be equal to

  • na.等于;胜任;赶得上;忍耐得住
  • 网络与……相等;相当;能胜任

be equal tobe equal to

be equal to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... enter upon 开始,着手 be equal to 等于,相当于 equip with 装备,配备 ...


介词后+动名词结构一览 ... lead to 着手做 be equal to 胜任 devote oneself to 献身于 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... be engaged to 与……订婚 be equal to 与……相等 be famous as 作为……而出名 ...


字典中 若 字的解释 ... (7) 引申为选择[ choose] (8) 同,相当[ be equal to] (9) 及;到[ arrive] ...


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... be devoted to 献身,专心于 be equal to 等于,能胜任 be familiar to 为(某人)所熟 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... enter upon 开始,着手 be equal to 等于,相当于 equip with 装备,配备 ...


介词后+动名词结构一览 ... be senior to 年龄长于…… be equal to 和……相等 be subject to 服从;隶属;易遭\受\患 ...

Accuracy of lumber strength estimation by X-ray method is reported to be equal to that of MSR. 准确估算木材强度X射线法申报为平等的,海洋科学研究。
Why to say to be equal to limit cost in limit accrual is profit of the company on this the biggest? 为什么说在边际收益等于边际成本这一点上企业利润是最大的?
Then, by simplifying the alphabet of the grammar, we make the design of DNA encoding be equal to that of the binary grammar. 进而通过化简文法的字母表,将DNA编码文法的设计问题转化为二进制文法的设计问题;
The baud rate might not be equal to the bit rate, as a symbol might have more than two states. 波特率与比特率可能并不相同,因为一个符号可能包含两个以上的状态。
If one worker is added, the system becomes operational. Then the marginal products of the worker will be equal to the total products. 如果增加一名工人生产系统就可运行,则这名工人的边际产品等于总产品。
She looked away, pleased that he should speak thus, longing to be equal to this feeling written upon her countenance. 她扭头望向别处,很高兴他能这么说,真希望不要辜负了她脸上天生的这种表情。
If you want the argument to remain unchanged, you enter a rule that the cell that contains it should be equal to its current entry. 如果想要参数保持不变,那么输入一条规则使包含该规则的单元格等于当前值。
If the field value does not exist, it cannot be equal to any value. 如果字段值不存在,则它不能等于任何值。
I'll miss the dedicated player who made a champion out of himself by deciding that his work should be equal to his talent. 我怀念这位专注的运动员,他本身就是一位冠军,他的勤奋和天赋一样的重要。
The code word of the optimal RLC should be equal to the actual length of run length that is corresponding to the total bits of binary code. 最为理想的游程编码的字长应当等于游程的实际长度对应的二进制数的比特总数。
Your responsibility is to look after me, if you ignore me now, be equal to and did not open the door at the beginning. 你的责任就是照顾我,如果你现在不管我,就等于当初没有开门。
Most building codes require that glass areas be equal to at least 10% of the floor area of each room. 多数建筑规范要求玻璃窗面积至少等于每单个房间地板面积的10%。
Any man will be equal to the task , so long as he is careful. You should give it a try. 每个人的机会都是相同的,他这么长时间如此仔细,你应该尝试一下。
The set_type rule sets the $last_type variable to be equal to its parameter. set_type规则将$last_type变量设置成与其参数相等。
At this point, the output of the low selector block will be equal to the output of the peak-load controller. 此时,低选择器块的输出将等于峰值负荷控制器的输出。
The constructor will set the credit limit instance variable to be equal to that specified as a parameter. 构造器会把该实例变量(即信用限制)设为一个参数。
Voltage generated by the motor at the instant of reclose may be equal to the supply voltage but exactly out of phase. 再合闸瞬间电机产生的电压可与电源电压相等但正好失相。
Less-than and greater-than imply strictness , meaning that the two sets being compared cannot be equal to each other. “小于”和“大于”意味着两个集合在比较时不能相等。
The texture of these troops would, by the late spring, be equal to those they will have to meet to stand beside. 这些部队的质量,到了明年春季晚期,就可以同与它们正面对垒或并肩作战的部队实力相等。
Accounts Receivable in the subsidiary ledger at the end of mouth must be equal to the balance of Accounts Receivable control account . 应收帐款在子分类帐在嘴的末端一定是相等的与帐户余额应收的统制帐目。
Consider a text field for zip code where the length of the value must be equal to 5 characters. 假定一个文本域用于值长度必须是5个字符的美式邮政编码。
As with the older VG types, the size is specified in units of megabytes and the size variable must be equal to a power of 2. 与旧的VG类型一样,其大小使用兆字节为单位,并且大小变量必须等于2的整数幂。
and demand that this be equal to the desired x value and find the time. 令这个式子等于给定的x并求出时间
At the same time, the child should also be equal to their parents, respect for parents' ideas, accept modestly parents suggested. 同时,孩子也应该平等地对待自己的父母,尊重父母的想法,虚心接受父母的建议。
Although people had beenbeenused to to this, acquiescent, but do not be equal to this reasonable, should. 虽然人们对此已经习惯了,默认了,但并不等于这就合理了,应该了。
Note, this integer has 21 digits, the 21th power of each of its digit must be equal to the number itself. 注意:这个整数有21位,它的各个位数字的21次方之和正好等于这个数本身。
Note: To ensure maximum security this number must be equal to or greater than the number of passwords required for the tasks that follow . 注意:为确保最高安全性,此数目必须等于或大于下列任务所需的密码数目。
Where the retained property can be divided, the value of the part retained shall be equal to the sum of the debt. 第八十五条留置的财产为可分物的,留置物的价值应当相当于债务的金额。
The combining power of one element in the compound must be equal to the combining power of the other element. 化合物中一种元素的化合价必须等于另一元素的化合价。
Button button is to close fine house door, wear a beautiful hat, be equal to the housetop oneself to be decorated anew. 扣好扣子是关好屋门,戴上一顶漂亮的帽子,等于将自己的屋顶修饰一新。