld back

held back


MBA英语核心词汇1_丽莉_新浪博客 ... 8 identity 身份 9 held back 阻碍,抑制,忍住 10 hold on to 坚持,抓住不放 ...


... (keep from, keep to) (隐瞒,阻止) (held back, held forth) (阻止,抑制) (plucking, picking) (拨毛,摘花…

She did not enter, but held back in the darkness of the corridor, where Marius could see her through the half-open door. 她不进门,只站在过道中的黑影里,马吕斯能从半开着的门口望见她。
We have seen you tackle the dark Ones as we expected, as the Light cannot be held back for ever. 我们已经看到你们如我们期待的那样扭转了黑暗势力的强势,因为【光】无法被永远的遏制。
When one of the Filipinos went to the restroom, a Japanese woman grumbled that she should have held back in deference to the group schedule. 在一个菲律宾人去厕所时,一个日本女士嘟囔地说他不应该去厕所,应该照顾整个团体的行程。
"People do not understand the extent to which banks have held back on credit, " he said. 他表示:“人们不了解银行抑制信贷到了何种程度。”
I was close to tears with frustration while trying to complete the difficult math exam, but I held back. 数学考试很难,做题时我沮丧得差点掉泪,但还是忍住了。
Harry had been held back in Potions, where Snape had made him stay behind to scrape tubeworms off the desks. 哈利在魔药课上被留了堂,斯内普叫他留下来擦去桌上的多毛虫。
It is possible that consumption growth might be modestly held back, but retail spending was already surging before the market rally began. 消费增长有可能稍微受到遏制,但零售支出在股市大涨之前就已经开始攀升了。
Her opponents say they have had trouble raising money because some would-be donors have held back for fear of a punitive tax audit. 她的对手们讲道,他们在筹集资金上遇到困难,原因是一些潜在的赞助商由于害怕税收审核所带来的刑罚而退缩了。
You have been deliberately held back, to maintain the old system that feeds the bank balances of those families that are in power. 你们一直被蓄意的控制,为了不断维持这老旧的系统来喂养这些银行的存款,它们全部属于那些手握权力的家族。
If only he could have held back his childhood for another year, avoided that chocolate cake, all of his dreams would have come true. 要是他能把自己的童年推迟哪怕一年也好,别去贪恋什么巧克力蛋糕,那他的预言和美梦恐怕都能一一如愿。
She held back from telling him what she thought of him. 她要把对他的看法告诉他,但是又觉得难以启齿;2.阻止,抑制.如
So far, these central banks have held back, in view of the big cuts to public spending taking place, sluggish growth and idle resources. 但考虑到已经在实行的大额的公共支出消减,缓慢经济增长和闲置资源,迄今为止,这些央行还未采取行动。
Still, BMW expects sales volume and earnings growth to be held back in the second half due to the launch of new models. 不过,宝马预计,随着新车型的推出,下半年的销量和盈利增长将有所放缓。
At least seven fire crews were on the scene, and police held back crowds of onlookers and closed a nearby elevated highway to ensure safety. 最少7位消防员赶到了现场,警方使围观者后退,并关闭了附近一架高架公路确保安全。
And all of this has been held back to date by plate undulation which caused plate jamming such that there was a temporary delay in Asia. 而且所有这些被导致板块之间卡住了的板块波动抑制至今,因此在亚洲有一个暂时的延迟。
These planes were held back to protect the enemy's home islands instead of being used where they were badly needed. 这些飞机被留在后方保卫敌人本岛,未用于其它急需的地方。
Experiments with "micropayments" have been held back by the fact that stories are much more perishable than songs, and by transaction costs. “小额支付”的实验终因文章比歌曲更短命、交易成本高而搁浅。
She held back her skirts and turned her feet one way and her head another way as she looked down at the shiny, pointed boots. 她把裙子捋到身后,将双脚转到一边,头则转到另一边,低头看着这对闪闪发光的尖头靴子。
She being of a religious nature had held back[1] the worldly pleasure that he wanted from her so bad. 她是一个抑制任何享乐的虔诚清教徒,以至于他从她那儿获得的期盼很低。
Yeah, but she was huge. She had been held back. 是啊,不过她身形巨大来着,而且她还保存实力了。
I held back from asking the favor of him. 我忍住了,没有要他帮忙。
Was the nest damaged by a storm last night? Additional maintenance workers may be held back to make repairs. 而如果蚁巢在前个夜晚遭至暴风雨的袭击,那么额外的保全工蚁便会被召回以进行对蚁巢的维修。
Although Russia has long supplied arms to Syria, it has held back until now on providing the next generation of surface-to-surface missiles. 尽管俄罗斯长久以来给叙利亚提供武器,但直到目前它还一直保有最新一代的地对地导弹。
A farmer came up in his gig and was held back. 一个农夫这时架着一辆双轮马车走过来,被挡住了去路。
Both nations face years of feeble growth, held back by high public debt, low productivity and an aging population. 受公共债务高企、生产率低下和人口老龄化的阻碍,希腊和葡萄牙都面临着多年的疲弱增长形势。
I turned to look at a few other students and some have been dug, and I quickly held back excited to continue to dig up. 我转身看看,别的同学有的已挖出几个了,我连忙忍住兴奋,继续挖了起来。
The UK is said to be held back by the broadband infrastructure, questions around R&D and poor technology transfer from universities. 据说,影响英国排名的因素包括宽带基础设施、研发问题和大学技术转化不力。
The writer process(es) lines up to access the data structure, and is held back until the semaphore is made available. 写进程排队等待访问这个数据结构,在这个信号量可用之前会一直阻塞。
Children who are removed from school are at far greater risk of being held back, dropping out or ending up in the juvenile justice system. 被学校除名的孩子会被孤立,放弃或最终出现在少管所里。
While I'm the older one, she is definitely more aggressive, so I always held back what I thought for fear of her retaliating. 尽管我年长,但她肯定更气盛。所以我总是克制对她的报复的恐惧。