hold out

  • na.伸出;提出;维持;制止
  • 网络坚持;支持;坚持,不屈服

第三人称单数:holds out 现在分词:holding out 过去式:held out

hold outhold out

hold out


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold one's own 坚守住,不被打败 hold out 伸出;坚持;支持 hold up 举起;耽搁;抢劫 ...


2012年12月 六级真题 ... hold on 继续,坚持 hold out 维持,坚持 hold up 阻挡,抢劫 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold one's own 坚守住,不被打败 hold out 伸出;坚持;支持 hold up 举起;耽搁;抢劫 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold one's own 坚守住,不被打败 hold out 伸出;坚持;支持 hold up 举起;耽搁;抢劫 ...


石油词汇英语翻译(GH)--石油百科 ... hold out swing 外推式变向架 hold out 提出 hold over 延期 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... hold on 继续,握住不放 hold out 维持,支持;坚持,不屈服 hold up 举起,阻挡,使停止;抢劫 ...


《实用高中英语用法详解词典》_免费论文_当知网... ... hold on 坚持,等一等 / hold out 顶住,维持,提供 / hold over 推迟,延 …


考博英语词汇 ... hold on to 抓住不放 hold out 坚持要求;坚持到底;守住;提出;伸出; hold out for 坚持(得到...)而不肯妥协 ...

Hearing this, Jack decided to hold out his hand and touched the animal's head. 听到这话,杰克决定举行了他的手,感动的动物的头。
The Arab uprisings hold out the long-term prospect of a more stable and prosperous neighbourhood south of the Mediterranean. 阿拉伯世界的起义浪潮,让地中海南岸有望在未来变得更加稳定繁荣。
Attention, ancon joint does not get prolapse, antebrachium is become " one " glyph, hold out a bosom to look up, cooperate deep breathing. 注重,肘关节不得下垂,前臂成“一”字形,挺胸抬头,配合深呼吸。
How much longer can our supplies hold out? 我们的供应还能维持多久?
"We continue to hold out hope that Iran will abide by the will of the international community, but hope is not a plan, " he said. 他说:“我们继续希望伊朗按照国际社会的意愿行事,但希望不等于计划。”
If you do hope for a better job with a bigger title, hold out for opportunities that may show up in early September. 若你希望获得更好工作,更高的抬头,则维持现状,等待9月初的机会。
But some advocates for gay rights hold out a slim hope that the matter may eventually come before the United States Supreme Court. 但是一些主张同性恋权利伸出纤细的希望此事可能最终到来之前,美国最高法院。
Shanghai newspaper reported that she had a number of "olive leaves" to hold out to American leaders: 1. 上海一家报纸报道说,她倒是有几片“橄榄叶”可以奉献给美国领导人;
"We'll hold out to see what's in the best interests of Northern Ireland, " he said. “我们倒要来看看北爱尔兰的最好的利益究竟包含些什么,”他说道。
If I was to continue my travels, I was bound to run into more of these people, and my luck would not hold out forever. 如果我继续自己的旅行的话,我必然会遇到更多这样的人,可运气不会总站在我这边了。
The pilot said he could hold out for another hour before he would have to ditch the plane because of lack of fuel. 那位飞行员说,因为缺乏燃料,他只能再坚持一小时,然后就不得不把飞机降落在水面上。
But use me that you will help me to hold out a heart of compassion and grace, a heart that your spirit fills. 但将利用我去帮助我支持一颗同情与仁慈的心,一颗注满你的灵魂的心。
Ford is in a similar position, although its cash should hold out for a few months longer. 福特也是通用的难兄难弟,尽管他的现金流能坚持少久的数月时间。
"Shut your eyes and hold out your arms, " she ordered, and Laurie, obeying, opened his eyes again, to see --- two babies! “闭上眼睛把胳臂伸出来”,她命令道,劳里遵命照办,再睁开眼睛时,他看见了——两个婴儿!
The Qaddafi regime may hold out for a while yet, but time is not on its side. It is possible that it may implode. 政府军或许还能坚持一段时间,但垮台是迟早的事,最可能的是发生内讧。
He said that children from the Civil Hospital mortuary hold out, has opened his eyes, then the care of doctors closed their hands to ask. 他说,孩子从民航医院太平间抱出时,双眼一直睁开着,后来看管的医生用手给抚闭上了。
One morning as the expert approached and beckoned for him to hold out his hand, he was about to blurt out that he could go on no longer. 一天早上专家过来叫他摊开手,他刚想说他再不能这样继续下去了。
People said that the big bears had decided to hold out until today and see which way the wind was blowing before buying in. 这是据说大户空头还想拚一拚,他们要到今天看了风色再来补进。
One has to take a side on social issues, I suppose, but before you do, take as long as you can to hold out and see all the truth. 一个人是应该对某个社会问题采取自己的立场,但我想,在你选择立场之前,应该尽可能坚持瞭解事情的整个事实后再做判断。
then he dreamed of how after the attack he would go up to him as he lay wounded , and magnanimously hold out his hand in reconciliation. 他时而又想,在大举进攻之后,他将要走到他跟前,向他这个负伤的人故作慷慨地伸出和事之手。
His alternative is to hold out for "convertible debt" that would not immediately be priced. 他另一个选择是“可转换债券”,这种方式不需要马上确定投资价格。
My husband, who was the captain of the patrol boys in the eighth grade, has a tendency to hold out his arms at the curb: stand back! 而我丈夫在八年级时是童子军队长,每每他会伸出手来抓住我:退后!
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. 爱情是留下来的唯一的感情。爱情想坚持到可能的最后时刻。
Although hold out difficult, but seem to be close friends than officeholder a bit, give oneself the chance more. 虽然挺难的,但是好像比公务员要好一点,多给自己一次机会嘛。
The only way she would live was if the king would hold out his scepter to her. Esther took that chance. 唯一能豁免死罪得到生存的方法就是如果国王愿意拿出他的节杖给她豁免死罪。
And this dearest ones is where your TRUSTING must hold out for just a little longer . 对于这,最爱的,就是你们的【信赖】必须再保持的更久一点。
those buyers and sellers must also find each other and decide to enter into a transaction rather than hold out for a better match. 这些买家与卖家还必须找得到对方,并决定达成一项交易,而不是继续寻找,希望发现更好的匹配对象。
If I pleased him quickly, he tanked me by a kind of gentle murmur, like "Hooboo, " and would hold out his hand to shake mine. 如果我让它高兴了,它会发出一种轻柔的叫声“呵卟”,并和我握手,以表示感谢。
'Sit where you are, Bill, ' said the blind man. 'I can't see, but I can hear a finger move . Hold out your right hand. ' “比尔,呆在那儿别动,”瞎子说。“我看不见,但我知道你的手在动,伸出你的右手。”
Whether he decides to hold out for a better offer or side with the state-owned company remains to be seen. 他是决定要坚持到有更高的出价还是会与这家国有公司合作,这一点仍有待观察。