
美 [step]英 [step]
  • n.步;步骤;台阶;步伐
  • v.踩;踏;行走;迈步
  • 网络脚步;步长;踏板

过去式:stepped 第三人称单数:steps 现在分词:stepping

take step,make step
final step,positive step,critical step,initial step,false step
backward step,forward step


n. v.


1.[c]迈步;脚步声the act of lifting your foot and putting it down in order to walk or move somewhere; the sound this makes

步履way of walking

2.[c][ususing]步伐;步态the way that sb walks


3.[c]一步(的距离)the distance that you cover when you take a step

系列;过程in series/process

4.[c]步骤;措施one of a series of things that you do in order to achieve sth

5.[c]步;阶段one of a series of things that sb does or that happen, which forms part of a process


6.[c]台阶;梯级a surface that you put your foot on in order to walk to a higher or lower level, especially one of a series


8.[u]踏板操a type of exercise that you do by stepping on and off a raised piece of equipment


9.[pl]折梯;梯子a stepladder


break step

走乱步伐to change the way you are walking so that you do not walk in the same rhythm as the people you are walking or marching with

fall into step (beside/with sb)

(和某人)合上步伐,步调一致起来to change the way you are walking so that you start walking in the same rhythm as the person you are walking with

in/out of step (with sb/sth)

(和某人)步伐一致(或不一致);(和音乐)合拍(或不合拍)putting your feet on the ground in the right/wrong way, according to the rhythm of the music or the people you are moving with

mind/watch your step

走路小心to walk carefully

one step forward, two steps back

进一步,退两步used to say that every time you make progress, sth bad happens that means that the situation is worse than before

a/one step ahead (of sb/sth)

避开(某人或某事物);领先(某人或某事物)一步when you areone step ahead of sb/sth, you manage to avoid them or to achieve sth more quickly than they do

a/one step at a time

一步一步;逐步;按部就班when you do sthone step at a time you do it slowly and gradually


九年级英语单词表 ... purpose 目的;意图 step 步;脚步;步骤 look forward 盼望;期待 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... purpose 目的;意图 step 步;脚步;步骤 look forward 盼望;期待 ...


VBA语法基础(转) ... [Case 条件表达式2] [step 步长] [While 条件] ...


生活大爆炸第一季第一集剧本(中英文) - 豆丁网 ... single: 单一的 step台阶 millimeter: 毫米 ...


介绍健身房的英文_百度知道 ... 〔aerobics 有氧操〕 〔step 踏板〕 〔boxing 拳击〕 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... STD stereo delay 立体声延时 Step 步骤,级,档,阶梯,步进 Step back 后退 ...

专业音频术语中英文对照 ... STD stereo delay 立体声延时 Step 步骤,,档,阶梯,步进 Step back 后退 ...

It was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, and a lot of people wanted a piece of it. 这是对人类的一小步,人类一大步之一,而很多人希望它的一个部分。
Thus, the ability for choosing a larger integration step-size is often demanded, so as to guarantee enough time for computation. 因此,一般希望能选择较大的积分步长,以保证能有足够的计算时间。
OK, that's probably an unlikely development for most of us but a decision by the Spanish fashion world has brought it a step closer. 对于我们大多数人来说,这也许是不太可能的事情,但西班牙时装界做出的决定却把我们跟模特的距离拉近了一步。
After a team defines goals for a current iteration, the first step is often to analyze their requirements and document them in use cases. 当一个团队为当前的迭代确定目标之后,第一个步骤常常是分析它们的需求,并将它们编制在用例文档中。
Step 8: Watch out for signs of depression, like letting your personal hygiene slip or zoning out in front of the TV all day. 第八步:注意抑郁症的迹象,像个人卫生的下滑或者是整天都在电视机前等等。
A burst of step voice broke silent, immediately appear two personal shadows, every a year after of a group of customers? 一阵脚步声打破了寂静,随即出现两个人影,时隔一年之后的第一批顾客?
When he was twelve, his mother married another man. His step-father treated me strictly and often beat him when his mother was away. 岁时,母亲改嫁,继父对他十分严厉,常在母亲外出时痛打他。
He said Molycorp, which also distributes, has so far had no trouble importing from China but intends to step up its monitoring of the trade. 他说,目前为止也参与分销的Molycorp从中国的进口没有问题,不过公司计划加强对贸易的监控。
If a friend snaps at you or is unfriendly, step back, and with a sense of compassion, try to experience life from his perspective. 如果一个朋友冒犯了你,或不太友好,退后一步,怀着同情心,试着从他的角度体验生活。
You could even take it a step further and produce podcasts (basically audio blog posts) or video blog posts. 甚至可以更进一步,发布播客(实际上就是音频博客帖子)和视频博客帖子。
To be able to keep you motivation at a high level all the time you need to be able to see every (foreseeable) step on the way. 为了能够让自己处于一直高度的自我激励状态,你需要预见前进道路每一步(可预见性)。
Mr. Obama said the step was 'an important signal about Russia's seriousness about achieving membership in the World Trade Organization. ' 奥巴马说这是一个重要信号,表明俄罗斯对加入WTO持认真态度。
As the last step, I must account for the fact that I'm keeping the factors in a List instead of a Set. 最后一步,有个情况我必需考虑,因子保存在List中,而不是Set中。
The next step is to map what other areas of the brain light up in response to clitoral and vaginal stimulation. 下一步的工作是绘制出刺激阴蒂和阴道相应是大脑兴奋的其他的区域。
One other step that should also be performed here is checking the name on the certificate against the host name used to connect to it. 此处还要执行的另外一个步骤是根据连接所使用的主机名对证书的名字进行检查。
For very complex maneuvers, the robots instead plan out a series of sub-shapes rather than trying to make a major change in one step. 由于运动控制非常复杂,机器人往往不是先计算出一系列分步动作,而是先尝试先完成一个主要的改变。
For now, say senior European officials, this is just a precautionary step, to be ready to act quickly should it be needed. 到现在,欧洲高级政府官员说,这仅仅是预防性的一步,为迅速行动做好准备,这些是有必要的。
I knew it was stupid and I wouldn't get out of the sun with one step. 我知道这是愚蠢的,我走一步并逃不过太阳。
We have assembled over 550 easy-to-understand lessons that will teach you, step-by-step, EVERYTHING you need! 我们有超过550易于理解的经验教训,将教你,一步一步的组装,所有你需要的!
Making the decision to do something about it right now is often times the hardest step in achieving your goals and going after your dreams. 在追逐梦想达成目标的过程中,最艰难的就是下定决心立刻采取行动的那一步。
This kind of project requires a process. Let's take it a step at a time. 这种事需要一个过程,让我们慢慢来吧。
He began to think it was to be, and that he could not prevent it - a very promising step of the mind on its way to resignation. 他觉得势在必行,他也阻挡不了——这是他思想上朝认可的方向迈出的可喜的一步。
Though I was a bit underdressed in a pair of khaki pants and a damp leather jacket I decided to step in and say hello to her. 虽然我当时穿着有些寒酸——黄褐色的裤子和潮湿的皮夹克,但我还是决定要走进去和她打个招呼。
For a week he hasn't let Rosy step outside the door with me. 他都有一个星期不让罗西跟我出门了。
This step may require several iterations before you're ready to move to the next step. 在准备好进入下一个步骤之前,这个步骤可能会需要几次反复。
Japan and South Korea were "in lock step" , he said after meeting Roh Moo-hyun, South Korea's president, for a summit meeting in Seoul. 在首尔与韩国总统卢武铉(RohMoo-hyun)举行峰会后,安倍晋三表示,日本和韩国“步调一致”。
The pounds were falling off so fast that I actually got excited to step on the scale each morning to see how much more I'd lost. 体重减少的是如此地快,每天早上站在称上看到我自己减了多少,真是太让人兴奋了。
From the moment they step into the company from BMW, is imbued with a sense of belonging, a sense of mission and historical responsibility. 从他们踏进宝马公司那一刻起,被灌输了一种归属感、使命感和历史责任感。
Owen, who picked up his injury playing for England at the 2006 World Cup, said he was ready to step up his rehabilitation. 欧文是在去年为英格兰参加世界杯时受伤的,现在他正在逐步恢复。
it summed up the main research results and looked forward to the research on the next step. 第七部分概括论文的主要结论,分析论文存在的不足,提出后续研究建议。