
美 [baɪnd]英 [baɪnd]
  • v.约束;捆绑;系;装订
  • n.窘境
  • 网络绑定;束缚

过去式:bound 过去分词:bounden 第三人称单数:binds 现在分词:binding

bind agreement,bind contract
bind hand
tightly bind


v. n.

捆绑tie with rope/cloth

1.[t]捆绑;系to tie sb/sth with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together firmly

2.[t]~ sth (up)(用长布条)缠绕to tie a long thin piece of cloth around sth


3.[t](使)联合在一起,结合to unite people, organizations, etc. so that they live or work together more happily or effectively

驱使make sb do sth

4.[t][usupass]约束;迫使to force sb to do sth by making them promise to do it or by making it their duty to do it

粘合stick together

5.[i][t](使)粘合,凝结to stick together or to make things stick together in a solid mass


6.[t][usupass]~ sth (in sth)装订to fasten the pages of a book together and put them inside a cover

缝边sew edge

7.[t][oftpass]~ sth (with sth)给…镶边;缝牢…的边to sew a piece of material to the edge of sth to decorate it or to make it stronger


IBinder 的角色 启动完成后,就能让 C++层或 Java 层的 Client 模组来绑定(Bind)、连结(Connect) 和呼叫(Invoke)这些核心服务 …


徽字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 停止;静止〖 still〗 束缚;捆绑bind〗 同本义〖 threestrandsofrope〗 ...


约字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 约请〖 invite;ask〗 约束bind;commit〗 约数〖 divisor〗 ...


徽字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 停止;静止〖 still〗 束缚;捆绑〖 bind〗 同本义〖 threestrandsofrope〗 ...


大学英语四、六级单词、词组 - 豆丁网 ... billion n. (美)十亿,(英)万亿 bind vt. 捆, 包扎;装订;约束;使凝固 biology n. 生物学 ...

"If you don't play defense and you just have to try and outscore teams like that, you're going to get caught in a bind, " he said. “与这样的球队交手,如果你的防守不行,那么你就不得不在得分上超过他们,而到这个时侯,等待你的将会是困难重重”,他说道。
Wilt thou play with him as with a bird? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens? 你岂可拿它当雀鸟玩耍吗。岂可为你的幼女将它拴住吗。
As you can see, bind mounts are extremely powerful and make it easy to make modifications to your filesystem layout without any fuss. 正如您所见,绑定安装非常强大,让您可以轻易地修改文件系统设计,丝毫不必忙乱。
Alternatively, some people who have excess funds believe that budgeting is only done to get out of a financial bind. 或者,那些有着额外资产的人都认为预算只不过是用来摆脱理财束缚的。
Their problem was to bind the black powder together again so it would be hard enough to serve as a writing instrument. 它们的难题是如何重新组合这些黑色的粉末,使它成为有足够硬度的书写工具。
Over the next three days, Mr. Trichet sought a way out of his bind by pushing Europe's leaders to overcome disunity and act. 接下来那三天,特里谢试图找到一条解围之道,努力推动欧洲各国领导摒弃歧见、采取行动。
The shortened version of AHR does not bind nearly so easily to PCBs. It still, however, seems to work as a transcription factor. 这个缩减版本的AHR难以和PCB结合,不过看来依然能发挥转录因子的作用。
Endlessly he sought to break my will, to force me to serve him, to bind me to his blade. 一直试图摧毁我的意志,强迫我服从于他,用他的剑禁锢着我。
" They said, " We have come up to bind Samson, to do to him as he did to us. 他们说:「我们上来是要捆绑参孙;他向我们怎样行,我们也要向他怎样行。」
Therefore it was decided to treat the surface using a coal tar mixture that would penetrate the pavement and bind the pavement together. 因此决定使用这种具有渗透性和能重新粘结道路的煤焦油混合剂来处理整个表面。
The speed of that growth put ING in a bit of a bind. 如此迅猛的增长速度有点让ING感觉被绑架了。
Their purpose is not to imprison you and bind you to each other; their purpose is to help you to grow with each other. 婚姻的意图,不是让你们彼此囚禁和束缚,而是让你们彼此帮助,共同成长。
the U. S. might eventually prefer to see APEC become a mechanism to bind Pacific Rim nations into a NAFTA-style trade family. 但美国最后是希望亚太经合组织成为一个将太平洋边缘国家团结在一起的机制,有如北美自由贸易区一般的大家庭。
Control supports a three-tier architecture by providing a way for you to bind data controls on the page to a middle-tier business object. 控件通过提供一种将相关页上的数据控件绑定到中间层业务对象的方法,为三层结构提供支持。
And given the current real estate mess, an employer might be willing to put some of that cash toward helping a homeowner out of a bind. 鉴于当前房地产一团糟,雇主可能会愿意出一部分资金来帮助房主摆脱困境。
I would have never let the city get into such a bind if I was governor ! Perhaps a few palms need to be greased to gain favor then? 如果我是统治者,我就永远不会让城市陷于这样的境地!那些本不该获得上天垂青的人用了那么多卑鄙的手段来达到它这显赫的地位。
How much will it cost to print and bind a 100-page document? 请问列印与装订一份一百页的文件要多少钱?
It seems to me bind me with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break . 它仿佛是一种坚实的锁链将我牢牢地缚住,只有那全能的主才能将它摧毁。
A man may fall for a girl on the bind date and swear that she is the only one of his dream. 一个男人可能是在初次见面的时候爱上一个女孩儿,并且发誓说她是他梦中的唯一。
How much sense does it make to impose restrictions that will bind into the future? 设定对将来形成约束的限制条件,有多大意义?
Each of the professions will have at least a few items that are Bind on Acquire or that require the profession to use. 每种专业将至少有少数物品是获得即绑定的,或者是需要相应专业才能使用的。
My sister and I, you will recollect, were twins, and you know how subtle are the links which bind two souls which are so closely allied. 你会记得我们姐儿俩是孪生姐妹,你知道,联接这样两个血肉相连的心的纽带是有多么微妙。
A classic illustration of the extended will at work is Ulysses' decision to have his men bind him to the mast of his ship. 它的一个经典案例是,尤利西斯决定让他的手下将其绑在船桅上。
Every justice writes his own opinion in a case, and till recently the tribunal's decisions did not bind lower courts. 每一位法官都写下自己对此案件的意见,直到法院的判决没有限制下级法院。
Bind Package Copy: DB2 command used to create a copy of your package that gets bound to a different collection ID. BindPackageCopy:这个DB2命令用来为包创建一个绑定到不同集合ID的副本。
If any man make a vow to the Lord, or bind himself by an oath: he shall not make his word void but shall fulfill all that he promised. 若人向上主许愿,或发誓戒绝什麽,他不可食言,应全照口中所许的去做。
Chile was positively opposed to any treaty that would bind her hand in her old border dispute with Peru. 智利则积极反对在它与秘鲁年深月久的边界纠纷中束缚它们手脚的任何条约。
He said that he was bound for ever by his word, but he did not want to bind Natasha and would leave her perfect freedom. 他说他永远要用诺言来约束自己,但是他不愿意束缚娜塔莎,给予她以充分自由。
However, getting one carbon atom to bind to another is often not an easy task. 然而让碳原子一个一个结合通常不是件容易的事。
Bind me as you please, but you surely might lay me out on a table like that other man. 随便你们怎样捆绑,可是至少得让我躺在桌上,象那一个一样。