hear of

  • na.听说;获悉;收到…的消息;知道
  • 网络听到;听说过;得悉

第三人称单数:hears of 现在分词:hearing of 过去式:heard of

hear ofhear of

hear of


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in good health 身体好 hear of 听到,听说 hear from 接到…的信 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in good health 身体好 hear of 听到,听说 hear from 接到…的信 ...


of_百度百科 ... glimpse of 瞥见;一瞥 hear of 听说;听到;知道;耳闻 capable of 敢于;能;能够;有…能力的 ...


剑桥少儿英语三级[1]_百度文库 ... for a long time 很 久 hear of 听说过 suck up 卷起 吸 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... pay vt. 支付;偿还; hear of 听说;得悉 perhaps ad. 也许;大概 ...


of_百度百科 ... glimpse of 瞥见;一瞥 hear of 听说;听到;知道;耳闻 capable of 敢于;能;能够;有…能力的 ...


字典中 得 字的解释 ... (4) 找到[ discover;obtain;find out] (5) 得知[ hear of;learn about] (6) 捕获[ catch] ...


初三英语词组总结_百度知道 ... 7. take sth. away 拿走某物 9. hear of sth. 听人说…… 2. leave a message to sb. 给某人留言 ...

Public opinion does not like the euro, but does not want to hear of an alternative to it. 人们并不喜欢用欧元,但也不想来二选其一地用了。
Delighted to hear of your appointment as chairman of Board and wish to offer my very sincere congratulations. 很高兴听到你被任命为董事长,谨向你表示衷心的祝贺。
She would not hear of staying a second longer: in truth, I felt rather disposed to defer the sequel of her narrative, myself. 老实说,我自己也有意让她的故事的续篇搁一搁。
I tried to stop him. I told him that all I wanted were two cases of the white, but he wouldn't hear of it. 我几次试图阻止他再说下去,并一再表示,我只要两箱那种白酒就好了,但他对我的话置若罔闻。
Particularly, I was more cautious of firing my gun, lest any of them, being on the island, should happen to hear of it. 特别在放枪的时候,我更是小心翼翼,生怕岛上有什么人碰巧听见枪声。
I must tell you how pleased I was to hear of your engagement, and hasten you my earnest congratulations. 非常高兴听到你订婚的消息,谨致上我虔诚的祝福。
But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would not hear of my skipping any of those things. 但妈妈忍住了悲伤,她决不让我错过这些事情。
Mr. Creamer, her medical man, would not hear of her returning to her old haunts and dissipation in London. 她的医生克里默先生坚决反对她回老家,说是伦敦的放荡生活对于她极不相宜。
I made no doubt then but that I should soon hear of him. 我那时一点也不怀疑我会很快听到他的消息的。
And I made sure the first person to hear of my accident was a reporter I knew well. 我确保第一个听说我出车祸的是一位我熟知的记者。
Initially she wanted to continue to speak but I would not hear of it. She had no choice but to obediently remain quiet. . . 起初她还想继续讲,我还是不允许。她没办法只好乖乖保持安静…
With the economy still in decline, easily visible in a city full of unsold hotel rooms, we were not ready to hear of improved price points. 随着经济仍然在下降,很容易看见的城市充满了未售出的酒店房间,我们还没有准备好听到改善价位。
a foolish thing once in one's life, but one must hear of it a hundred times. 蠢事一生不可做一件,但一定会听到成百上千。
' That's what every guy likes to hear, of course, but I demurred slightly -- 'How do you know, you've never seen any others? 是什么每个男人都喜欢听见的,当然,但我轻微地提出了我的见解--`您从未看见任何其他您怎么知道它是这么的大?
I'm glad to hear of your graduation this year. It's such wonderful news. My best wishes for your future success. 我高兴地听到你今年大学毕业的消息,这是个令人欣喜的消息。祝你鹏程万里!
In all likelihood, she had got to hear of my departure which had set her mind at rest as to the consequences of our sudden parting. 她一定晓得我已经离开了巴黎,因此她对我们关系破裂之后会发生些什么后果放下了心。
We were all pained to hear of his death. 听到他的死讯,我们都很痛苦。
So I was delighted to hear of the fashion for "double calling" as a way of demonstrating power rather than eliciting information. 因此,我很高兴听到将“双重呼叫”这种时尚作为展示权力而非获得信息的一种方式。
i was so glad to hear of your safety . it was the only piece of good news we had had for a long time. 得知您平安无恙,我十分高兴,这是很久以来我们接到的唯一的好消息了。
If the contract was not copied by evening Mr. Crosbie would hear of the matter. 要是今晚再不抄完合同,克罗斯比先生就要亲自过问此事。
Mermaid of the country's girls were very saddened to hear of thought should never become the kind of old woman. 人鱼之国的女孩们感到非常的哀痛,心想绝对不要变成那种老太婆。
And I am never, never to hear of you going to the surface again! 我不想,再也不想听到你又到海面上的事了
's life, but one must hear of it a hundred times. 为人一生一件蠢事也不做,但要听到上百遍蠢事。
Some politicians are always calling for an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth when they hear of a terrible crime. 政客,当听到可怕的罪行时,便一直要求以眼还眼,以牙还牙。
And he said unto them, Why do ye such things? for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people. 他就对他们说,你们为何行这样的事呢。我从这众百姓听见你们的恶行。
Many now have the safety net of savings and can spend a few months figuring out their next move or waiting to hear of an opening. 很多人现在都存有额外的积蓄,能够几个月不工作以考虑下一步或等待新的机会。
Try not to allude to this matter in his presence because it annoys him to hear of it . 他在的时候千万别提及这件事,他听了要生气的。
The more I hear of my children's preferences in music, the more I realize how much I've fallen out of line with modern tastes. 我越听到我的孩子们对音乐的偏爱,我就越感到自己不适合现代口味了。
He asked to be left unburied, but the disciples wouldn't hear of it, protesting that he would be eaten by the animals and birds. 他要求离开时不要埋葬,但他的弟子们听不进去,断言那样大师会被动物和鸟吃。
Christians in the US are excited to hear of you and the men I met in Linyi. 这里的基督徒知道我在临沂遇到你以后都很激动。