
美 [wʊlf]英 [wʊlf]
  • n.
  • v.大口地快吃;狼吞虎咽
  • 网络沃尔夫;狼牌;狼人

复数:wolves 第三人称单数:wolfs 现在分词:wolfing 过去式:wolfed

wolf cry


n. v.

1.狼a large wild animal of the dog family, that lives and hunts in groups


keep the wolf from the door

勉强度日;糊口to have enough money to avoid going hungry; to stop sb feeling hungry

throw sb to the wolves

弃…于险境而不顾;见死不救to leave sb to be roughly treated or criticized without trying to help or defend them

a wolf in sheeps clothing

披着羊皮的狼a person who seems to be friendly or harmless but is really an enemy

高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... jungle n 热带丛林 wolf n △ hippo n 河马 △ ...


沃尔夫wolf)是德国出生的化学家、慈善家和外交家。的一次世界大战前移民到古巴,用近20年的时间成功地发明可一种熔炼 …


德国狼牌WOLF)是全球最大高品质医用内窥镜制造商之一。2013-4-1 17:51:57 狼牌膀胱镜配置清单(不含主机)- 参考 201…


克里斯托弗·普卢默_百度百科 ... 《热泪伤痕》( Dolores Claiborne) 《狼人》( Wolf) 《征婚广告》( Must Love Dogs) ...


要塞:十字军东征_百度百科 ... 3、Pig 肥猪 4、wolf 野狼 5、saladin 萨拉丁 ...


试听狼与美女(wolf) (韩文版) 收藏狼与美女(wolf) (韩文版) 我最亲爱的 李代沫 试听我最亲爱的 收藏我最亲爱的 记事本 周传雄 试...


沃夫Wolf)认为,非营利组织具有5个特征:一是有服务大众的宗旨;二是有不以营利为目的的组织结构;三是有一个不致令 …


美国电影英汉对照表 ... ) Wizard Of Oz,The( 绿野仙踪) ) Wolf( 妖之恋) ) World Is Not Enough,The( 纵横世界,又名:黑日 …

He was on his way home when coming across a group of hunters who were just lost the wolf they had followed. 他在某天晚上回家时遇见了一群猎手,他们刚刚跟丢了一头狼。
Then the wolf went in, and ate up poor Grandmother. Then he took Grandmother's clothes and put them on, and he got into Grandmother's bed. 于是,狼进了屋,把可怜的外婆吃掉了,然后它脱下外婆的衣服给自己穿上,上了床,钻进外婆的被里。
The team has no confirmed images of the African wolf, but suspect this 2004 image of an unknown species in Eritrea might be one. 研究小组没有证实非洲狼的图片,但是怀疑一张2004年在厄立特里亚拍下照片中的未知物种就是非洲狼。
It seems to have eluded Wolf that ancient Chinese women might have aspired to something better than life as a concubine. Wolf似乎在回避这样一个话题,中国古代妇女也许不想当妾,而是要追求更好的生活。
Re strong, smart, but a lone wolf. Your antisocial ways may be pretty cool on some levels, but you need to open up a bit. 你是一个坚强,聪明,但是孤独的狼。你的不擅社交也许很酷,但是你需要多开放自己的心扉一些。
Some at the center say the howl ringtone might be one of the only recordings of the Mexican gray wolf in the wild. 一些中心人员说狼嚎手机铃声可能是唯一由野生墨西哥大灰狼发出的叫声的录音之一。
It was the wolf manner of fighting, to strike and leap away; but there was more to it than this. 这是典型的狼的进攻方式:攻击然后迅速跳开,但是要比这次凶残的多。
When it was getting dark a wolf was walking along the road. Then he was startled to see his huge shadow under his feet. 当天快黑的时候,一只狼正在路上走着。突然他惊奇的在脚下发现了自己巨大的身躯。
Known as a Wolf-Rayet star, the central star is an extremely hot giant thought to be in a brief, pre-supernova stage of evolution. 被称为沃尔夫-拉叶型星,中央恒星是一颗极热的巨星,被认为处于短暂的前超新星阶段。
She saw Ned Stark, and beside him little Sansa with her auburn hair and a shaggy grey dog that might have been her wolf. 她看到了奈德·史塔克,他旁边是红发的小珊莎和一条长毛灰狗,那很可能是她的狼。
A few days later, he began to actually look forward to the wolf's presence. 几天后,他开始其实是期待着狼的存在。
The wolf felt strange and asked , "What's the matter with your foot? " 此时狼感到很奇怪,就问驴子:“你的脚怎么了?”
Also known as the devil bear or woods devil, the wolverine is not related to the wolf, as its name seems to suggest. 狼獾同样被认为是魔鬼熊或森林魔鬼,但是他们并不是“狼如其名”,他们与狼一点关系也没有。
Then he put his head into the wolf's mouth with its sharp teeth, and pulled out the bone. 于是他把头伸进长着利齿的狼嘴里,并拔出了骨头。
How much do wolf pups weigh? 狼崽的重量是多少?
At last the crane agreed to try. he told the wolf to open his mouth, and then put its the long leck down the wolf's throat' 最后,鹤同意去尝试,他告诉猎狼张开嘴巴,然后把它的长脖子伸进猎狼的喉咙。
The lead wolf raised his head into the air and took a deep breath, as if he was smelling my presence. 狼的领导提出他的头到空气和深吸了一口气,仿佛他是我的气味存在。
The first story is about an unexpected encounter with a mother wolf that had been hurt by a trap and the writer's attempt to rescue her. 在第一个故事里,作者意外遇到了一只被捕兽夹弄伤的母狼,并且试图去帮助这只母狼。
Again, the deathless grief that never slept leaped out of the shadows like a wolf, and fastened upon his shoulders. 那份从不平息的、绵绵不绝的哀愁,象一只狼似的,又从黑暗里猛跳起来,扑上他的肩头。
"No, " said the wolf, "let me go with you this time. You can help me if I can't run away fast enough. " 狼说:『不,这次让我跟你一起去。如果我逃得不够快,你可以帮助我。』
"I really like the feel of this city, from what I've seen so far, " he said, before heading out to Wolf. “到目前为止看到的一切,让我真的很喜欢这座城市,”莱金说,他就要到“狼”酒吧去。
Do you think you are like sheep sheep. Besides I have such a lovely wolf? " If I were a wolf, would you eat, it is. " “有吗?你以为你是喜羊羊啊。再说了有我这么可爱的狼吗?”如果我是狼,早把你吃了,真是。
Grandfather shook his head discontentedly. 'Well, ' he said, 'and if Peter hadn't caught the wolf, what then'? 爷爷不满地摇着头说:“幸亏抓到了那只狼,如果彼得失手的话,会怎样?”
The local people thought it must be a ruffian wolf which had great power and was foxy enough to escape the hunting. 老百姓传言是一头残暴的狼,说它拥有强大的力量,狡猾至极,足以逃脱猎人的追捕。
The manager was a nervous anxious little man, always ready to cry wolf if the shop takings went down a pound or two. 经理是个身材矮小、神经过敏、焦虑不安的人。只要商店营业收入下降一两镑,他就要大喊大叫。
"We were really surprised to see that it was wolf DNA, and first off we assumed we had something wrong, " Dr. Stenseth said. “当我们发现这是狼的DNA时,真的是非常的惊讶,一开始我们甚至觉得可能是弄错了样本”,斯滕塞斯博士说。
It's time to vamp it up or wolf it out in the comments. . . whatever you prefer. 好了,无论你怎么选择,在评论上写下变成吸血鬼或狼人的时间到了
Yechen had appeared to me in Beijing as a lone wolf, with no connections to anything or anyone beyond his mother, who he often referred to. 在北京的时候,叶晨就我看来像是一匹孤寂的狼,除经常挂在嘴边的母亲外,跟任何事、任何人都没有关联。
With this speech he began a second fit of yawning and again howled like a wolf, as he had at first. 然后他像第一次那样又打了一次哈欠,嚎叫了一声。
Die, Ai Zai, see him flee ignominiously, be defeated and flee of appearance, certain have already affirmed me to be a sex wolf. 呜呼,哀哉,看他抱头鼠窜,落荒而逃的样子,一定已经认定我是女色狼了。